Need your opinions about our ped...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Eyler07, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    K, i'm taking the boys to the same Dr. office that my mom took me to (this is the one that found my cancer) and the same one my whole family has ever taken their chidlren to and we have had no problems with them...until now. My cousins son has epilepsy (just diagnosed with it) and he wasnt feeling well the other day and she took him to the ped. (same one the boys see) and whie he was there, he had a seizure - only this one lasted about 8 minutes which is alot longer than his have in the past. The doctor took him in and layed him on the table/bed thing on his back (if you know anything about seizures, your supposed to lay them on their sides incase of vomiting...i even knew that...) Anyways, after about three minutes, the doctor said to my aunt (who was with my cousin) "I think he's coming out of it now, he should be okay.." my aunt said "no, he's just making a different sound..he's not out of it yet" so a few minutes later, the doctor said "do you think we should call an ambulance/911?" (Okay, my opinion here - he's the doctor, why is he even asking this? shouldnt he know what to do in this case? and shouldnt he know when he needs to call 911?) Anyways, my aunt said "yeah i think's been longer than his nomral ones and it's not good to have them this long..." So, he ended up having this seizure that lasted 8 minutes and the doctor didnt give him motrin or tylenol or anything (his fever was 104). The paramedics got there and were outraged with the doctor for not calling sooner or giving tylenol or motrin.'s the thing, i take the boys to the same dr. I switched to him in the beggining b/c he had seen them while we were in the hospital and the doctor that I was taking them too didnt seem to think taht their reflux was a big deal and i knew that something was wrong there. So...on down the road now, new doctor and all, it's like he doestn even know anything that's going on with the boys he'll ask about their eyes and how the appointment went but he gets the charts and papers from their eye surgery in the mail so why does he have to ask me about it....he should know and say "I saw that their surgieries went well, how have they been doing since?" or something along those lines to show that he is looking after or into our files.... Does that make sense to anyone else or am i just having a case of the crazy pg raging hormones? I want to switch Dr/s b/c i feel like he's not even caring about these boys, it' sjust like "yep, look good, thanks..." and leaves. I went to another one tat the same place when he was off and he talked to the boys and had them laughing and all and this one doesnt even do that....I guess he doesnt even have a good bedside manner like others i have seen does. What would you do and how woul dyou all switch Dr.'s . what would you say?

    Thanks in advance...
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I go to a small practice, just my ped and a nurse practitioner. They always know whe we are when we come in, and the ped always asks about my mom--she came with me to all the WBV until they were 2 or so. So, my answer would be yes, switch if you are uncomfortable. I also love that I can call, say I have a sick kid, and they give me an appointment--sometimes, they don't even ask what is wrong!
  3. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sharongl @ Jun 30 2007, 12:26 PM) [snapback]312781[/snapback]
    I go to a small practice, just my ped and a nurse practitioner. They always know whe we are when we come in, and the ped always asks about my mom--she came with me to all the WBV until they were 2 or so. So, my answer would be yes, switch if you are uncomfortable. I also love that I can call, say I have a sick kid, and they give me an appointment--sometimes, they don't even ask what is wrong!

    That's the same way that this place is though there are aobut 8 Dr.'s. The doctor that saw me retired years ago so cant go see him....but he had a very good beside manner and would sit and talk with me...not mom but me..and ask me how i was feeling. Anyways, icall and say my twins are sick and they know who i am and if i need a preop visit then they're good about's not the office or the nurses - it's that one doctor...
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    If you like the office but not this one doc, just make your appts with a different doc. The office we had before we moved had 5 docs. There was one that I wasn't very fond of. I just didn't schedule with him. If they say you have to see him for some reason, just say you are uncomfortable with some things you've seen in the past and would prefer someone else.
  5. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ktfan @ Jun 30 2007, 07:05 AM) [snapback]312839[/snapback]
    If you like the office but not this one doc, just make your appts with a different doc. The office we had before we moved had 5 docs. There was one that I wasn't very fond of. I just didn't schedule with him. If they say you have to see him for some reason, just say you are uncomfortable with some things you've seen in the past and would prefer someone else.

    I agree. If you have the choice of Drs there - use one that you are comfortable with. We have been with my GP for years (her hubby delivered me!) and recently I have been taking the kids to a drop in ped clinic for issues that I haven't been confident with her diagnosis. Drs are just like everyone else they are knowledgeable in the areas that they keep up with. For my health I'm happy to stay with my GP but for the kids I've been thinking of switching too. Mother's intuition is a valuable tool - don't ignore it.
  6. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys, i think i'll be switching on Monday but i'm not sure how to go about telling the people there that I want to i have to tell them that I dont like the doctor or tha ti would just like to change doctors...
  7. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    I would call them and tell them that you would like to switch doctors. I am a firm believer that you and your kids have to be comfotable with their doctor. It took me three tries to find Kelly a Pediatric Opthalmologist that we were both comfortable with and confident in. You're a paying customer and should be satisfied with the service that you receive.

    I would also make sure that when you make appointments in the future that you ask which doctor your appointment is with. They might be so used to you seeing one doctor that they'll make future appointments with him.
  8. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Eyler07 @ Jun 30 2007, 08:29 AM) [snapback]312785[/snapback]
    That's the same way that this place is though there are aobut 8 Dr.'s. The doctor that saw me retired years ago so cant go see him....but he had a very good beside manner and would sit and talk with me...not mom but me..and ask me how i was feeling. Anyways, icall and say my twins are sick and they know who i am and if i need a preop visit then they're good about's not the office or the nurses - it's that one doctor...

    AManda- PM me with who you go to. I have an odd suspicion who you see. Seriously. We have switched a couple times and since I am in your area- I have a bad bad feeling about this. PM me!
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