Need websites to reference

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BaaRamEwe, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    My DH thinks that he is going to start potty training the girls. He claims he was potty trained byt the time he was 2, I think he's dreaming. I have heard many stories that even if we were sucessful, they would revert back to diapers once the baby comes home. I think he thinks I am just being lazy. Could you guys help me find things online that prove that it is just too early.

  2. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member


  3. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I hate to say this, but if they are showing signs, then maybe it isn't too early. Heather (HRE) is in the process of training her boys as we speak. Maybe there isn't anything to reference??
  4. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Maggie was day time potty trained before the twins came, and was night time potty trained soon after. They don't always revert - you just need to be prepared in case they do. If they are showing signs that they are ready, it might not be bad to have them potty trained before the baby comes. Good luck either way!
  5. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    But what are the signs? I guess I just don't know what to look for.

    ETA: It would be great if they were ready, I just think that DH is so worried that they aren't doing things by the same age he did. He was distraught when then didn't walk by 9 months like he did.
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I think you're DH needs to stop comparing his children to himself - just because they didn't walk at 9 mos or potty train by 2 means there is anything wrong with them!

    That being said mine are 20.5 months and we've bought potties, ask them if they have to pee pee and sit them on the potty with no diaper and other than 3 drips from Abby last night nothing doing - but they now sit on the potty fully clothed and proclaim "PEE PEE" and by the time I get their diaper off its too late - so I don't know if they're being funny or really telling me they have to go - I'm contemplating pull ups or cloth trainers in order to get them off faster...
  7. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Some of the signs are telling you when they have to go, needing changed right after a BM, wanting to watch you in the bathroom, one of mine will grab her diaper when she has a BM which is her way of telling me she need changed since she doesn't like that feeling anymore. Things like that - I looked for a link to some others, but didn't see anything. I'll be back if I find one...

    And I agree with Amy about your DH should stop comparing.
  8. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Yes, comparing the girls to him isn't fair. I will just tell you what I do to potty train, so you have one person's view if you decide to try. All my kids (so far) have been trained before age 2.

    I start with them being pantsless. I give them lots to drink (in this case-juice because it's a special treat and they love it so they drink and drink and drink). Then, talk about potty going in the potty chair. When the first one starts to potty just grab her and set her on the chair and praise her (whether it went in the chair or not) and say "yeah, potty. Good girl sitting on the chair". That's when I do some sort of reward. For Alex the reward is flushing (he loves to flush), Nick doesn't want a reward. Will always got an m&m. Claire got a sticker to put on the back of her little potty chair, Izzy got ?(bad mom, I don't remember). Then occassionally ask them if they want to sit on the potty. Usually, if they are ready to potty train, by the second or third time they start to potty on the floor, when I said "stop", they would and then we run to the potty quick. That's a sign they are ready. Or, if they have to go lots and lots and can't stop it (but went LOTS), that's another sign, because they've held it enough to have to let alot out. If they just go a little several times, that's a sign (to me) that they aren't ready yet, and then just wait and try in another month.

    The problem about this way is that you do get potty on the floor. I try to keep my kids in the kitchen or the playroom (neither have carpet). I spent one day with the boys and they did awesome (only 1 accident all day). Then I did what I never want to do, I didn't continue the next day. I have a really busy two weeks here, so I will do it again when I get through this business when I have a few days to just stay home and get through it!

    Good luck to you with this. It's an adventure and takes a lot of mom work and patience. But, it is sooo worth it.
  9. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I really don't think they are ready. They never complain when they have a dirty diaper. If I ask them if they pooped, they always give me a crazy look. Anyway, I just don't think any of the signs are there, I really think DH is just comparing which drives me nuts. I think I will wait until after this baby comes before I try anything. I just don't think I am in any sort of condition to be chasing 2 naked babies around.

    I really appreciate everyone's input. DH seems to have dropped it for now.
  10. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

  11. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    If your Dh thinks that they can be potty trained, I would let him try. I don't think its that early to try.

  12. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    One of the reason many current parents were trained earlier is that there simply weren't disposabe diapers available until the late 1960's, and according to my mother, those weren't any better than cloth anyway. It wasn't until the mid 1970's or so that they even became commonly used. Because of this--and even with cloth diapers, the cute covers that they have now didn't exist either, so it just made sense to train early.

    My SIL did push her kids to train early, and one of her daughter ended up with major constipation issues that still bothered her until she was 10. Her ped said it was a common reaction for kids who potty train early.

    I would also let your DH read the thread at the top of this forum about potty training. I think I can safely say that most people who started early had prolonged times of frustration, whereas those that waited until the kids were truely ready went through it much quicker and easier.
  13. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(AmynTony @ Jan 27 2008, 05:17 PM) [snapback]592328[/snapback]
    I think you're DH needs to stop comparing his children to himself -

    He needs to let go of that!!

    I know several kids that have successfully potty trained by 18 months with no reversion or problems BUT they are the exception as they were truely ready by such an early age. It should all go by each child's development and your kids may do it at different times too. The worst thing y ou can do is force them to do it when they are not ready. Talk about a mess and lots of extra work!!!!

    Good luck!
  14. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Here's the PubMed abstract for the Pediatrics referenced in the link above.

    The final conclusions are:

    CONCLUSIONS: Early initiation of intensive toilet training correlates with an earlier age at completion of toilet training but also a longer duration of toilet training. Although earlier toilet training is not associated with constipation, stool withholding, or stool toileting refusal, initiation of intensive training before 27 months does not correlate with earlier completion of toilet training, suggesting little benefit in beginning intensive training before 27 months of age in most children.

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