Need to get my guys out of their Swaddle blankets!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 2BMommyof2, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. 2BMommyof2

    2BMommyof2 Well-Known Member

    I've been trying to get my little guys out of the Swaddle blankets (mostly because I don't want them to get too attached to them, but I'm afraid that's already happened). One of the boys has been doing really well and we were able to use a sleeper blanket tonight, but the other does not handle naptime well anymore now that I'm not swaddling him. I still swaddle him at night because I'm too afraid that he'll scream all night long and none of us will get any sleep. At naptime, he'll cry forever and when he does finally fall asleep, the slightest twitch of his body and he's up screaming again (which is usually no more than 5 minutes).

    Did anyone have this problem and how long did it take to get your kiddos out of their swaddle blankets.

    Side note: I can't believe how many people have criticized me for letting my kiddos use their swaddle blankets for as long as I have. My MIL even insisted that they can have long term neurological damage because of it. URGH!
  2. Comette

    Comette Member

    My twins are 4 months old and we are still swaddleing them at night because they seem to sleep better and longer that way. Should they not be swaddled anymore? I never heard of it causing neurological damage??
  3. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    Just my opinion, but I would keep swaddling them they are still really young. I really don't think they will become attached I think u will find as they get a bit older they will start to move around more and get out of the swaddle naturally.

    Try not to listen to others, do wots best for ur babies, the security of the swaddling is helping them to sleep, why change that?

    Good luck
  4. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I'd just keep swaddling them. They won't get "addicted" to it. When they're ready, they'll outgrow it naturally. They love it, it's no skin off your back - why mess with a good thing? :)
  5. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Oct 6 2007, 05:59 AM) [snapback]438108[/snapback]
    I'd just keep swaddling them. They won't get "addicted" to it. When they're ready, they'll outgrow it naturally. They love it, it's no skin off your back - why mess with a good thing? :)

    I agree :good: ....keep up the good work Momma!!!


    PS. If MIL persists just tell her you have "consulted" with several professionals about this!!!
  6. skitles

    skitles Well-Known Member

    One of my daughters is very easily overstimulated and swaddling her is the only way to calm her at times. The pediatrician and the physical therapist both encouraged us to continue swadding. I don't see anything wrong with it, nor have I heard about the neurological damage (??)
  7. knorts

    knorts Well-Known Member

    Hi there...our twins are almost 5 months old and still being swaddled. They just love the security of it and every time we've tried to go without, the don't sleep well. I figure in time, they will let us know when they don't need or want it. I think it will happen when the start to roll over, sit up, etc. Once they become more active, it probably will take care of itself. I would just keep doing what is working for you. As in pp, I have NEVER heard of it causing neurological damage?!? That's bologna!
  8. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    Ours just came out of the swaddles a week or so ago (right about at 5 months) -- they were breaking out of them, waking up with just their lower half swaddled and arms out anyway, so we switched to the sleep sacks.

    Never heard of neurological damage either, and with all the stuff out there, you'd think one of us on this board would have heard it!

  9. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Don't feel bad, I still do at least a 1/2 swaddle (one arm out) for naps and my babies are 7 months old. You gotta do what you gotta do to get some sleep.

    Swaddling is an ancient practice and lots of cultures around the world use it within the first year of life. It doesn't cause any neurological damage - that's crazy. Maybe if you swaddled them during playtime or something, but for sleep? Please.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    We swaddled my daughter for about 4 months or longer. The only thing that stopped us was I got SO tired of her getting out of the swaddle and having to redo it in the middle of the night. So, for the next round (the twins) we said we'd probably swaddle until they get out of it. That's when it became a total pain. Otherwise, there was no real reason to stop. I think it's important for them to have "unswaddled" time during the day, but naps and night sleep went SO much better when they were swaddled. We were so scared to stop swaddling her but she adjusted after a couple days. The naps took a little longer to adjust to without the swaddle. I thought it would be the opposite. Oh, and she has no damage from all of our tight swaddles at all. I promise!

    Hope that helps,
  11. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    We are just barely moving past the swaddle. As long as they like it and it helps---I wouldn't mess with it. I tried to force mine out of the swaddles too, thinking it was "time"----and it was a disaster. They were so unhappy without it. I started swaddling again and the next month they started to bust out of it, and were ok with their arms out for awhile...and a few weeks after that they were happy in their sleep sacks. Let them lead the way---they'll let you know when they're done. Good luck!
  12. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    We swaddled our girls til they were almost six months and breaking out of them. It was a few weeks after they learned to roll, and they wanted to sleep on their tummies. There is NO reason to stop swaddling; as pp said, many cultures swaddle babies for much longer. It makes them feel safe and secure and at the age of yours they probbly still have very strong startle reflexes.

    This is a case of learning to politely IGNORE your MIL. I found that towards the end i was 'half swaddling ' them; leaving out one leg and arm. Now they are fine, although if i put them down and they're overtired (BAD Mama!), i often still do a sort of 'faux swaddle' - i just grab a blanket and wrap it around them while they are on t heir bellies and pat their tush til they quiet down.

    Trust your instincts, you cannot 'spoil' infants; yours are just barely beginning to be used ot the world and not mama's nice dark tummy with all the nice swooshing sounds.
  13. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    we swaddled out babies till they were able to get them selves unswaddled during the night. I would keep them wraped up till they learn to get out of it.

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