Need tips for sleep positions!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Rightjennifer, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Rightjennifer

    Rightjennifer New Member

    So I'm 25 weeks today with twins and am already finding that the ONLY position I can sleep in comfortably is practically sitting upright in bed!! Here is my set up...1).... Firm couch cushion against headboard2)... 2 soft latex foamy pillows propped up lengthwise on top of each other 3)..Maternity pillow wrapped around me gently in each side to support side weight of belly4).. Pillow under knees
    Yes, it's like a fort, but I find it's more comfy this way. Does anyone have any experience sleeping like this? Have you heard if its good or bad? Any other suggestions as i progress? Unfortunately I was just way too uncomfortable about 2 weeks ago sleeping on either side, and got unbelievably stiff when I had to get up for bathroom visits during the night, plus I felt like the weight of my belly dragged me down and was not comfy for the babies either. Please advise...thanks!
  2. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    The only relief I had was in a recliner, starting at about 18 wks. We went to a furniture outlet store and found a rocker recliner for like $100 and put it right next to the bed. This is where I slept til they were born. I did have to add a pillow under my knees toward the end, but it was the best solution. I was relatively comfortable, way better than in the bed. And the rocking motion helped lever me up and out of the chair those many times I had to go to the bathroom at the end. Good Luck.
  3. 3timesblessed

    3timesblessed Well-Known Member

    I totally agree, my saving grace was sleeping in a recliner. I was changing positions every hour to try to get comfortable in bed, but nothing seemed to help. I finally convinced my husband to buy a recliner instead of a glider for rocking the babies, and it ended up being the best thing we ever bought. I slept in it every night until I delivered, it was the only way to be comfortable.
  4. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Another recliner gal here! Once I hit about 28 weeks it was the ONLY place I could get comfortable!! I'd try sleeping in bed with DH with not luck, I'd end up in the recliner regardless. I had a c-section and again was in the recliner bc it was more comfortable to get up and not strain myself.

    You can find them pretty reasonably priced and having the recliner (its a rocking recliner) and the glider has been a God send bc there have been numerous times im rocking one of the twins and Marshall (my DH) needs to rock the other.
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was able to put a pillow between my legs (not just my knees, it had to go from above my knee to my ankles), and then one under my top arm (depending on which side I was laying on), and this helped me immensely. But I don't have a regular hard mattress, I have a sleep number bed and it's far easier on my back then a regular mattress. So that helped me out too!

    Do what you gotta do! :) Good luck and hang in there!
  6. bayoubaloo

    bayoubaloo Active Member

    Hmmm, I may have to try your approach. I'm only a week behind you and definitely not having good sleep at night. Acid reflux is a problem, and just generally uncomfortable aside from that. I am on one side with a small pillow below belly and between 1-3 pillows under my head, depending on how much height I need to feel OK acid wise.

    So not really any tips for you ... I'll take yours though! ;-)

  7. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    Recliner for me too , from about 16 weeks till the end! I had too much pain in my pelvic area to sleep any other way.
  8. Krystine

    Krystine Well-Known Member

    I have been in a recliner since 6 weeks but that is also because I had a really bad cold with congestion. Now that I'm past the cold, I am in a recliner to help with nausea. I am 10 weeks.
  9. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    THIS was the answer to all my prayers!!! I could barely turn over, but I was very comfortable, all things considered, with this pillow. It is HUGE, DH and I ended up naming him Frank and referring to him as my 'other husband' but at least I was able to sleep in my own bed!
  10. paperclippy

    paperclippy Well-Known Member

    I have been struggling with sleep positions the last week or two as well. I bought a Leachco body pillow (very similar to the one linked above), but I find that it's too firm under my neck, and I can't find a comfortable position for my arms. I'll put one arm under the pillow on the side I'm turned to, and then it will fall asleep in the middle of the night. Plus, I get up to pee often enough that I end up having to climb over the pillow to get in and out of bed which is difficult, and it's very difficult to roll over with that kind of pillow. On the other hand, it's really great for back and belly support. I've tried combinations of other pillows between my knees and under my belly, but it's like no matter what I try, some different body part ends up hurting. The body pillow makes my neck hurt, the solid pillow between my knees makes my hip hurt, the squishy pillow between my knees makes my knee hurt. I end up throwing whatever pillow I have in bed with me out around 4am regardless and just using a smaller support for my belly, but then I wake up with my back hurting.

    I'm wondering if buying a regular non-pregnancy body pillow might be the answer. Like one that is just a long straight pillow? That way I could use my regular pillow under my head, and it might be easier to roll over and get out of bed than with the huge Leachco pillow.
  11. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a bump pillow from Boppi, maybe, that was a wedge just for the belly
  12. Lrnomder

    Lrnomder Well-Known Member

    I am currently 26 weeks and I also sleep on a recloner :) It's the best solution I have found. I use one of my throw pollows and place it under my belly when I sleep towards the side for support. I can no longer sleep flat or even tilt back anymore. I also read that if you sleep more on your left side it will help promote better blood flow to the uterus and babies!
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