need tips for cutting down expenses on all that baby gear

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by slr814, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    Right now all the money we have for baby stuff is going towards remodeling what will be the nursery, (the room was completely unfinished, so remodeling wasn't really an option) and I am wondering how on earth we are going to get the money to get every thing we need before they come. Currently I have a changing table, and that's it. I am planning to cloth diaper to save money once they're here, but that's another initial expense. Now that you have your twins, if you had to compile a bare bones list of what's needed for twinfants, what would be on it. And what would you get second hand, and what has to be new? Thanks in advance.
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'd get new car seats and cribs... It's the most important things you don't want to run the risk of having damaged... You can get decent cheap cribs at walmart (although I hate that place) or even Babies'r Us.

    For the rest, I'd check freecycle, consignment stores, craigslist and ebay. I got 90% of my babies toys and clothes off ebay - just include shipping in your cost, but even then, there are ton of lots especially for 0-6 months clothes for dirt cheap, probably 1/10th of what you would pay new. I just get a lot or two for each season, usually not paying more than $2 per item.

    Absolutely check in your area for club of mother of multiples... Most will have sales in October and Spring, where moms can sell stuff their babies have outgrown - my club's sale is in one month and I'm definitely going. Plus you'll meet other moms.

    For my list...

    If you can't find used stuff and have to pay full price, I'd only get footed sleepers or gown for the first few months, as you'll get them in winter. Especially the zipper kinds for sleepers. Then only onesies with a couple pants for the next summer - believe me, it's really all you'll need, mine have been in onesies 99% of the time since June. I'd get 6-8 for each baby, depending on how often you do laundry.

    A couple warm blankets to put on top of the car seats.

    I'd get a best baby swing and a bouncer. They were both lifesavers at one point or another. You might need one more of each, but not all babies like them, and not always at the same time, so I'd wait before getting another.

    LARGE receiving blankets and/or swaddling blankets. 90% of the receiving blankets you find in stores are useless as they outgrow them in one month.

    Waterproof pads - I change them on those all the time, and used them for sponge baths at first, I got about 8.

    Pacifiers - I'd get a few.

    Baby tub - I loved the fisher price tub the first few months, then switched to something bigger - you can probably find that easily second-hand.

    I'd skip pack'n plays etc if you're short on money... you'll need cribs eventually anyway so I'd just get one right away - even if they share for a few months.

    Breast pump/bottles - I'd look for used bottles, but I'd get new nipples.

    I'd get a mobile or two, or a crib soother.

    All I can think of... Babies really don't need much in the first few months!
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't know that I'll be able to provide you with a complete lists. But I can tell you some of my must-haves.

    Miracle Blankets. I would see if you can buy them used, maybe check on ebay? I had 4 of them and we used them until the girls were 6 months old. They really are awesome blankets.

    A swing - you could get one of the smaller less expensive portable swings.

    A bouncy chair - or you could just do 2 swings, or 2 bouncers, there wasn't a need to have 2 of both.

    What about having a shower? Is that out of the question?
  4. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    I think the only three things you really shouldn't get used are car seats, crib mattresses, and breast pumps (even those you can do used and just buy replacement parts for.

    Of those, the only thing you absolutely need is the car seats, they don't let you take the babes home without them. You probably want to look into convertable ones, as they'll last a lot longer (although a little more annoying in the begining since you have to take the babies in and out vs. an infant seat where you can just pop the whole thing out if baby is asleep.)

    A lot of twins sleep better together than apart, so you'll need just one sleeping thing for at least the first few months. A pack and play is a lot cheaper than a crib new, but you can find cribs on Craigslist all of the time. I think once they start moving a lot is when you need to think about seperating them (like 4-5 months). Co-sleeping would save money, but I think you have to have the right mindframe for that. It's not for everyone.

    Breastfeeding will obviously save you a ton of money just on bottles and formula. The cloth diapers will be a really big expense at the begining, since you have to buy a ton right off the bat, but they will be a cost saver in the long run if you're washing them yourself.

    Pretty much anything else, bouncers, play stuff, clothes, you can find really good deals on at places like ebay and Craigslist. Hit up anyone you know who has kids to see what they have extra (we got a TON of hand-me-down clothes). Outlet malls are a good place to stock up on onesies and other clothes.

    Finally, check out the book Baby Bargains (They had it at our library). It has lots of ways to save money, and has some good checklists.
    good luck!
  5. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Oh I'll add something - whatever you buy used... check recalls first!!!
  6. pchavez

    pchavez Member

    I would skip on getting a bedding set... other than sheets and the skirt i haven't used a single thing. Definately get one (or two) browncers and swings, infant car seats. Those are the big ticket items i can think off.

    I have a B/G, and to save money and for sanity sake, i got a lot of neutral clothing (yellows, greens, etc), that way both could wear it - more for the buck!
    Craigslist is great for local pick up of items....even bowncers and swings you can find there for a lot less than in stores and in great condition.
  7. pigsocks

    pigsocks Well-Known Member

    Watch on craiglists, local consignment shops and mom to mom sales for great deals on most baby stuff.

    The few things that we could live without the first 2 months
    receiving blankets - to swaddle, catch spit up etc. If you sew they are quick and easy to make
    PNP - we didn't have the nursery done before they were born they slept in pnp in our room - easy to find secondhand
    2 chairs - either bouncy chairs, or the infant to toddler rocker, just somewhere to sit them down
    car seats - liked the infant seats because then I could use them as seats for them while visiting
    changing pad
    baby tub - but really didn't start to use it until the end of 2 months just washed them in the sink with a towel lining the sink
    bottles and nipples- can likely get bottles second hand (mine were hand me downs from my sister)
    2 warm blankets - we liked the fuzzy ones best
    I bought everything second hand except receiving blankets which my Mom made and have had no problems. It takes time and you need to know the retail price, so you know if the secondhand price is worth it or not.

    Good luck
  8. april mcdaniel

    april mcdaniel Well-Known Member

    Swing baby wash

    baby lotion a few hooded towels and washcloths

    Bouncy seat crib or bassinet

    warm blankets nail clippers

    bibs sleepers

    diaper cream


  9. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I bought nearly everything second hand except crib (you can get good new ones at walmart or even ikea), and car seats. But swings, bouncers, clothes, toys, everything was from garage sales, community sales and friends. We saved a ton of money by doing this.
    I bought tons of receiving blankets from garage sales and used them as blankets or as burp clothes - they were so cheap I didn't care if they got stained.
    I did buy 2 miracle blankets new - only because I couldn't find used ones!
    I only bought one of things, because I figured if they really liked it, then I might consider getting a second one.
    Check our your local mums group - they might rent or loan stuff out to you to try out.

    Good Luck!
  10. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    New- carseats
    Used- check out craigslist in your area you can find some really great deals on there for items are the in awsome shape.
    we got our matching twin cribs and changing table from another twin mom. they are beautiful and something we would never have
    been able to get new.
  11. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Washing them in the sink is so much easier or a cheap cheap style baby bath. I purchased that blue one but hated it with the bump in the middle.

    Don't buy baby towels -- they are so thin and small. Buy a new thick soft large towel instead or use your own.

    Don't buy a diaper gene -- just a plastic garbage pail and bags -- cheaper & easier.

    Don't buy a baby gym. Mine NEVER used it. Thick blanket on the floor is the best.

    dollar store receiving blankets are great for spit up I loved them

    Buy bibs from Walmart with the "snaps" instead of velcro. The velcro wears out and sticks to everything in the wash.

    crib that changes into a toddler bed

    don't buy the bumbos (mine liked to roll around better)

    don't buy baby carriers (they are always in the stroller)

    if you are near an IKEA ( the high chairs are the best and toys too.
  12. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member


    -cribs (mattresses must be new)
    -changing table (but you've got that!)
    -blankets for swaddling (a really cheap way to do it is just buy some flannel fabric at a fabric store and cut into big squares)
    -car seats (must be new)
    -2 fitted sheets per crib
    -sleep sacks for when they're older (but don't bother right away - they'll probably want to be swaddled anyway)


    -bouncy seats
    -play gyms
    -plastic junk
    -plastic junk w/ batteries
    -baby videos
    -baby bathtub (the kitchen sink works just fine!)
    -crib bumpers, crib quilts, etc (SIDS risk anyway)


    -EZ2Nurse nursing pillow (you can use regular pillows instead)
    -baby washcloths for the bath (they're nice and soft, but you can use regular washcloths or cloth wipes too)
    -hooded towels (nice, but you can use a regular towel too)


    -Since you're planning on CDing - prefolds are by far the cheapest, and they work great; you can also buy used diapers on Ebay; cloth wipes are also a must (save a TON of money in the long run). You can probably get everything you need for a few hundred bucks. And you don't need fancy baby detergent - any detergent that's free of perfumes and dyes and softeners is fine.

    -Stop by the TS breastfeeding forum! We can help you succeed at the cheapest way of feeding babies. :cool:

    -Before you get too close to your due date, start cooking and freezing meals, or prepping and freezing meals so that they only have to go in the oven. Fill up your freezer with as much good food as you can stuff into it. This will save you a ton of money on things like store-bought frozen dinners, take-out, sending out for pizza, etc (because with twinfants, there's barely time to eat, let alone cook!).

    -For the long run - consider making your own baby food. It's quicker and easier than you think, and way cheaper than buying the jars.

    HTH, & good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
  13. 2twins07

    2twins07 Well-Known Member

    If you check online for product recalls before you buy secondhand, you should be safer. I know usually has an updated list. But besides that, I had double everything, and didn't need it!!! We could have gotten away with only 1 swing, 1 pnp, 1 crib to start off. Alot of times you have one baby that may like to swing and the other may not, so find out first. But as far as things you definetely need 2 of is highchairs and carseats. And breastfeeding is great if you can make it work. I know we hung in for only 6 weeks, but they would feed all the time and we were stressing out. I can remember feeding for 3 hours straight one day thinking I was going to go crazy if I didn't see daylight soon! We started supplementing and that sort of hurt us! Good luck with everything!
  14. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    What ever you decide to cut back on make sure you have a heap of singlets or all in one things a heap of easy to put on little suits and a heap of swaddling blankets! I sometimes changed the twins so many times times a day 'I mean everything they had on stripped down to nothing and start again changed' x2 and using cloth nappies means more leaks! One lot of wet weather and youve got washing everywhere. dont worry about a baby bath they arent great the laundry tub is another good bath!Go for comfort for your babies little jeans or pretty dresses look nice but are mostly pricey and you might only use them twice or three times.I didnt socialise much and most people came to me!I would recommend a rocker although they dont last your baby that long they are fantastic for your new borns! There are cheap ones in department stores. Good luck I hope you save a fortune
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