Need support for naps

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 5280babies, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I have never been able to handle the crying...goes right to my core. I KNOW Jude is tired by morning nap every day. Today is a great example...up 1 hour earlier than usual so started off tired. Calm when I layed her down. Babbled for 15 mins...whined for 15 more...screaming mad at the top of her lungs for the last 20! Do I last it out or give in? I give in a lot or bring her down to another sleeping area where she screams briefly and then sleeps...but only for 30 mins because of course she is just off now. What would you do? Some days she doesn't morning nap, some days she sleeps 90 mins, but most days now she pulls this act. I worry about separation anxiety, etc. Her sister has no issues and continues on 2 naps a day for 2 hours each! Frustrated to the point of tears on this one...seems like this has been our last 6 weeks if not more! :headbang:
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The crying used to get to me too (it still does) two sleep in separate rooms so I did CIO when my DD was giving me issues with naps. It was hard to do and some days after an hour of crying, I did give up and bring her down. After a couple of weeks she got better and takes pretty decent naps most days. Does Jude have a lovey or blanket that she sleeps with? What time do they go to bed? I would try putting Jude down an hour earlier since she is not getting much sleep during the day.
    I am sorry that you are having a rough time with naps :hug: I hope she gets over this fast!
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: sleep issues are no fun! i would say that whatever you do, find something you can be consistent with. if CIO is going to make you "give in", it's probably not the best approach to use. do you have a nap time routine? if not, it would probably help to start one. when she gets really upset, have you tried going in, soothing & then putting her back down (repeat until asleep)? some kids respond well to that although with others it may just get them more riled up.
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Man, I'm so sorry naps aren't going well for you. :hug: When Nate was transitioning to 1 nap I'd still put him down for his am nap, even though he didn't always fall asleep. I'd put a book, a lovey, and perhaps a stuffed animal in his crib with him, so that even if he didn't sleep he could amuse himself for a while. Sometimes he'd sleep after "reading" for a bit. Maybe a distraction would help Jude wind down. :pardon:
  5. jaclynkoehl

    jaclynkoehl Well-Known Member

    The crying really weighs heavy on my emotions too. My gut tells me that screaming indicates that there is something wrong other than just not wanting to sleep. Really tired babies seem to zonk out pretty quickly even if they cry. Maybe some recent change is the culprit?

    I started having the same issue with my LO when we were switching to milk. It came on gradually and escalated from a little screaming up to 2 hours one day. I was very distraught... The same day she started refusing the milk and we finally had a clue (although we feel horrible for not getting it figured out sooner, but there were no other milk issue signs). We ended up changing her to soy and she's back to herself.
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