Need specifics

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by babyhopes09, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    Hi there,

    My LO is 7 months and we are constantly fighting him with eating more at night than during the day.. We just got him figured out and he was doing well at night... Then we started solids 2x per day and he won't take a bottler eat the solids and wants to eat bottles at night instead.. With my girls who are almost 2 we had it all down to a science but I can't remember the specifics of how much formula and solids we gave them and when... Would you give me a rundown of what your schedules look like down to the hour. As well as the amounts of solids and formula/bm you. Give your LO's? Thank you!!
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Trying to remember...,I know I nursed her 4-5x during the day, she napped not long at all (just her she still doesn't), and she hated baby foods! I think at 7 months she was eating cereal about an hour after nursing for breakfast and trying small puffs and stuff for supper....she hated baby food! We just waited til she was a little older and went to table foods.
    Like you our boys were opposites and loved baby food and their schedule was down to the minute. Just try to relax and work on getting him sttn and then fit the solids on your schedule:). Good luck!
  3. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    My girls are just over 6 months and they have 5 bottles per day. I was giving them 6oz bottles each feed but for the last month, every second bottle they only drink 4oz. I was like you, really worried that they weren't getting enough bottles but I've relaxed a bit now, as long as they are on their growth curve, I'm not going to worry.

    They eat one solid per day at about 4.30pm and they finish that. I tried once unsuccessfully to do a breakfast and they weren't interested so I'm going to leave it for a later date when it seems they are hungrier. Everything I read says that solids at this age is just to get them used to eating and not for nutritional value so I'm going to go with the flow...

    Our schedule looks like this at the moment (give or take of course!):

    5.30 - 6oz bottle
    back to sleep
    7.30 wake, change, play
    8.30 4-6oz bottle
    9ish - nap
    10-10.30 wake, play
    11.30 6 oz bottle
    12 - nap
    1.30-2 - wake, play
    2.30 4-6oz bottle
    3ish - third nap if really tired (mostly a quiet time in their cot)
    4.30 solids
    5.00 bath/wash
    5.30 - 6oz bottle
    6pm - bed


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