need some sleep advice

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Jun 28, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    we dropped down to 1 nap a day around 2.5 weeks ago. the LOs are now STTN again but one of them is having problems FALLING asleep. he screams and screams and screams, we put them down last night at 630 and he could not fall asleep until almost 745.
    now this morning he was up at 6. the kids used to sleep until around 730ish.

    do you think its the one nap?
    or they both are teething (arent the always, lol?) i gave him teething tablet and i did give him motrin last night and he went to bed.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It could be a combo of both. Teething does affect sleep too. Did you give him the teething tablet & motrin after he was screaming (it's early and my brain is not working right now...sorry) or before you put him to bed? I know when my two are teething (my son is finally on his last one) I will give the motrin and teething tablets before they go down to bed to help them rest comfortably. I would try that with your little guy tonight and see how he does. How are they during the day with one nap, do they seem tired/cranky/fussy during the morning or later afternoon? Or are they in pretty good moods most of the day? (besides teething & the normal daily toddler drama).
  3. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    they are tired around 10ish but i try and keep them busy until 11.
    we've been bathing them around 615ish and then they've been in bed around 630, 645. i am hoping they are falling into a nice, new routine.

    the waking up at around 6, 630 though, i can't take, lol.

    they went down without a fuss today and only did 1.5 hours of nap total. i really hope it extends to at least 2.
  4. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    If you are putting them down at 6:30 or so they may only sleep until 6 am or so the next morning. That is around 12 hours of nighttime sleep, which is good. That said, teething and/or overtiredness could definitely affect how well they go down, waking too early, etc. You could try the Motrin, like PP said, and see if that helps.
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