Need some nighttime advice

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Trishandthegirls, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Hi all -

    I'm trying to figure out nighttime logistics now that my girls are interesting in peeing in the potty at night, and I'm stumped. Can some of you veterans help me out? So... Piper and Cricket have been daytime potty trained for about a year. They still wear diapers to bed and pee A TON. Most mornings their diapers are completely full. Piper, however, has explained that she would really like to get up to pee in the middle of the night so she doesn't have to sleep in a wet diaper. It's a perfectly reasonable request but I'm not sure how to accomplish this.

    Here's the situation: The girls share a bedroom at one end of our house and we close their door when they go to sleep. There's a bathroom right next door. DH and I sleep at the far end of the house. The rooms are probably 70 feet apart, and I can't hear the girls without a monitor. So, we sleep with a monitor on still. We live outside the city limits with no street lights, so it's pitch black inside my house at night. The girls sleep with blackout curtains so that the sun doesn't wake them up.

    So how does my three year old get out of bed in the pitch black, open her door, navigate to the dark bathroom, pee and get back to bed? And what if she needs help or gets scared? Should I buy a portable nightlight for her? I was thinking of something like this? And do I instruct her to go back into her room and yell if she needs me? (the monitor doesn't cover the bathroom so I can only hear if there's a commotion IN the bedroom, not outside of it).

    Thanks for any advice!
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    They make night lights you just plug in one of the bathroom outlets... if you keep their door and the bathroom door open she should be able to see enough.
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    My 28 month olds are day & night trained. Our rooms are also on separate side of the house and like you there is a bathroom RIGHT next to their bedroom.
    Problem is they have been getting up and coming to my room before going to the bathroom even though I leave a night light on AND crack their door just enough that they can open it easily and go to the bathroom. Its like they dont feel like they can just go without telling me or something?
    Last night I put a little potty in their room right next to their bedroom door. Last night was the first night in WEEKS no one woke me up to "potty" and when I got up this morning there was pee in the potty :)

    Maybe turning a night light on and cracking their door before you go to bed would work? or maybe putting the monitor as close to their bedroom door/ or in the bathroom would work? maybe a little potty in their room for night time use only?
    Its tricky figuring this one out!
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've never had kids who pee in the night very regularly so I don't have tons of experience, but I would say a nightlight in the bathroom or maybe the hallway, with the door of her room open just a bit so that the light from the hallway will give her enough light to see how to get out of her room. Once she's in the bathroom, I imagine she could just turn the light on so she can see what she's doing. On the odd occasion that one of my two get up in the night to pee, they just call me or come tell me & I get up and put them back to bed afterward. I don't really like the idea of them up wandering around when I'm asleep, we have some pretty steep stairs that I still worry about a bit.

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