need some ideas to keep them occupied

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    So, we are going camping after all.....Tues thru Sun next week. The campground we're at is awful - no grass, no playgrounds, nothing.....basically we'll be parked in a big dirt parking lot next to the ocean.

    I'm going shopping later on this afternoon for groceries, etc, for the trip so is there anything I should add to my list - something new to keep them occupied? I don't know if they're quite ready to color, but the other week at the Dr's my DD was pretty happy playing with a Magna Doodle.....

    Any suggestions on what to do to keep them happy??

  2. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    I bought a portable dvd player and we played some baby einstein and they love that. Bring shovels and buckets, empty plastic cups/tupperware. If you are near the ocean, maybe they can play in the sand. They might like balls, books and things like that. Good luck!

    Bridget :)
  3. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I just bought some car-sized magna doodles for the boys for our upcoming trip. It says they are for 3+, but the boys seem to do just fine with them. I also think it will be a good "prerequisite" for coloring. They don't quite get the coloring thing yet, but they are all over the magnadoodle.

    I'm also bringing bubbles and inflatable beach balls. I would second the beach/sand equipment suggestion.
  4. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    we have been to a few camp grounds where it was all dirt but even with grass at 14m theres not much for them to do... We put a HUGE tarp down and then a blanket, the super yard over that and loaded it with toys and then the kids that kept them busy for a while, lots of walks, sand toys, balls, we did coloring at 14m but I cant say they wont have more fun trying to east the port, dvd is and idea too..... have fun!!!
  5. jeanliz

    jeanliz Well-Known Member

    We just got back from camping with our 12 mo. old girls. As a PP said we laid out a huge tarp, covered it with blankets, and put a kiddie corral (superyard) around it. They'd play in there for awhile with their toys. We also brought a plastic dishpan and filled it w/ water and put bath toys in it. They splash around in it. Also, you probably already thought of this, but bring only old clothes. They get sooo dirty when camping. Have fun!!
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