Need some help making a decision on which bed

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by [email protected], Jul 12, 2009.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I don't know why I do this to myselp but I always make decisions way harder than they really are. I had previously posted about moving our DS into a big boy bed and moving into a new house. Well we are going to go ahead and buy the bed and move him into it in the near future. We went bed shopping yesterday and I thought I wanted a captain's bed for the extra storage. We are moving into a bigger house but let's be honest you can always use more storage right? His new room is besically the same size as his room now but has less wall space due to closets and room set-up. He has 2 dressers, a bookshelf (may be moved to the play area) and a storage unit with toy bins. I am afraid that if we go with the cptn.s bed that is will be too bulky even though the size is the same it's just taller with drawers underneath. I also am planning on this being his only bed for a long time. Does anyone have any advice? Do you guys that have captains beds like them? TIA!!!!!!!!
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I'd do a regular twin bed, but for no reason other than I think it will give your son more flexibility. Since the captain's bed has drawers underneath he can't push it up against a wall or have it stick out at a diagonal (because you couldn't open some of the drawers). It's nice to have extra storage, but if the house is bigger, you can probably find place for storage, right?
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    The girls have captain's beds with drawers only on one side and we love them. A) as mentioned you get more space and B) they can't put stuff under their beds. Our beds are cream with pink drawers and headboard accent. It's this bed which also comes in boy colors
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Our boys have platform beds with drawers on one side--they are normal height, not as high as a captain's bed. Also, they have headboards/bookshelf/cubbies. They love their beds, and so do I! We did recently move their room around, and DH had little trouble moving them. They love having the drawers to store their stuff, and the cubbies for their books and whatever else they need to claim as theirs. It is the only part of the room that "belongs" to one or the other.
  5. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I would've loved to have captains beds for my girls. Their bedroom is to small for them (would'nt have been able to open the drawers) but if they had a bigger room I would've gotten them captain beds (they are in bunkbeds now). I might still get my son one when he gets older if he needs more space in his room. I would do the drawers on one side though and not on both sides so you do have the option of putting the bed up against a wall.
  6. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    We just got Alex a captain's bed and it's great. So much storage underneath! The drawers are only on one side, so we do have it pushed up against a wall. His room is on the smaller side, so the extra storage underneath the bed is great. I'm fairly certain we can fit way more stuff in the drawers than we ever could if it was just a regular twin bed with space underneath. My vote is for the captains bed!
  7. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    We are going to go with one captin's bed height loft and the other bed's foot under it, because our house is so small. We've been putting off making the captin's bed do to height concerns, waiting until they are a little bigger.
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