Need some Advice

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JensBoys, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    Caleb HATES wearing a diaper that he's peed in and if he can, he'll take it off the moment he goes. One day last week he even took this diaper off, then walked over to the potty without prompting, sat down and said "potty".

    BUT...whenever I try to get him to go on the potty he freaks out - drops to the ground and starts screaming. I swear he's ready but just won't go because *I'm* telling him to. I've tried putting underwear on him, which he hates as well (but won't pee in).

    Incentives never work with my two so I can't "bribe" them either.

    Anyone have any thoughts or ideas?
  2. Four_to_Six

    Four_to_Six Well-Known Member

    I trained all my guys on the big potty... none of them were overly enthused with the little potty.

    Also, boxers. Whitey-tighties, as well as diapers, are a bit restrictive.
  3. sellet04

    sellet04 Well-Known Member

    I just let my little guys run around naked. If they need to go potty they just sit down and go on their merry way. I found if they have nothing to go in they kinda give in and sit on the potty. Also, I took them to the store and let them pick out their own underpants... they were so excited about that! Simon chose Thomas the train and Bryce chose Cars. I told them diapers were for babies and they are big boys. Then I told them we had no more diapers and that they were all gone. At first Simon was heart broken, but now when we go to the store and pass the diapers on the way to get pull-ups for night time he says "Oh no! Mommy diapers are for babies ucky!" It is pretty funny. Another thing I did was buy them those musical potties (they are $20 at walmart). We stood in the aisle for a while looking at the potties and talking about how the kids on the boxes were big boys and were using the BIG boy potty. They were so excited when I asked them if they wanted one. I even let them carry it through the store (well as far as they could anyway)and help pay for it! They felt so big. We are still working at it but every day we get closer and closer. Sorry this is all scatterbrained... trying to get the boys to go down for a nap so I can clean... the in-laws are coming over tomorrow :(
  4. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    Great ideas, thanks!

    We had a couple accidents on the floor yesterday but when I pointed them out to him, he walked over to the potty and sat down for a few seconds, so he's getting it. I think I'll try harder come Monday and we'll see how it goes.
  5. jena4

    jena4 Well-Known Member

    I could have wrote your post. My dd does the same thing...except will go to the potty when I ask her to. She normally wets the diaper, removes the diaper and runs to the potty. I am trying to get her to go to the potty first. However, I ahve found that she also removes the diaper...and likes to run around without. I have found that this has really helped. Without the diaper on, she goes to the potty be herself and will sit there for quite a while with a book, puzzle, etc and just hang out. Sometimes it is so long I have to ask ehr to get off.
    This whole PT thing is crazy. By far, it has been the hardest struggle for me. By the way, my other dd sits on the potty and pretends to go pee and then want s to flush it. I have been letting her, because I am hoping one day wshe'll actually go??? Is this the right thing to do?

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