Need some advice/insight!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kvohwinkle, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. Kvohwinkle

    Kvohwinkle Member

    Hi Everyone! I was referred to the boards from a friend (KimK). We our first time foster parents & should be receiving placement of @8 week old twin boys at some point later this week. They are still in the NICU I'm not sure if it is because of their health at this point or the fact that there is no where else for them to go. We have a biological singelton that is 3.5 (7/27/04). Any insight or advice. I am trying to read up as much as I can - but the days are flying with our normal stuff going on & getting stuff ready. Babies were born drug addicted (coke/opiates) Baby A has down syndrome as well as a feeding tube & Baby B has hydrocephalus & already has a shunt in place. I am pretty experienced with kids & the logistics of several but I am starting to freak a bit about having them 24/7! They are expected to be here long term (at least 18 months) TX is a reunification state & that is always their goal no matter how crazy the bio parents behaved.
    We have a double stroller, a suburban, 2 pak n plays (we will get cribs as soon as we get verification for how long placement will be), 2 bouncy seats & swings,lots of sleepers/onesies, extra bottles, diapers. anything else we need??????
    Any advice is appreciated!
  2. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    First off, let me say WOW!! You are a great person for being a foster parent. I would love to do that and when you have time (yeah right) I would love to know how it's going.

    You sound like you have everything you need...but maybe try and line up some help for the first few weeks. ANy friends or family members who can be on stand by in case you need a break? Carseats? Is the hospital or CPS providing those? Monitors for the pnp/cribs.

    I know that others on here will have more suggestions.

    Please let us know how it's going!
  3. Kvohwinkle

    Kvohwinkle Member

    QUOTE(benderboys @ Mar 10 2008, 08:01 PM) [snapback]662537[/snapback]
    Carseats? Is the hospital or CPS providing those? Monitors for the pnp/cribs.

    I forgot we have those too - we bought the duoglider w/ the snugrides seats. I figure it will work while they are little & we can upgrade down the road if we need too! We have monitors too.Thanks for the kind works! I am hoping it all goes fairly smooth!! But I think I am delusional! :lol:
  4. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    first of all, hats off to you for taking in these little bundles! i have no experience with the special needs and care they will need, but there is a special needs board that i'm sure will be able to help you out a ton!

    as for equipment, you seem pretty set, you can acquire things later as you/they need them. assuming they were low birth weight babies or preemies they should be fine in one pack and play for a while, anyway. that said, we used lots of receiving blankets to swaddle, and burp cloths everywhere.

    good luck, and bless you for this wonderful deed!

  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    You and your DH are awesome people!! Just thinking off the top of my head...

    bottle warmers
    lots and lots of bottles
    bottle brush
    burp cloths
    micro sterilizer
    maybe a boppy to rest them on while you feed them
    swaddle stuff
    white noise machine
    head and or sleep positioners to make them feel comfy
  6. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    First of all, Wow what wonderful people you are to give all your time and energy to these two baby boys! As for what to get I think you pretty much have it under control my boys lived in there bouncy seats for quite awhile and you can never have too many reciving blankets

    Good luck and keep us updated!

  7. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to tell you how wonderful you are for what you are doing!!!
  8. Anne2571

    Anne2571 Well-Known Member

    What an amazing family you are! I have so much respect and admiration for what you're doing.

    I agree with the others in that it sounds like you pretty much have everything you need. Do you have sleep positioners? I can't remember if you or anyone else mentioned those. Those are a "must have" for my girls so that they don't turn over in their cribs or PNP.

    Also, I wanted to suggest that you might contact your local chapter of Mother of Multiples. Here's a link...

    Perhaps they could assist you in donating things or selling gently used things at very low prices. Best wishes to you and please do update us when you can.
  9. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    You ARE FABULOUS! Please PM me for my email address and keep in touch...I can send things when I'm done with them...or just offer a listen if you need it!
  10. khpine

    khpine Member

    Wow, you are an inspiration! What a great thing your family is doing. I just wanted to add that you may want a couple of slings or wraps for the babies, these worked wonders for my husband and I when it came to soothing the babies and it helped me to have one baby content in a wrap while I could use both hands to deal with the other.
  11. twinreverb

    twinreverb Well-Known Member

    :hi: hats off to you. I agree with everyone else.. you have a lot. The bottles, warmers. brushes, sleep positioners, are thing you will need as well.

    The Mothers of multiples is a great resource
    special needs board

    I would also suggest that you sign up for freebies. freebies I would hit up the formula and diaper sites!!!

    Besides that... hmmm I would see if your hospital knows if they have a breast milk donor program and see if you can get donated breast milk. I know in the woodlands... north Houston they do have breast milk donations at the woodlands hospital.

    new parents of babies with down syndrome

    If you need someone to talk to... pm me and I can try to help. My mom is a special needs teacher. Their focus is younger kids getting them ready to enter school... she has experience with the little ones all the way up to 13 year olds. If you live in Houston or Austin my mom might know of some resources that could help.

    Best wishes and good luck.
  12. jillangel

    jillangel Well-Known Member

    No advice just you and your family are amazing. Good luck.
  13. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    many hugs to you..

    i thinkfor me.. i had two diaper stackers.. at low level so your three year old can help.

    enough bottles to make it though a day with out washing..

    i to would like to keep in touch with you..

    congrats mom:)
  14. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    Wow, you are amazing! Those are some lucky babies to have you and your family in their lives.
  15. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    You and your family are wonderful. I just wanted to say that. I have no advice as far as the special needs and care but it sounds as though you are prepared. I think as one pp said, a boppy would probably be good to have but otherwise you sound like you're doing great.

    Kudos to you!
  16. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    What lucky babies to have found you! It sounds like you have just about everything you'll need. Just know that if you ever need anything, even a shoulder, feel free to contact me. Good luck and welcome!
  17. Kvohwinkle

    Kvohwinkle Member

    Thanks so much everyone! We are really excited to be getting them. just a little nervous taking them both on at 1 time. I will try to spend today looking at all the links. We don't need to worry about formula since they are foster children they are on wic. I am hoping to be able to use cloth like I did with Emma but we'll see! :laughing:
    I am hoping we get to see thgem tonight or tommorrow. It is killing me not knowing how big they are. A lot I have read about the coke/opiate addiction shows most babies are born at @32 weeks. How big were some of yours at 8 weeks that were born that early. Who knows they could have been fullterm.(but highly unlikely)
  18. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    :bow2: :clapping: Many kudos to you for taking on this huge responsibility! PPs already gave lots of great suggestions, I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful thing you are doing :D! TS is an excellent source of support, so visit often.
  19. idtwinstx

    idtwinstx Well-Known Member

    Just want to say what a wonderful person you must be to do something so amazing for those two special babies. Just want to wish you well!
  20. Kvohwinkle

    Kvohwinkle Member

    Thanks so much everyone for all the advice & kind words! I'll definately keep ya'll posted!!! I'm sure I'll be needing more advice from all of you more experienced moms!
  21. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    my big advice.. is make sure you make dates with ema... we have big boy time, with my son..
    and i take him out once a month for just us... for dinner and such..

    spending time with her will make everything so much better..

    enjoy the babies, take lots of pictures.. and give lots of kisses.. im sure youll do fine:)
  22. Ashliemj

    Ashliemj Active Member

    Wow, you are amazing. I thank God for people like you. Congratulations, good luck and GOD BLESS!

    Things you will need: boppy pillow (good to feed babies in, you can prop them up, or good for practice sitting), swaddle blankets (by Kiddopatamus), sleep sacks (couldn't have lived w/out these for my daughter!)...I just recently purchased a baby Bumbo (didn't use this w/ my daughter, but I am curious to see how it goes w/ the twins, looks cute though and it has a tray for toys or food)....And I recommend getting a really cute diaper bag for yourself...why not treat yourself to something CUTE, FASHIONABLE and FUNCTIONAL? :)

    Take care!
  23. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    You are a wonderful woman. Those babies are so lucky to have you.

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Just wishing you good luck and sounds like you are getting everything under control. Keep us updated on how the babies are doing and post some pictures of your little dumplings.
  25. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    You have gotten lots of good advice. One thing that came to me was food. My mum gave me a pile of frozen casseroles for when the babies arrived and it was a blessing. We could concentrate on the babies and we still had home-cooked meals. If your friends are saying "What can I do?" ask them for casseroles.
    To include your three-year old maybe you can come up with some specific jobs just for him. I read somewhere that one little boy had the job of washing the babies' feet at bath time. It got him involved and solved the problem of him trying to get attention at bath time.

    I hope you stay in touch, I'm sure we could all learn from you.
  26. Kvohwinkle

    Kvohwinkle Member

    Thank you everyone for all the great tips! We pick up the babies at 10am (it is 5 - I am too excited too sleep even though I should!) We went & finally met them the other day & they are too sweet!! ! One is 10 pounds the other 6.5!
  27. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    How exciting!!!! I know we all can't wait to hear how it goes. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!
  28. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    That is wonderful! You shouldn't need preemie sizes...newborn will suit you well for several weeks (at least for the little one). My boys came home at 4lbs 5ozs and wore preemies for two weeks. They then spent about 2 months in newborns. Enjoy those precious babies and don't forget to give yourself a lot of credit!
  29. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    This thread just warms my heart. Good luck with everything and enjoy them for the time you have them. Keep us posted on your twins!!! We'd love to see pictures and hear how they are doing!!!
  30. Kvohwinkle

    Kvohwinkle Member

    Oh My! :icon_eek: We've had a busy afternoon!!!! I'm glad DH was home at noon today! Baby V is teeny 6.5 pounds Baby M is 10 pounds. They are 3.5 months. They are good little babies but between bottle feeding, tube feedings, diaper changes, meds, nebulizer treatments, clothing changes! I am going to be one sleepy lady! But I think it will be well worth it. We can get nursing staff for nighttime but I'm not sure how comfortable I am with it since E's room is right across from the babies room & our room is a bit seperate & we FINALLY just got E sleeping in her room! LOL Not sure - I told them I would decide over this weekend. They will be here at least 8 months possible 15 months +. we'll see how tonight goes.
  31. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member


    I just wanted to tell you how wonderful you are for doing what you are doing. It sounds like everyone had it covered with what you need. Keep checking in to tell us their progress and ask any questions. This site is a life saver

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