Need socks and shoes that stay on their feet!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by geaemama, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies,

    Our babies have really tiny feet. They are still in the size 00. What I am wondering is if anyone knows of any socks/shoes that will stay on their feet. We haven't found any yet - we have done Gymboree and The Children's place socks and shoes, along with Bear Feet shoes - none will stay on their feet. I would love any advice or suggestions here! It is kind of cold up here and I hate that they never have socks or shoes one by the time we get where we are going!

  2. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies,

    Our babies have really tiny feet. They are still in the size 00. What I am wondering is if anyone knows of any socks/shoes that will stay on their feet. We haven't found any yet - we have done Gymboree and The Children's place socks and shoes, along with Bear Feet shoes - none will stay on their feet. I would love any advice or suggestions here! It is kind of cold up here and I hate that they never have socks or shoes one by the time we get where we are going!

  3. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem with my boys, though looking at their feet now, I would never believe it! They were born in November, here in Chicago, so it was really cold!!! I never found anything that worked well, so I kept them in long sleeved onesies, would put socks on and then put them in really warm sleepers with footies .They lived in sleepers almost all winter. I also found a few cute outfits that were really warm that had feet in them. I also always had a hat on, even in the house, and they whenever I changed them, their feet still were warm!
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    When my girls were 3.5 months old we bought two pairs of size 0-6 Robeez. They have been working GREAT! They are leather, so they seem to keep their feet warm. They have worn them at least 2-4 times per week since I bought them and have only managed to kick them off once. Robeez website
  5. ABeeCDandE!

    ABeeCDandE! Well-Known Member

    I second the Robeez. I bought fake Target brand originally and my son could kick those off instantly. The real thing works for us!!
  6. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    I found socks that stay on! It's the Just One Year brand by Carters. They sell them at Target. They are tube socks that fold down at the top (not the ones that don't fold). The thick tube at the top makes them stay on. They are sold in a set of 6. They are in the baby clothes section at Target. There are socks sold in the baby gear aisles but these are sold in the clothing section. I just stocked up because they are the only ones I have ever found that stay on. I hope that helps! I haven't found shoes that stay on and I've pretty much given up on those until my girls need them.
  7. stover

    stover Member

    I second the Carter's socks. I bought the regular Carter's brand (at the Carter's outlet). They have a little sticker on them that says "Kickproof" and it is true. Again, there are two kinds of Carter's socks, the ones that work for me are the ones that fold over on top and have a little colored trim around the top of the sock.
  8. Carpathia

    Carpathia Well-Known Member

    Either I put carter's socks on them (they never come off as PP's stated) or if I am out of carter's socks, I put the imitation Robeez on them. I found the imitation robeez at Big Lots for $5, I think they were originally from Payless Shoes. They must have been overstock. HTH!

  9. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I like the kickproof Carter's socks too but they grow out of them quickly. I also have had great luck with Old Navy cuffed socks... worked great for my DS when he was 1 month all the way til he was 4! They sell them 10 pairs for $10.
  10. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I can use any old socks as long as we have Robeez on! They wear their shoes every single day and we don't have issues. In fact, we also have Toe Time where I take everything off and they can play with their feet [​IMG]
  11. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    We had the same problem and I tried lots and lots of socks. Finally, I tried a pair that came in a gift box from a friend. They were so cute, but I doubted they would stay on. They did and they were the only ones that stayed on consistently (until we started wearing Robeez). The socks are called Trumpettes. Here is the link to the ones we received first trumpette socks
    We eventually ordered a bunch more (in patterns for my son too). They come in stripes, dots, solids, etc. They are pricey on that website but you can find them on other sites and on ebay.

  12. Kateyes2022

    Kateyes2022 Well-Known Member

    I really like the socks from Old Navy. They work really well and stay on their feet. We also use the Robeez. I LOVE those shoes. I've never had a problem with them kicking them off. I think the elastic top helps them stay on. HTH.
  13. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    Robeez are great!

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