Need sleep advice

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Jessalt, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Jessalt

    Jessalt Member

    I could use some advice. My girls are 10 months now and still not sleep all night. My idea of sleeping all night is bedtime 6:30, wake L a

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  2. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My twins did not sleep all night until I stopped breastfeeding them at 28 months. I don't know if there was a connection or if it was coincidence? But it kinda made me wish I had weened them earlier LOL!!! When they were infants, I rarely slept. I tried to sleep when they slept and let everything else go, I guess that is how I kept my sanity. My husband was ZERO help. I did spend the night with my aunt who made me sleep on the other end of the house and the twins with her. It was GLORIOUS!! Also, if I had another set of twins, I may not let them sleep in the same bed, although it was(is) very sweet, one would wake the other up I imagine at least Addison would have been a better sleeper had it not being for Ava who was and is a major night owl and seems to require very little sleep.
  3. jdorourk

    jdorourk Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that... mine are 7.5 mos, exclusively breastfed and wake for one feeding and it took a lot of work to get it to that. We had horrible 4 and 5 mo sleep regression and finally did some sleep training to get them to sleep without waking for that first long stretch.

    Some questions:
    how often are they being fed at night? I believe at 10 mos they should be on one feed max.
    are they bottle fed or breastfed? I've heard with bottles you can slowly decrease the amount in the bottle gradually and they may stop waking up for it.
    Do you co sleep?
    Do they fall asleep on their own at bedtime?

    If you are going insane from lack of sleep you may want to consider some sleep training. Not sure what you are comfortable with.
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think of 8 hours as STTN. Annabelle is almost 9 months and does about 7 hours, nurses once and goes back to sleep until morning. Last month she was sick and nursed up to 3 times a night though. My boys I had to sleep train- basically lengthen the amount of time I would go in to feed them, gradually. Week 1 might be 4 hours. Week 2 then 4.5. I kept going until they were sleeping decently.
  5. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    After a bit of sleep training, plus making sure to feed them solids 3 times a day, plus being really strict about naptime, my 10 mo olds go to sleep between 6 & 7, usually wake for a feed around 10 pm, then I will sometimes go in and feed them a dreamfeed before I go to bed, or sometimes they will wake up around 3 or 4, or sometimes they go through the night till 5 or 6.

    This is a HUGE improvement over a month or so ago, when they were waking every couple of hours the whole. entire. night. I hope you find something that works for you soon!
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