need quick menu ideas

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommy2btwins, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. mommy2btwins

    mommy2btwins Well-Known Member

    im running out of menu ideas.. does anyone have a good food chart i can go by to make sure they are getting enough of what they need every day ? and aslo need some menu ideas .. 12 months old..eating all solids.. will not eat baby food at all..except for the fruit..
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Just a q...Why not solid fruits? Here is what they should eat a day. The website has lots of other great things including sample menus

    Mine get:
    (cereal{kix, cheerios, fruity cheerios we rotate between at least 2}, toddler breakfast bar{or adult the toddler ones are just little}, yogurt{which they feed themselves now [​IMG]}, & freeze dried or canned fruit{pineapple, banana, peach}) all this everyday
    [1-2 grains, 2 fruits, 1 dairy]

    (cracker{goldfish or cheezits}, cheese{crumbles}, shredded lunch meat {chicken, turkey or ham}, & veggie
    [1 grain, 1 dairy, 1 protien, 1 veggie]

    (bread or pasta{roll, slice or mac'n'cheese}, meat we are eating{chicken, beef, pork or seafood}, veggie we are eating, cheese, cookie
    [1 grain, 1 protien, 1-2 veggie, 1 dairy, 1 sugar]

    Daily breakdown
    [3-4 grains, 3 dairy, 2-3 fruits, 2-3 veggies, 2 protiens, 1 sugar]
  3. mommy2btwins

    mommy2btwins Well-Known Member

    ty so much !!! to ans ur question.. they do lovee solid fruits..but i keepjars just in case i run out of fresh .lol sometimes its hard for me to get to king kullen lolol
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I keep canned(solid) for the girls, you can find several canned in its own juice(pineappple, tropical mix and mixed) or light syrup. Mine still eat the freeze dried Gerber(or walmart brand which is about a buck cheaper). They eat about a bag every 2 or 3 days.

    Right now the girls are having a breakfast bar, brown sugan oatmeal made with whole milk(man its rich), and freeze dried strawberry and apple bits. [1-2 starches, 1-2 fruits, 1 dairy]
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Here are some of the things that mine eat. Emilie will eat anything, Trevor is a bit pickier so I do sometimes give him a jar of baby food, he will not touch fresh fruit, especially if it is slimy.

    Breakfast: oatmeal (I do still mix with babyfood) and :
    toast, pancake, waffle, cheerios

    Lunch: yogurt, cheese, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, pizza, fruit, dried fruit, puffs, cheerios

    snack: puffs, cheerios, crackers, dried fruit, cookies (arrowroot)

    dinner: generally what we are eating chicken, meat, pasta, veggie

    I really try and give them what we are eating. But Trevor is a little hard so he may get 1-2 jars of baby food a day to be sure he is getting enough. Emilie, on the other hand, will eat anything.

    We are still in transition, it just takes time.

    I'm also planning to try fish sticks, we don't eat them, but I've heard a lot of kids do, so I'm going to give that a try. Emilie will also eat the gerber ravioli and meatsticks, but Trevor won't. Just keep trying that is what I am doing.
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    On the fish stick note, mine had canned Salmon at lunch mixed with Mayo(like tuna but I hate tuna and don't really know why). Mine like fish sticks and any kind of fish. We are already eating seafoood and mine love shrimp, lobster, and clam chowder!
  7. *Lori*

    *Lori* Well-Known Member

    Darn I started replying to this when you first posted it then DH walked in a ticked me off cause I should have been doing something else. Ok I was gonna tell you I did the superbaby food diet when mine were infants but I still aply the rules now and it is easy once you get into the habit. Ok here goes. I haev a dry erase board in the kitchen and every morning I write:

    G L GV VIT A VIT C D N O O on it. This stands for

    Grains- 4 servings a day: 1/2 piece bread or basically 1/2 cup of items that fall in this category.

    Legumes- 2 servings/day- for us this is meat, eggs, tofu or beans
    Green Veggie- 1 serving per day- peas,greens,okra,brocolli,asparagus stuff like that

    Vitamin A- 1 serving/day- I basically go with orange fruit or veggie
    Vitamin C- 1 serv/day- 4oz juice, oranges,kiwi,cantaloupe, pineapple, strawberries stuff like that
    Dairy- 4 servings/day-2 which are milk then yogurt sometimes ice cream, cottage cheese, cheese
    Nuts- we hardly do I wish we could do more but they get nuts all over the floor then Molly finds them. oh yeah 1/day if you do it. A good alternative is nut butter.
    O- Stands for other which is any fruit or veggie that does not fall into the other categories, like berries, apple, nanas, potatos, corn, green bean

    Hope that helps, it keeps my mind at ease. I mark off the list as the day goes on and I usually plan meals in advace or plan them at the start of the day. anything i miss goes into snack time.
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