Need more energy!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinzies, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. twinzies

    twinzies Active Member

    I just can't seem to get a steady flow of energy. I know twins are a lot of physical as well as emotional work (all of which is so worth it)....but.....why can't I "get going" again. I used to be so energetic and able to do it all. They will be 2 by the end of the month. Of course my husband has been laid off a 3rd time, I'm on more bp meds, and we are trying to save our house from forclosure, we have moved twice since March......but since hubby has been home, we have taken to sleeping when the kids sleep, "taking it easy", taking turns getting out of the house, all the old stand by ways of getting a moment...

    still maybe 4 days a month I feel semi-normal in the energy department.

    Most everyone's lives are busy, stressful at times, and what not, but how do we feel "normal"?

    More exercise? Vitamins?

    What do you all feel like? How do you get your energy?
  2. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    They tire me out too!

    Are you eating well? What are you doing for exercise?

    A couple go-to things to check are thyroid and anemia. Both can wipe you out. Also, you mentioned you're on more meds - can fatigue be a side effect of the ones you're on? If you think it's the meds, by all means talk to your doctor.
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with Holly! I would talk to your doctor about how you're feeling because you may just be anemic and need an iron supplement and be good to go... But twin toddlers are soooo tiring and for me it's finding new things to keep my mind busy. I also set goals for myself, like I will get the closet cleaned out or a trip to the Zoo within this month.
    :hug: I hope some good luck comes your way soon!
  4. twinzies

    twinzies Active Member

    Thanks for your responses. I try to walk a little each day, I'm not a huge exerciser. I am a bit overweight. I eat all my vegetables for fear of not getting the vitamins I need. My girls are fairly easy kids to care for, so aside from the norm, there really is no extra stress there. I tried taking a mulit vitamin and did wonderful the first couple of days. Then the 3rd day felt very sick even though I took it with food. From the posts so far, I think this is not a "twin" induced energy defficiency :pardon: , but maybe a health/vitamin/medication one. I will keep up on the medical side of things.

    Again, thanks all.
  5. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    With your husband's job troubles etc., is it possible you are a little depressed? I know that I have more energy when I have my depression under control. It may be something to consider. If you decide to try meds for depression though, be careful about which one you choose. Some of them do not go well with high blood pressure.
  6. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about your husbands job loss. We stress about money since we drained our savings to almost nothing doing infertility treatments, but totally worth it. We are those "just enough" people...we have just enough for whatever the current bill is, but never an excess. No matter how we try to budget some emergency comes along and wipes out anything extra.

    I too was extremely exhausted and cranky/moody. For me it turned out to be the hormones from my BC and a vitamin D dificiency that they discovered from bloodwork. I switched to a non-hormonal IUD and they prescribed a high dose vitamin D for three months along with a multi-vitamin. Within almost two weeks I felt like my old self energy wise. Maybe you have a hidden health issue with the normal stresses of life with twins.

    Good luck and I hope you are feeling more like your old self soon.
  7. twinzies

    twinzies Active Member

    Thank you all so much. I don't feel so alone anymore. Thank you all for your insight. I will take it all to heart and check it out. :grouphug:
  8. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Great advice already mentioned! I feel like this regularly, like I'm ready to fall over from exhaustion and I have to dig deep within myself to find the energy to get through the day sometimes. I am beyond grateful to caffeine! I had my thyroid check recently and it came back normal--but that's def. worth checking. I started exercising more and this has helped IMMENSELY for me. I know you said you're not much of an exerciser, but if you can find a way to move more by doing something you like, it may help you too...I'm also eating better as a result. I'm still tired mind you, but as you said who isn't...I just don't feel as wiped out as I used too:) And I just feel better:)
  9. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    BP meds can definitely cause fatigue! I've heard that complaint from a fair number of patients over the years. Definitely talk to your doc and see if they would be comfortable trying something different if some of the other suggestions come back normal. GL!
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