Need ideas...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MommyofThreeBoys, May 25, 2007.

  1. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    It's that time again ALREADY! I am having thier birthday party on June 30th while my SIL is visiting from Ohio. Their "real" birthday is July 15.

    I am looking for ideas for a theme.

    They LOVE Elmo and cookie but call them both MOMO...(Elmo)
  2. rens

    rens Well-Known Member

    I have seen some cute Curious George b-day things out, bob the builder. We did a combo Strawberry not strawberry shortcake just the fruit Strawberry and curious george as they love the books and movie. The girls kept saying they wanted strawberry things for their b-day when we would ask. Not sure how verbal your kids are but you could ask what they want for their birthday and see what the answer is and perhaps a theme will come from it.

  3. coconutdancing

    coconutdancing Well-Known Member

    I posted theis for a b/g theam question but would work for anyone.

    The Zoo is a great theme for that age. You can usually get a lot of cute animal things for cheap (just make sure they are age appropriate, safe for under three) and any colors for plates napkins ect will usually go. If you have a computer/printer make some color/placemats (like at restaurants ) to let them have an activity. For some thing a little extra special, find out which Animals each really loves. Like with my girls they both really get excited about monkeys, so I would like get little monkey toys for decoration then the kids can play with them after and then take them home so you can get double duty instead of having a lot of decor to go in the garbage or have to store away.
    Hope this is helpful
  4. double dribble

    double dribble Well-Known Member

    We actually did a poker/card party for our boys' 2nd birthday. The theme was "Two of a Kind". We had all sorts of card decorations, etc. which are very easy to find these days. At the time our boys couldn't have cared less about a theme for their birthday, so I took advantage of it and chose something I thought was cute and fitting for twins on their 2nd birthday! Our invitations read "We've been dealt a great hand! Please stop by our full house to help celebrate our Two of a Kind on their 2nd birthday. Place your bets...we wager the deuces will be wild!" The goody bags had some kids card games like Old Maid, etc, some chocolate poker chips, etc. I know it's not for everyone, but it turned out really cute. Have fun planning their party!
  5. leslie

    leslie Active Member

    We had the most fun at our b/g twins 2nd birthday party last year! We used a "Down on the Farm" theme. The invitations were shaped like a barn and said "Oink Oink Moo Moo Cockadoodledoo, Carson and Anna are turning two!!!" We constructed a large cardboard red barn to hang on the wall and a bale of hay to set in front of it. This was a GREAT back drop for pictures. We used red/white checked table clothes, cow print balloons, cow print goodie bags (with farm animal stickers, farm animal toys,and "cow tales" candy), a farm scene cake, and everyone wore overalls, boots, and cowboy hats. The food consisted of "pigs in a blanket", "hay stacks" and "cow piles" (chocolate oatmeal cookies-I'm from the south so you may have never heard them called that.) I took pictures of all the kids at the party and put them on a red barn cut out as a thank you card. I also went to the local parent-teacher store and purchased farm cut outs to hang around. I can't seem to come up with a theme for birthday #3 that could possibly top this one!
  6. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    If they both like Elmo and Cookie Monster then why don't you use that? Party City definitely has Sesame Street stuff. You could use chocolate chip cookies as favors, have Elmo and Cookie cakes, and use red and blue streamer and balloons. I think it would be really cute!

    I have to say I also love the poker/ card idea too! Very creative!
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