Need idea's on some sort of activity like gymnastics

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Gin Elliott, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    Brianna is tumbleing around always on her head....I would love to get her into gymnastics for one so she can learn the real way and not hurt herself, I find her the other day in the middle of the room standing on her head she got her feet up and then fall hard.

    She just loves doing that and is trying to do the spilts etc.

    For her safety and for her to have fun, but what I have find online in as far as what is called gymnastics BOY!!!! its EXPENSIVE.

    I live in St Charles Cty, MO

    Is there anything cheap that is the same as gymnastics that is just not called the same name etc...
    Or any tips....
  2. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    Yes, gymanstics can be very expensive. My 10 yo is a competitive gymnast, and the fees are insane. However, for introductory gymnastics or tumbling, you should be able to find something reasonable. When I put the little girls in, it was about $40/mo per child, but I got a sibling discount to $70/mo for both.

    I've looked into just about any type of activity little girls can do, and beginner classes all seem to range from about $35-50/mo per child.. The good thing about gymnastics is all you need is a leotard (no "uniform", cleats, tap shoes, etc). So, your "start-up" costs are a little cheaper.

    Look around a little more - you should be able to find something! Try searching under tumbling classes, also.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Gymnastics is very expensive. An alternative could be to buy her a mat to tumble around on until she was a little older if you are hesitant of putting her into gymnastics. However, it is really good for kids, IMO, because if focuses on flexibility and balance. As a matter of fact, my nephew who has mild CP takes gymnastics just for those reasons and he has benefited a great deal from the activities that they do.
  4. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Have you tried somewhere like the Y? If nothing else they may have the names of the local gymnastics centers. I would call the centers directly and ask if they have a beginners level fee. I know once you get to a competitive level, gymnastics can be expensive (we are possibly facing this come March). Right now I have all 4 kids in a homeschool gymnastics class that meets 2 times a week and it is only $70 for all 4 (they only charge for the first 3 and it is like 35 for the first and 17.50 each for the other two). If you are hoping that by giving her an outside place for her tumbling that she will stop doing it at home, it does not work. DD spends most of her free time trying to do hand stands, back bends, cart wheels, and the splits :rolleyes:
  5. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    Call around. . . you may be surprised at how inexpensive it can be. Ask about tumbling classes as opposed to true gymnastic, maybe that could help.
    Tumbling is gymnastcis w/o teh uneven bars, balance beam, etc. . .
  6. allgood2000

    allgood2000 Well-Known Member

    My boys take tumbling (sometimes it's called trampolining/tumbling) and they LOVE it! My older son, 7, just decided to switch from tumbling to boys gymnastics because he wants experience doing the rings and bars, etc... The cost is the same for all of them - $60 per month for 2x a week. Their classes are 75 minutes long and the gymnastics gym is in the same building as my gym so I can go work out while they are there. It's so nice! I usually go get a good workout and still have the chance to watch part of my boys class. I've been really happy with the gym they go to. It's large, bright, and has modern and high quality equipment. I know the gym my boys go to isn't the cheapest in our area, but I really like it and don't think that $60 per month is outrageously expensive.
  7. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    When I was 4 (and that was a really long time ago!), I took gymnastics in a lady's basement. My ballet class was in somebody else's basement. They had built studios at home and ran their own classes. I don't know if that's done anymore, but I'd imagine it would be cheaper than an official gymnastics center. I'd also recommend the Y, or maybe a community center. For instance, we have a Salvation Army community center here that offers all sorts of lessons for very reasonable prices.
  8. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much...that gave me alot of ideas, I am going to do some calling around.

    Thanks again

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