Need help with feeding 1 yr olds.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kellyx2, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    We had the girls' 1 yr appt yesterday. I was still giving 3 formula bottles and a snack up until breakfast, lunch and dinner (6 oz at 7am, 11am and 7pm. Snack at 3pm). Now I am told to do this....

    7am 6oz bottle of whole milk

    8:30 breakfast and sippy of whole milk

    11am snack

    12pm lunch and sippy of whole milk

    3pm snack

    5pm dinner and sippy of whole milk

    7pm 6oz bottle of whole milk and bed

    She wants them to have 18-20oz of milk a day which will be hard with only 2 bottles. They drink out of the sippy but not a ton. I'll need to give a lot of cheese and yogurt. I am to slowing take away bottles over the next 3 months. She didn't want to introduce milk and take away bottles at the same time.

    I'm having trouble coming up with a variety of meals and snacks. What are some things you feed your kids for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks?

  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    What happened to breakfast?

    For breakfast mine eat: pancakes, oatmeal, toast, cereal bar, cheerios

    Lunch-chicken nuggest, pizza, pasta, left overs from dinner, fish sticks, peas, fries, yogurt

    Dinner-whatever we are having

    Mine pretty much eat anything at this point.

    At that age for snacks, mine would get:yogurt, cheese, baby goldfish, crackers, graham crackers, waffles

    But you can give them anything you think they can eat, at that age, we stuck to things on the softer side since they didn't have their molars in. Now that they have their molars in they can pretty much chew anything.

    ETA: Mine didn't really drink a lot from a sippy, especially Trevor, until the bottles were gone.
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We switched to milk/sippies at the same time. Their input did decrease, but after about a week they were back to normal.

    For breakfast we do pancakes, french toast, eggs/toast, and oatmeal. We also offer cheese and yogurt as snacks.
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    It is interesting how different doctors say different things about milk. We were actually told to keep the milk to around 16 oz, including yogurt and cheese.
    Gotta run, will finish this later.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(Snittens @ Jul 11 2007, 03:37 PM) [snapback]326463[/snapback]
    It is interesting how different doctors say different things about milk. We were actually told to keep the milk to around 16 oz, including yogurt and cheese.
    Gotta run, will finish this later.

    I was thinking the same thing Kelly, we were also told no more than 16 oz. of milk a day. Mine drink between 12-14 oz. a day.
  6. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Breakfast--pancakes, waffles, toast, toaster struddle (love these), french toast stix and 2 yogurts w/ organic whole milk

    Lunch--grilled cheese, pot pies, mac & cheese, left over dinner (if there is any), and always a huge helping of org fresh fruit salad w/ water or juice

    Dinner--whatever we are eating plus a helping of cheese and fresh mixed org veggies w/ org whole milk

    My girls dont do snacks, we never seem to fit them in to our schedule. If they take a shorter nap, then they get something like organic cheetio like thingies (which they love) or something very small.

    Plus they still get 2 bottles a day, one before their nap (between breakfast and lunch and then a bedtime bottle. I really dont have any desire to take these away just yet.
  7. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I think that they say if you consume too much calcium that it hinders the absorption of iron? We were told between 16-20 and no more. It's a stretch if we get 16 here on a good day.

    Mine were resistant to the sippy because I hadn't quite found the one that they liked. We were very successful with the Nuby straw sippy. The don't have to tip it and suck hard to get the liquid.

    I cut the last bottle (the early morning one) when they were in the middle of their 13th month. It was harder on me than it was on them.
  8. mommyeandm

    mommyeandm Well-Known Member

    Breakfast - Eggo waffles, pancakes, scrambled egg whites with a dash of milk and a sprinkle of cheddar cheese, apple sauce, possibly another fruit if they'll eat it. They drink a milk sippy with breakfast.

    Lunch - jelly sandwich, turkey and cheese sandwich, grilled cheese, Organic ravioli by Gerber, leftovers from dinner, cottage cheese, YoBaby yogurt, hopefully a vegetable. They drink a juice sippy with lunch.

    Snack - Water with animal crackers, Gerber puffs, cheerios, dried fruit snacks from Gerber

    Dinner - what we're having with juice or water if they need it.

    Bedtime - sippy with milk

    We transitioned away from the bottle around 11 months. I would give them whole milk in their sippies with breakfast and they were really good with them so I decided to eliminate the bottle altogether. My guys never learned to hold the bottle by themselves so the sippies were a blessing for us. I can give them a sippy of milk for a snack on the road or out running errands instead of having to hold a bottle for them. I feel so free! :D
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We had started giving sippies of cold formula at meals from about 10 months on, and deleting bottles as we went. We switched cold turkey to milk in the sippies with meals at 12 months, with a bottle of formula at night. Two weeks later the bedtime bottle was history. I think if you switch to the sippy you will find after a few days they will pick up their intake.

    Our pedi suggested 16-20 ounces of milk a day.

    Mine eat pretty much anything we eat. Here's some examples:

    Breakfast (w/ a sippy of milk):
    waffles w/syrup, fruit of any kind
    pancakes w/apple butter, fruit
    yogurt, cheerios or cinnamon toast or bagel, fruit

    Lunch (w/ a sippy of milk):
    grilled cheese, veggies
    fettucini alfredo or mac & cheese (frozen meal), veggies
    hot dogs or bologna, veggies, cheese
    turkey burgers, veggies, cheese
    leftovers from previous night dinner, veggies

    PM snack (w/ a sippy of milk for Grace, juice for Lily - Lily would max out on milk otherwise):
    yogurt w/cereal, fruit
    ice cream, fruit
    crackers, cheese, fruit
    bologna, fruit

    Dinner (w/ a sippy of milk):
    whatever we are having (includes a veggie and sometimes fruit) - some favorites are salmon, hamburger, anything Italian, anything Mexican. They used to be big on chicken but lately not so much.

    I make more veggies than we eat with dinner then that's what they have for lunch the next day. And mine will eat just about anything. They mash their food with their gums (pre-molars). Now one of them has 2 molars and the other has 2 almost ready to pop.
  10. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    My ped. said no more than 24 oz. a day of milk!

    We started giving water in sippies at 7-8 mos. and they have always loved sippies!! Right when we changed to whole milk, we started in sippies and only had a protest with the morning bottle. The other two were no problem.
    We kept the morning one for about 2 or 3 weeks and then used their favorite sippies for the a.m.

    We do milk when they wake up
    an hour or so later they have breakfast with what is left of their milk or get water sippies.

    they nap at 1030

    then when they wake and play a bit they do lunch and a milk sippy

    they nap at 330

    then wake and play a bit and do dinner with water sippy if it is before 6, after 6 a milk sippy and
    bed at 8.

    so they have 3 sippies of milk and sometimes they drink it all and want more... sometimes they only drink half. I'd say they end up with 16-20 oz. by the end of the day.

    good luck!!!
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