Need help with baths!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2B2G, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    Dang it! I was loving being able to bathe them both in the big bathtub with two bath ring seats suctioned to the floor. My girls are so little but mobile, they are able to scooch right out of those and stand up. My boys were always too chubby to manage this. So what's the next step? Remove the seats and let them slide all over the place? They are 13 mo. but one is only 17 pounds. Bathe one at a time? Help!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine, for some reason, love to stand in the bath tub. I put some toys in there and some bathtime books that will keep them standing pretty still while DH & I wash them down. Good luck!
  3. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Fortunately my girls are still in those seats but I bought a padded machine-washable mat for the tub (with suction cups on it), I cant find it online but I got it at target. I have used it a few times but want to keep using the seats as long as possible. My girls do positionally stand up but I tell them to sit and they do
  4. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Jun 25 2009, 10:24 AM) [snapback]1368461[/snapback]
    Fortunately my girls are still in those seats but I bought a padded machine-washable mat for the tub (with suction cups on it), I cant find it online but I got it at target. I have used it a few times but want to keep using the seats as long as possible. My girls do positionally stand up but I tell them to sit and they do

    here's one from one step beyond.

    my dh does all the bathing and i only recently realized he was letting them stand up. this horrified me because of all the posts i've seen here w/people saying not to let them do it! so, we've been working on getting them to stop. but it's not easy. i just ordered that mat so hopefully that will help. i'm really worried about them falling down if they are in the habit of standing in the bathtub. however, i think you just have to be consistent about not letting them do it (we only use "no" for safety issues around here, but this one is an important one). we haven't done the best job but hopefully it'll get better w/time.

    good luck to you!
  5. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    We stopped using the bath seat because they were trying to get out of them. I started bathing them lying down in the tub together, and then we let them sit up. Now they crawl around, stand up and sit in the tub. Idon't like the standing, but I'm right there to stop any fall that could hurt them.
  6. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(happychck @ Jun 25 2009, 01:36 PM) [snapback]1368493[/snapback]
    here's one from one step beyond.

    Yes thats it! Thank you!
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We just have a regular old non-stick bath mat and it works great. The boys love bathing and we just taught them that if they stand up, they get one warning and on the next infringement, they get out. We firmly followed through and it worked great! We also didn't put much water in at all at that stage, just about 1-2 inches. Good luck!
  8. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    When we couldn't use the bath seats anymore we switched to using a long shower mat (like the one Jeri Lynn linked) so that they wouldn't slip. We let them stand up in the bath. They don't actually do it that much and it's easier to wash them down that way anyway.
  9. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    Spout cover, non stick mat, and for awhile the inflatable bumper. We do let them stand in the tub as long as they are being calm and it's not the whole time. It's just a battle that wasn't worth fighting and one or usually both of us are right there. There was awhile right after the bath seats (10-11 months for us) that it was easier to bathe them separately becuase it was just too chaotic. Luckily they got over that quickly.
  10. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I tried the bath seats for a day or so back at 6 months and didn't like them... so we never used them. Ours just get the mat on the floor and some little floating toys and bubbles... they mainly sit... but they do stand too... I should be more vigilant about getting them to sit. It would probably make life easier in other areas too... but for now I'm letting them live a little... We've always done baths together and for the main part they are pretty calm - thankfully.
  11. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    Sounds like I need a new tub mat! ;) I'm bumming that I spend so much on those bath seats. I thought they'd be like my boys and use them for a long time. Oh well, off to the resale.

    I tried redirecting one DD to sit down over and over tonight but all I succeeded in doing was banging up her thighs trying to get her back into the seat. It's hard to reason with a 13 month old dare devil.
  12. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We didn't use any kind of bath mats, but did use inflatable tub bumpers. We ordered through one step ahead.
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