Need help thinking of boy names

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Meximeli, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    My MIL passed away this week and we are considering chaning the name (which we have had picked out for about 10 years) for our son.

    The name we have is Drexel Daniel, named for both of our maternal grandfathers, who were both important figures in our life. I'm pretty attached to the name Drex. So I want to keep that. We might change Daniel, or move Drex to a middle name, but I would still call the baby Drex--it was actually my grandpa's middle name, but he had the same first name as his father and everyone called him Drex.

    MIL's name is Catalina. In Spanish there is actually a male version Catalino, but it's very rare and Drexel Catalino is quite the name to saddle a young boy with!

    The only other option I can think of is Carter, but it's hard for Spanish speakers to get their tonges around rt cluster in the middle and it's not really a dirvitive of the name.

    My other suggestion to DH is to take MILs last name, and use that as the middle name, dh didn't seem to think much of that option (but he's still in shock, MILs illness was short) And in Mexico people have two last names, so that would be like having three.

    So any other ideas of a boys name that is a take on Catalina?
  2. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    I like Drexel Catalino! And I LOVE using the closest version of your mil's name to honor her!
  3. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    What about Catalin? Some places online say it means pure and can be either male or female.

    Drexel Catalin

    Oh I forgot to add, sorry about your MIL's passing!
  4. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member


    I'm so sorry about your MIL.

    Names (meanings and origins are next to most of them):


    Cat Scottish Catlike
    Cath Arthurian Legend Name of a monster
    Cathair Celtic Fighter
    Cathair Scottish From the broken mossy ground
    Cathal Celtic Strong in battle
    Cathal Irish Battle strong
    Cathan Old English Pure (Submitted by Babies Online Member)
    Cathaoir Celtic Fighter
    Cathaoir Irish Wamor
    Cathmor Irish Great fighter
    Cathmore Irish Great fighter
    Catrell Unknown (Submitted by Babies Online Member)
    Catterick Arthurian Legend Name of a battle
  5. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    Can you do an anagram...mix up the letters?

    so from Catalina

    Nicolas uses the c,n,l

    I also have seen the name Catalan (it was Phillipino, which has a lot of Spanish/Portugese influence)although it was a last name.
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I am so very sorry about your MIL

    I also think Drexel Catalino sounds great together!

    I do love the name Carter or
    you could simply use Tal
  7. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    :cry: for your MIL

    What about picking something that has the same meaning or sentiment? Granted, Catarina means pure, which is generally a trait associated with women (though that sexist trend makes me want to gag).

    I know you're not particularly religious, but St Catherine is revered as a martyr. History says that she was incredibly intelligent and more knowledgeable than most men. So what about the name of an equally revered male martyr? Steven/Stephen/Esteban is considered the first martyr. Or St Catherine came from Alexandria. So what about Alexander or Alexandro?

    Or what about her father's (or other favorite male relatives') name? Jacob is named for my grandmother, whose father was Jacob. It was our way of honoring her without using her name, Dorothy (I'm not found of the male form Theodore). And if I read your post correctly, Daniel was her father's name. So Drexel Daniel seems like the perfect tribute.
  8. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Daniel was her father's name and I still like that combination the best, but DH seems to like Drexel Catalino. All the parts of the funeral won't be over until Saturday so I think I'll just wait until he brings names up again. Feb is still a ways off.
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