Need Help! How do you childproof your oven?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by doubledownmom, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    This has happened several times now. Side-by-side they step on the handle for the drawer beneath the stove and pull up on the stove handle to try to open eventually does open and they both fall back onto the floor......and lots of screaming b/c we have tile floors in the kitchen....You would think that this would scare them into not doing it again, but, no.....Luckily, we have never been cooking anything when this happens...

    Is there anything I can do to keep it locked? I tried one of those oven front locks that sticks on w/ adhesive tape, but it was not worth a dime.....

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!
  2. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    I have this lock on my fridge and it works wonders, would be great for the oven too probably. I bought mine at Home Depot.

    Good Luck!
  3. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kerrmommy @ Sep 2 2007, 10:59 PM) [snapback]390229[/snapback]
    I have this lock on my fridge and it works wonders, would be great for the oven too probably. I bought mine at Home Depot.

    Good Luck!

    The link above wouldn't work....could you re-post it?? Thanks!
  4. ErickaK

    ErickaK Well-Known Member

    I have these on the drawers of our coffee table and a cabinet with all the bathroom items in it:

    Multi-Purpose Latches

    Not sure how well it would do on the oven, as we don't have anything on our oven, as we rent and no adhesive allowed on anything.
  5. Ilovemybabies

    Ilovemybabies Well-Known Member

    I remember those days like they were yesterday. My kids did the same thing. I ended up taking the easy way out and taped the oven door shut! I know, extreme, but all the ovens locks I bought were no help. I bought clear packing tape and taped both side of the oven. It worked and saved my sanity. I have a toaster oven which I prefer to use anyway because I hate to heat up my house. Good luck. :)
  6. Omega3tx

    Omega3tx Well-Known Member

    We have a similar problem with the boys always wanting to open everything! While my oven is not in use, I lock it in the oven cleaning position, so the door will not open. However, the oven will not heat (except clean) with the lock engaged, so I use duct tape to secure the door while cooking, and make sure the boys are not in the room while I have the door open while it is hot.

  7. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    I decided to keep the kitchen gated off. Honestly I just don't feel safe with them underfoot while we're cooking in the kitchen, so I just decided to not allow them in there until they're older. Their playroom opens off the kitchen, so when I am in the kitchen I can talk with them over the gate and see them the entire time; it's pretty much like we're in the same room. The only time they're in the kitchen is when they're walking through the playroom to the dining room or when they're helping put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher after meals. Oh, and they do "help" prepare breakfast by taking bowls, cups, box of Cheerios, etc., to the table. But otherwise -- the whole kitchen is off limits. It just made me too crazy to have them in there. Not sure when we'll take that gate down, but probably not until after age 3 at least.
  8. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    no lock on the oven door. i taught them that the oven may always be hot and not to touch. the oven is positioned near the door to the garage... so there is a carpet there. if i am opening the oven, they have to stand on the carpet. they are so well trained in this, that if i am about to open the oven and they are anywhere nearby, they run to the carpet and stand there.

    we are getting to the point now that they want to start helping me stir hot things on the stove. i just don't like that idea yet.
  9. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ErickaK @ Sep 2 2007, 08:03 PM) [snapback]390487[/snapback]
    I have these on the drawers of our coffee table and a cabinet with all the bathroom items in it:

    Multi-Purpose Latches

    Not sure how well it would do on the oven, as we don't have anything on our oven, as we rent and no adhesive allowed on anything.

    FYI, I have this lock too for many uses, but the package specifically stated that it was NOT for use on ovens. I do, however, have it in use to keep our oven drawer kept closed. I assume they are concerned that the heat of the oven will melt the strap, which is why I felt comfortable using it on our oven drawer as that area doesn't get hot.

    QUOTE(Omega3tx @ Sep 3 2007, 08:54 AM) [snapback]390934[/snapback]
    We have a similar problem with the boys always wanting to open everything! While my oven is not in use, I lock it in the oven cleaning position, so the door will not open. However, the oven will not heat (except clean) with the lock engaged, so I use duct tape to secure the door while cooking, and make sure the boys are not in the room while I have the door open while it is hot.


    I also use the "clean lock" when not in use...but two complaints about this...#1: I often forget I have it on and turn the oven to preheat only to realize when I get ready to put something in that it hasn't preheated whatsoever b/c it's on clean. #2: this doesn't lock the oven when it's in use, which, is the most important time to have it locked!

    My boys are tall enough to reach the door handle without stepping on the drawer. I also found the adhesive oven locks completely useless. I think the latch would work fine on ovens, and may end up using it myself, for lack of a better option. However, I would certainly check your stove's perimeter for heat before installing it.
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