need gate recommendations!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Mods, can you maybe link to the 1-5 forum?

    I can't seem to find a decent gate & we're to the point where I really need some. I have this one, but can't set it up yet b/c my hallway is too wide. My mil has it at her house & it's great! But, I'd like another one for the babies room so they can play in there & I can still leave the door open so they can see me if I'm in another room. The other gate I have is this one and I'm about ready to burn the darn thing!!! Totally worthless, and I've hurt myself on it many times already.

    Other problem is, I'm short (5') so some of these gates it's hard for me to get over very easily.

    Help, please! [​IMG]
  2. greengirls

    greengirls Well-Known Member

    We had two of these and I loved them. Target sells them and One Step Ahead.

    wooden gate

    Good Luck
  3. Monika

    Monika Well-Known Member

  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We just got a Supergate It screws in the wall and can open wide for larger spaces. It says for 22-62 inches wide. That may work for you. We got it at Toys R Us, for around $30. Got it about a month ago and love it, it is easy to open too.
  5. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice...but I just wanted to tell you I feel your pain! My DH made us a baby gate. WE have a very extra wide opening, and we needed to be able to block it off. We used a piece of plywood and cut it to the size we needed. I covered it with some batting and sewed a cover to slip on like a pillow case, and we put two drawer pulls on it as handles. He then took 2 furing stipps, cut them the height of the "gate" and nailed them to each side of the opening, and then we slid the gate down between the boards. It is low enought for me to climb over, tall enough for them to not climb out, and it is removeable when we need to take it down when we have company and need to open up the space. If you didn't want to mess with the nailing of furring strips, you could also use eye loops and hooks. We have done that in another area. Hook it in place, and remove when needed.
  6. mandmtwinmommy

    mandmtwinmommy Well-Known Member

    We have five of these Top of Stair Gates in our house. We use them everywhere, not just the stairs, they adjust great and look pretty good too. We had used them for years, they hold up well and can fold out of the way when open.

    We also have a Supergate V for the kitchen.

    I think that baby gates are so personal and need to fit your life style.Good luck.
  7. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    We have the kitchen blocked off. One side is very wide so we bought this gate. And the other entrance is wider than most I guess so we bought this metal gate.
    We bought pressure gates because we're renting right now.
  8. momofmandb

    momofmandb Well-Known Member

    We have this gate at the bottom of our stairs and I love it. We leave it up all the time and my older kids can open it.

  9. Tamera

    Tamera Well-Known Member

    We just bought 2 evenflo soft and wide gates. They extend to 60" and my life just got easier. They have been wonderful. We bought them to keep our puppy in the kitchen and away from the twins. So, when he is in his kennel, I just pop one down for easier access. I am 5'2" and can step over it. We bought pressurized ones because we didn't want to have to repair all the walls. They have never fallen down, even with 2 crazy toddlers, one maniac dog, and 3 older kids jumping over them. They had really high ratings on amazon and I give it a 5 star rating also. We got them at BRU and they had a $5 off coupon so they ended up being around $25.
  10. missmomoftwins02

    missmomoftwins02 Well-Known Member

    I HATE HATE HATE those wooden gates too! They are absolutely worthless as far as I am concerned.

    I had the Perfect Fit Gate when we live in MIssissippi and LOVE it! It we didn't have stairs, so we used it as a pressure-mount gate. I loved it b/c it adjusted to fit the wall, since there was a baseboard at the bottom that stuck out.

    When we moved out here to UT and had to have a hardware-mount gate for the stairs (rather than pressure gate), we got the All CLear Gate. It was very easy to use (install, open, close, etc) and I loved the clear panels so I could see the kids.

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