Need basic help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BaaRamEwe, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    As some of you know, I took a part time job at a daycare. I hated my first day. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I am terribly intimidated. I have never been around children. My girls are the only kids I have spent any significant amount of time with. If you guys could give me adivce on how to interact with them? Discipline them? When they are being potty trained and they need to go to the bathroom, how do you help? Also, we are suppoed to take turns doing activites with them. The categories are quiet time, circle time, music time, craft time. Do you have any ideas on these thing?

    Really, if any of you could give me some advice or tips on how to make this not so scary for me, I would REALLY appreciate it.
  2. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    My first advice would be to ask for some appropriate training!!!! That might give you a lot of confidence!

    When I was helping in a potty-training aged group, I would help them pull down/up their pants as needed and help with the "clean up" as needed.

    How to interact with them? Depends on the kids and ages. If I recall, it's like a drop-off/short time stay place, right? So I would say always always always get on their eye level when you first greet/engage them. Then find out what will interest them and help get them engaged in that activity. If you have the time, play at the activity with them. If not, check back with them often.

    circle time is great for songs, especially with hand gestures. Also stories. you can google for TONS of activity suggestions!!!!!

    How to discipline them? Again, that depends on the kid/age, but usually redirection is all that's needed in that kind of environment. If they aren't behaving well at a quiet activity, maybe they need something where they can be more active. Or if they aren't playing well with other children, redirect them to an independent game/activity. When that doesn't fix the problem, really all you can use is time-outs. Always focus on positive reinforcement, which encourages GOOD behaviors, first and foremost.

    I think you'll do a great job! Even without experience, you are probably very well equipped for the task. Be confident :)
  3. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    Hi Jenn
    I would love to help you. I was an Early Childhood Educatore for 16 years before having my own. First, is it at a home or a center? What age are the children? Are you an assistant or teacher? ( I am going to assume assistant because you don't have units or experience).
  4. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    It is at a center. The ages are between infant and 8 years old. I guess you would say I am an assistant. There are 2 other ladies there with me, but on Monday, even though I told them I would need specific guidance, no one really helped me. It probably didn't help that I was sick as a dog, but I was so overwelmed, I just wanted to cry.
  5. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    Well first of all I can't believe that they would expect you to just fall into place. Also to plan activities when you are an assistant. They should be coming up with the ideas and you should be there to provide assistance. Well there is my rant.
    Well like PP said get down to the kids level. I was not one to interupt their play. That is why they are there to socialize with other children. I think it is a lot of observing and providing the material to use to make their play fun.
    As to discipline. It depends on the centers policies. Our was to communicate. We tried to get the kids that were in conflict to talk to each other and tell the other how they felt. Time out was a last resort and we never called it that. It was "I need you to come here and take a break until you are ready to stop hitting, kicking, etc."

    As to the bathroom. Again it depends on the facility. We were really into self help skills and encouraged the child to do things on their own. Of course we helped if they needed it.

    As to activities to do with them
    I am not sure what quiet time is. I break for the teachers?
    Circle time-flannel board stories(they should have some for you to do), reading books, songs & fingerplays(5 little monkeys, thumbkin, wheels on the bus, twinkle twinkle little star) If you need more I can provide more

    Art should be open ended so all levels can do it. coloring with chalk, crayons, markers, easel painting, q tip painting, gadget painting, marble painting, sponge painting, cutting paper with scissors, collaging with glue, finger painting, etc. Need more?

    Don't be scared. Just remember that you are bigger then them :lol:

    If you need more suggestions feel free to PM me, these were off the top of my head with 3 kids hovering me

  6. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    Art should be open ended so all levels can do it. coloring with chalk, crayons, markers, easel painting, q tip painting, gadget painting, marble painting, sponge painting, cutting paper with scissors, collaging with glue, finger painting, etc. Need more?

    ditto that! i'd rather an "original" craft or painting/drawing from my kids over one that looks like super cute but teacher-made. It's such a good learning opportunity when they have room to really use their own creativity instead of coloring in the lines :p

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