need advice....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by FourKiddos, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. FourKiddos

    FourKiddos Well-Known Member

    My DS amazed me and PT in two days!!! It is still unbelievable to me. He has been wearing underwear for almost two weeks now and has remained dry and tells me when he has to go or goes independently. AMAZING!!!

    Now, the problem is #2. My first daughter had NO problems once PT. However, my second daughter was easy for #1 but #2 was literally a NIGHTMARE. I could tell you SOOOO many stories. I am not sure what triggered this but I am trying to be SO careful and I am not sure what the right approach is.

    So, I am looking for stories on what worked on your kids. I will try anything. I wish I knew what triggered it in my DD but I do not know. And I do not remember what worked for my oldest DD except I remember giving her one M&M for #1 and two M&M for #2. She still is very bribeable and the reward system works great on her - it still does NOT work on my second daughter. Unbelievable - how our personalities are formed at such a young age.

    I appreciate all and any advice on what works AND what you think does NOT work. TIA

    I still need to PT his sister, so I will use your advice TWICE.
  2. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my son pee trained in about 4 days...and it took 3 months of pooping in his pants before it clicked...rewards didn't work, bribing didn't finally just thing that did work was we laid off...we stopped reminding him and hounding him to poop and after a while he'd tell us he had to, or he'd just go...even now he's stealthy...he'll go in the bathroom and the next thing you know he yells for us to come clean him up...
  3. Julie L

    Julie L Well-Known Member

    Zach had a horrible time with #2. He was scared to do it, not sure why. What got him past it was the promise that if he did it, he could call Thomas the Tank Engine (aka DH). Calling Thomas also worked to get him to stop sucking his thumb.

    That strategy did not work so well with Cassie though. Nothing was important enough to her. Ethan was trained a good 6 months before she was. She just was not ready yet. We backed off and she was able to do it 6 months later.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DS took forever to poop train. :faint: My oldest DD was so easy she just did it. DD #2 was a bit more difficult, she took a few months. But DS took about 6 months (but he did have a medical condition we also corrected that wasn't helping the matter too) and even now still will have an accident at times. : :headbang: I'm not really sure what worked with him, I feel like we tried everything in the book with him. We did m&m's or a twizzler if he went on the potty, we did a sticker chart, we tried Thomas trains, etc. What seemed to work best for him was we did another sticker chart at the end of Aug. And I said that whoever didn't poop their pants this week was going to Chuck E Cheese on Saturday. So told him if he pooped his pants, he would not go and his 2 sisters would. Somehow that did the trick and really helped motivate him and I reminded him throughout the week about it. :good: But like I said, there are times he will still not make it to the potty in time, but it's not a full blown accident, just a little bit and then he will catch himself, so we are still working on it. :faint:
  5. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    so, daughter number two is having problems with #2? want to be sure i got this right. lol

    well, we started making DS clean up his own poo (to the best of his ability). oh, and we threw away the underwear. you have to be ready to throw that money away, but frankly, we viewed it like diapers - those cost money, too. so, we threw away his favorite underwear and that seemed to work like a charm.
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