Need Advice

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nurseandrea02, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Ok, Conner has some super weird bug going on. Saturday night, around 1am, he spiked a fever. It went down nicely with Ibuprofen & he woke without one Sunday. Then it came back & lingered all day Sunday. It ranged from 99-104, depending upon when he had been medicated last (and with what...Tylenol didn't do a thing for him). It was 104 when we put him to bed at 6:30 (!) last night & by 9, it was only down to 101. I gave him Ibuprofen at 2am (I set my alarm, he never woke), when his temp was only 99.6. He woke fine today & was fine til about 10am when the fever came back again...around 101.5. Ugh. Gave him Ibuprofen & he sweat it out during his 2 hour nap. His temp now is 97.7. He's as wild as ever & acts completely normal when his fever is down. When it's up, he's miserable...clingy, whiny, & even the chills when it got super high. He has NO other symptoms, NONE.

    (Ok, I'll get to my question now).

    The boys start a new daycare tomorrow. I'm nervous about the transition for Conner anyway because he's got such attachment issues lately. IF he stays fever free through tomorrow morning (wishful thinking on my part, perhaps), would you still send him? I refuse to send Aiden without Conner & if this was a daycare he was familiar with, I'd be more apt to do it (just in case his fever would come back, he'd at least feel comfortable with his teachers). Normally, I'd just wait til Wednesday, but I work a 12 hr night shift tonight & tomorrow night (meaning, I'd be up from 7am Monday til 8:30am Wednesday when I'd drop them off with minimal napping in between with them). So part of me wants to send them just so I can sleep (I know, I know, but I worry how I'll even handle them THAT sleep deprived, especially since I was up on & off all night last night checking on him).

    Long story short, would you send your 2 yr old to a new daycare, not knowing if they were fully healthy yet (and if it meant a stretch of 48 or so hours awake for you)?

    (Thanks for reading...I'm a wordy person, so thanks for hanging in through my rambles!)
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know most daycares want a child to be fever free for 24 hours. If he had a fever earlier today, then I would say that you shouldn't send him. Maybe you can drop Aiden off and then try to lay down with Conner for a bit tomorrow.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    SInce it is a new daycare, I'd not send him. It takes a while to feel better and I can't imagine going to a new place just on the mend. :hug: Hope he feels better soon!
  4. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Nevermind anyway...his fever is back. I definitely won't send him now. His fever earlier was around 10am, so it would've been 22 hrs fever free (close enough, to me), but since it's doesn't matter now!! Ugh.

    Thanks for the input. To whomever said I could lay with him...that'd be nice, except he's wild as can be until his fever hits the 101 range. If I keep him medicated (or if the Ibuprofen lasts a while), he's FINE...running laps & all. In fact, he's had 2 time outs this afternoon for being so naughty! Not much laying around with that little guy......
  5. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    How is he doing now? Did you take him to the Pedi to find out why he was running such a high temp?

    Hope he is better and liking his new daycare!
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Hope you are all doing okay and hanging in there. I know this is a rough time for all of you.
  7. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Awww, thanks for thinking of us. I kept both boys home on Tuesday (their 1st scheduled day). Conner was perfectly fine on Tuesday, so I had no qualms about sending him on Wednesday.

    Drop off has been hard, but Aiden did better the 2nd day & daycare said it took Conner less time to settle on the 2nd day. They both have a blast there & were even looking forward to going the 2nd day. They love the new playground & both are singing songs they've already learned. They've even both napped 2 hours each day! YIPPEE!

    So, the adjustment is going well for now. Unfortunately, they don't go back til next Thursday, so I'm worried we'll have to start all over again. Ugh.

    Thanks again for thinking of us!
  8. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear you are all doing okay and that the adjustment is going well. :banana: Great news! Hope the goodness continues. :)
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