Need advice - twin beds or one full size

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sandsam, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    I could use your advice. At nearly 3, my girls will be outgrowing their cribs soon (they are big girls!!).

    I'm torn between getting one full size bed for them to share (and turning it sideways) or two twin beds.

    The single bed will fit more nicely in the room. My girls sleep together sometimes in our bed, altho they are separated in their cribs so they are used to sleeping together. And the single bed would be more cost effective since we would give the twins my older dd's mattress and get her the new one she needs. Eventually, the girls will move into separate rooms (our au pair has that room right now) and have full size beds so if we bought twin beds, they would be donated in a couple years.

    Any suggestions on which way to go? Anyone have experience with their kids sharing a bed between ages 3 and 5?

    Thank you!
  2. QUOTE(Sandsam @ Apr 24 2007, 09:26 AM) [snapback]232028[/snapback]
    I could use your advice. At nearly 3, my girls will be outgrowing their cribs soon (they are big girls!!).

    I'm torn between getting one full size bed for them to share (and turning it sideways) or two twin beds.

    The single bed will fit more nicely in the room. My girls sleep together sometimes in our bed, altho they are separated in their cribs so they are used to sleeping together. And the single bed would be more cost effective since we would give the twins my older dd's mattress and get her the new one she needs. Eventually, the girls will move into separate rooms (our au pair has that room right now) and have full size beds so if we bought twin beds, they would be donated in a couple years.

    Any suggestions on which way to go? Anyone have experience with their kids sharing a bed between ages 3 and 5?

    Thank you!

    My girls will be 4yrs old in June. I bought a bunk bed(twin size)and then we seperated them. My girls love to sleep together so we just push the beds up against eachtoher and put blankets inbetween the space between the mattresses. The love it! I like having the twins beds available if they decide that they dont want to sleep together(all I would have to do is sperate the beds)anymore. Of course I dont see that happening anytime but just in case I dont have to run out to get another bed.

    Cherie(proudmama2three--formerly known as homewithmy3)
    Ramzie 6/8/00
    Malena & Sofia 6/27/03
  3. chattwins

    chattwins Well-Known Member

    When we moved our girls out of the crib we put them in the toddler beds we had from their older siblings, so we didn't have to make this decision - I may in a couple of years when they outgrow the toddler beds.

    My nieces (ID girls) who are now 12 have always shared a bed and now they will not sleep apart. Their parents have tried putting them in separate beds, but they can't sleep. When we have spent the night at their house the girls tried to sleep with my kids, but couldn't and ended up together because they can't sleep when they are separated.

    That really isn't a huge deal, but it may be something to think about. Is it going to be difficult to separate them down the road if they are used to sleeping with each other?

    That is kinda the same concept I'm thinking about when putting my girls in school. I think I'll start out with them in separate classes because I think it would be easier down the road to put them together if need be, but much more difficult to separate them after they had been together.

    -Just some thoughts, no advice here. :pardon:
  4. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    [Is it going to be difficult to separate them down the road if they are used to sleeping with each other?


    Very good point. I hadn't thought about any difficulties separating them once they got used to co-sleeping. I would want my girls in separate rooms at some point, although I would never force them. Thank you for mentioning this. I think I'm starting to lean to buying a couple cheap twin beds. But to take this thought one step further, there's no guarantee my girls will even want separate rooms once they can have them. Maybe they will want to stay together until they reach those rebelious teenage years.
  5. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    We're not there yet- but I don't see me buying 1 bed- I see 2 separate- like the pp said- you can shove the beds together if need be but more than likely- use them singly. That's our plan.
  6. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    We started with toddler beds and unfortunately, they ended up giving up naps almost completely. They also woke up a lot in the middle of the night and needed back rubs, etc. to get back to sleep. Then, DH and I bought ourselves a new bed and moved our old queen size into the girls' room. The LOVE sleeping together. And, we can have story time with all of us laying the bed together. They sleep better through the night now and on the rare occasion that they need some comfort in the middle of the night I can lay next to them in the bed to help them fall back asleep.

    We still have the toddler beds set up in case one of them wants to sleep alone but so far the queen bed has worked really well for us.

    Good luck! Keep us posted.
  7. iggystwins

    iggystwins Well-Known Member

    We bought two toddler beds for the boys, and most of the time they wind up sleeping curled up together in one bed. I might just get them a full size and let them share when they outgrow the toddler beds lol.
  8. livewires

    livewires New Member

    This is a tough one. Our boys are 4 1/2 now and are sleeping in separate rooms. They slept in separate cribs until 18 months and they were both crawling out. So we went to twin beds. They slept together for a long time and when they outgrew both sleeping comfortably in a twin bed they switched to two beds in one room. Then for some reason around 4 they started sleeping together most nights. It was actually kind of sweet to see them together but I think they bothered each other somewhat. Then my son announced he was moving to the other bedroom which has a twin bed also and they haven't looked back. It's been a couple months. They go to sleep much quicker now because one twin was keeping the other up. They LOVE having their own room with their own things. Obviously that isn't possible a lot of the time but it is interesting that these two (which I thought would stay in the same room forever) decided on their own what was best for them.

    Good Luck!
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