Need Advice- Tummy gets extremely hard

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by smith0529, May 8, 2009.

  1. smith0529

    smith0529 Member

    Okay ladies, have a question and please forgive me for being a little forward :eek:

    Last night after I laid down, I noticed my stomach getting extremely hard and actually took my breath away. Of course I am constantly worried about PTL and on the lookout for any sign. I laid in bed for a few minutes trying to figure out what my body was doing, decided to get up and drink some water. The pains came and went for over an hour but I finally fell asleep and stopped "looking" for them. Got up this morning, felt great and came to work. The pains and hardening have started again. I have been drinking a ton of water thinking maybe I was dehydrated. Nothing I seem to do makes them better. I am feeling nothing in my back, so I am trying to decide are these bh contractions, real ones or simply gas. Please dont laugh. There is no pattern that I can tell, and the longest I have timed any of them is 30 seconds. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Forgot to mention I am 28 weeks+5 days prego with mono/di twin boys.
  2. faerieprncs

    faerieprncs Well-Known Member

    Sounds like braxton hicks to me...but I'm not a doctor. :)
  3. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    totally braxton hicks. sometimes they can get strong and they are really unpredictable with no real pattern. if it were gas you would feel immediate relief upon passing it. HTH!
  4. shlbifish

    shlbifish Well-Known Member

    I would think it's safe to say contractions, most likely BH! But, I think the issue is if you are having more than 5 of these in an hour, you should call your Doc and tell them what is happening! I was admitted to L&D twice so far this pregnancy, both times for being dehydrated and having contractions. I am not trying to scare you but once at the hospital, they were able to monitor me and give me fluids (large amounts of water one time and then IV the 2nd time I went). Everything was great, didn't need any drugs, the babies were fine, but it was great peace of mind to know I wasn't crazy and nothing was wrong! Just one momma to another, I would just call doc to reassure yourself! The worry makes everything worse! Keep us posted, ok?
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    If this is something new that you have not experienced before I would say call your Dr. I went into PTL and did not even know it until I was put on the monitor. Is your stomach hard to to the touch? Like as if you were pushing on your forehead? If so, then I would say that they are definitely contractions. Keep drinking all that water, and make sure you are emptying your bladder often. Good Luck!
  6. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    I'd call your doctor and see if they want you to go in and have an NST done to see how frequent they are and if the babies are under stress. That's what I'd do if I were having the same problem. Def. sounds like BH contractions
  7. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Sounds like BH to me, but if they actually get painful or uncomfortable, do call your doctor straight away just to be on the safe side :D [/SIZE]
  8. buddhababybelly

    buddhababybelly Well-Known Member

    Like all the other ladies said, call your doc. If these contractions are frequent then most definitely go in to get checked or see what your doc may say.

    With twins, I think it's harder to tell what exactly may be BH or the real thing. I can cough and make my belly hard. And to be honest with you I get the take my breath away tummy hard feeling also, most of the time when I am lying on my right side. I tend to prefer that side over my left.
    For the past month-when I truly started my uncomfy phase of pregnancy I get the same feeling. Its much worse now. However, I get it more at night than during the day (sleepless nights). Many times I dont know when I have to tinkle (sorry if TMI) the only way I can tell there's something in my bladder is if my tummy gets extra hard. But there are times its just a BH, found out today that the hot flashes where I have to get naked, tummy hard, slight pain, and feeling of BG (bubble guts) I've had most of this week are actually contractions.
  9. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    They sound like BH. If they're regular then call the doc.

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