need a jogger and an everyday, advice please!

Discussion in 'General' started by paperclippy, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. paperclippy

    paperclippy Well-Known Member

    So right now I have a double snap n go, which is great but my girls are getting big enough that (a) it's hard to push because of the weight and (b) they want to sit up straighter.  I did a bunch of research and went to some stores to try out a few strollers.  I want to have a jogger because theoretically once the weather warms up hubby and I will both want to get more exercise and we both like running.  Also, I need a stroller I can push over dirt, grass, and gravel if we go to local parks and because there are some stretches near my house that do not have sidewalks.  I also want to have a small stroller I can use for running errands that will fold up compactly and fit through doorways and down aisles in stores.  Other twin moms tell me that a side-by-side is a better choice than a front-and-back because neither twin is going to want to sit in the back.
    After researching a bunch, it looks like the Baby Jogger Summit X3 Double is the best bet for a jogger.  For everyday, the top two I came up with were the Baby Jogger City Mini Double and the Maclaren Twin Triumph.  Anyone have experience with these three strollers?  If I get the Summit X3 would it be redundant to also have a City Mini?  The Maclaren was really lightweight in the store and folds up tiny, but it is harder to fold.  I'm also wondering if maybe this is all irrelevant and I should just get the one jogger and use it everywhere.  The Maclaren wouldn't be able to go over rough surfaces, but maybe that doesn't matter because I would use the Summit for rough surfaces.
    I don't know, I'm rambling -- I guess it boils down to a few questions:
    1) If I have a jogger, do I also need an everyday stroller that folds smaller?
    2) Any comments on the Maclaren Twin Triumph?
    3) Is there any reason to have both a Summit X3 AND a City Mini?
    4) Should I just get a jogger and then get two super cheap individual umbrella strollers for the times I need to fold up tiny?  One twin mom suggested to me that in most cases either hubby would be with me and we could each take one or else I could clip the two together.
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would get the slimmest jogger and just use that as your everyday stroller. W also had a double umbrella (thanks to Bex!!!) that we used for travel and quicker trips.
  3. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I would do the same as Jen.  I don't have any experience with the particular strollers you mentioned, but I do have a jogger and use it (for my singleton) as an every day stroller.  Trust me, once you get a jogger you will NEVER want to use regular strollers again.  The ride is just so much smoother with the jogger.  I do have a couple of umbrella strollers that are leftover from my twins that I keep 'just in case' but I rarely use them.  Seriously, after pushing a jogger, the regular strollers are so rough and bumpy.  
  4. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    we have a BOB double as our only stroller. it is not small but does fit in my Honda FIT (tiny back end).  i have to pop one wheel off to get it in but that is done with a quick pull of a lever and only takes a second.  i have never had trouble getting it through a public door.  it is often close but it steers so well i only need a centimeters clearance to cruise through!  (NOTE- you will need the swivel front wheel)

    i have a hand-me down cheapo stroller that is super light and folds small.  i hate it!  after driving a bob (usually with one hand) it just feels clunky and awkward.  I kept thinking i would buy an umbrella but have only had a couple of times i thought it would have been better than the BOB and now they are two and walk fairly well...
    In my book a good jogger is worth the money.. and the resale value is great!
  5. jcafardi

    jcafardi New Member

    I started out with the twin joovey roo (which has been pretty handy and inexpensive).  Now that my twins are 9 months old, we really wanted to get a stroller that they could sit up in.  I just bought the double BOB stroller (front wheel swivels), and we've been very pleased.  It is VERY easy to push and get around in.  I did have the same thought, though .... Would I need a more everyday stroller?  After a month, however, I don't think we will.  I was able to bring it to the doctor's office, etc, with minimal effort.  As noted, it is a tight squeeze thru doors, but definitely possible and easy to do with the maneuverability.  I did consider the city select double stroller as an "everyday" stroller, but we've been happy ....

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