Need a chart for how much formula oz to feed per day by age and weight...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by desolation_anonymous, May 15, 2009.

  1. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    the boys are starting solids, yay! But I find myself confused on how much formula they should have. Does anyone have a chart by age and weight? the 2.5 oz per pound of body weight is wrong per their Dr.... (she said they were eating much more than they needed to when they were doing this)

    Also, do you feed formula in ADDITION to meals? How much should the babies have in formula in addition to their meals? Their Dr. said don't decrease bottles until they eat a 'full meal', but what does this mean? Do they get water with their food instead of formula????

    I'm first time mom, haven't been around babies for 33 years before they were born, I need some serious formula and food help as no idea where to start. Their pediatrician is GREAT, but she isn't a consultant/dietician...

    Right now:

    4 am 5.5 oz bottle
    8 am 5.5 oz bottle
    11 a.m. 5.5 oz bottle
    2 p.m. 5.5 oz bottle
    5 pm. 5.5 oz bottle
    8 p.m. 5.5 oz bottle, 1/2 pack or a little more of a gerber veggie

    6 months old, born 35 weeks 5 days. almost 18 lbs each :D

    Suggestions for references on where we go from here? Thanks so much in advance
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I haven't been able to find anything specific, but we just gave them as much as they would drink BEFORE they ate solids. We did have the problem that they weren't eating enough formula and the dr. wanted them to be drinking around 25oz a day. I was lucky if I could get in 20oz. HTH!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

  4. rebecca_lynn78

    rebecca_lynn78 Well-Known Member

    Good question! I am so confused about that also. My girls are 5 months old and weigh about 13 lbs.

    4 am - 4 oz
    8 am - 6 oz
    12 pm - 4 to 6 oz
    4 pm - 4 to 6 oz
    7 pm - 4 to 6 oz
    11 pm - 4 oz

    So about probably 26 oz per day.

    I have seen guidelines that they should eat 2.5 times their weight which would be about 32 oz per day. But they will never eat more then 6 oz at a time and most of the time it is only 4 oz.

    Babycenter - If your baby isn't eating any solids (if he's younger than 4 to 6 months, he shouldn't be), the rule of thumb is to offer him 2.5 ounces of formula per pound of body weight each day.

    Babycenter has a article that also says "In a couple of months, for example, he may be down to six to eight bottles of 4 to 6 ounces each every 24 hours. By 4 months, he'll probably drop to four or five bottles of 6 or 7 ounces each, and by his half birthday he'll typically be down to three or four bottles of 7 to 8 ounces each every day." - So by 6 months it should be 21-32 oz.

    I found this article too.
  5. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    we do formula before solids. Although mine are a bit older, my dr said 24-32 oz.

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