Nearly 32wks and feeling good, but...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by slr814, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    I've been very fortunate to have not had any problems this pregnancy, and for the most part still feel pretty good, But lately I've been feeling, well, big and pregnant. Since I don't feel terrible, I feel guilty about not doing stuff around the house that I can still technically do, but wears me out really bad. I also have a lot of time commitments to my church and family, that I am now wondering how to get out of. For example, I'm traveling about 2 hrs. (one way) for my sister's wedding this Mon. She wants me to help with some of the preparations, which I readily agreed to do, but now I'm thinking, the only thing I'm going to want to do when I get there is lay down. That same weekend I also have to go to a Christmas party for my Dh's work, teach the two yr old Sunday school (groan) and then there's a church Christmas party for my DD Sun night. I just can't seem to say, "No, I need a break." Even my DH, who know how much sleep I'm getting (hardly any) expects me to have the endurance that I did before I was pregnant. I know this seems like a silly question, but how do I slow down when I still feel "OK". I've never been pregnant before, so when people who've had children say, "Oh, your just X weeks pregnant, you should be fine." I don't say, But I'm pregnant with twins!, because I don't have anything to compare it with. For all I know all pregnant women feel like this, and are just better able to cope with it than I am. Well, this has run on longer than I meant it to, and I guess it's turned into more of a vent than a question, but if anyone has some clever ideas on how to say, I'm pregnant with twins, so back off! I'd appreciate it.
  2. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    You have to listen to your body. You know your limits better than anyone else. My peri offered to write me a note to carry around before I was admitted to the hospital. :rofl:

    Believe me, the house, church, wedding and everything else will go on and your friends and family should understand.
  3. ElisabethCogdill

    ElisabethCogdill Well-Known Member

    It is hard and I was a very stubborn person in taking care of my child and doing all those other lovely duties.

    I would slow yourself down because even though you feel great things could change instantly as i learned. Commit yourself to one or two things and ask your husband to take care of the rest like the Christmas parties. Those things are extras and you really need to rest and put your feet up every once and awhile.
  4. Dominique

    Dominique Well-Known Member

    Don't want to scare you, but here's the TRUTH as I see it from my hospital bed. :)

    Just a word from someone in a similar situation.... at 32 weeks, I could have moved mountains. Yesterday, I was admitted to the hospital for observation because I had been pushing myself too hard and expecting too much out of my body. I had ended up with a sinus infection and a UTI that wouldn't go away because I felt like I could "handle" doing things. With just 24 hours of hospital rest and IV meds, I already feel like a new person again, but now they won't let me go home becuase I'm having little contractions due to a irritable uterus that was likely caused to be irritable by me trying to push myself too hard.

    Tell people that you are pregnant with twins and that most women at 32 weeks are on bedrest, hospital rest, or have already given birth. That tends to put it in perspective. I know that on my floor here at the hospital there are 30 rooms and 8 of the women are pregnant with twins. And at this moment, I'm the furthest along in the building. So keep in mind that if you push yourself too hard, you'll end up in the hospital.

    Rest when you need it, not when the world says it's okay. The world NEVER thinks rest is okay. :)

  5. cmccarthy

    cmccarthy Well-Known Member

    Slow down woman!!!
    Twin pregnancies are different. Period.
  6. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Like you, I over commit a lot. I am also a perfectionist around the house.
    And, like you, even though overall I might feel OK, Im just wore out. I loose my breathe very easily and small tasks take up A LOT of energy. Being pregnant with twins has taken much more of "me" then being pregnant with my singles.

    So, To start, don't feel bad that you can't move at super women speed anymore. Your BODY is actually MAKING humans. All that energy that you have is still there, it's just being used up for the twins. That 2 hr drive alone will be tiring. I know for my sitting in the car that long brings on some painful contractions. Try and stop half way through for a good stretch. Call your sister and warn her that physically your just not up to work right now. You will be there for her , you'll need a little rest once you get there, and you might be able to do something sitting down. If you go to the christmas party talk to your dh first about maybe leaving early if you get to tired (people will understand). I had to go to a work party for Jim about a month ago and after a couple of hrs I was ready to leave. Your church will understand if you tell them you are physically starting to fall apart a bit. Ask if you can reduce your commitment or maybe they can get a helper for you.

    If your tired, then your body is telling you to stop. Listen, and take it easy. Smaller tasks, more resting.
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm not quite where you are yet, but I can tell you that at this point with both my singletons, I had WAY more energy than I do now.

    Already small tasks wear me out, I lose my breath going grocery shopping, and I am having contractions from doing too much.

    Slow down. Plain and simple, as pp's have said, slow down before suddenly it's too late. Small amts of "work" are fine but take it slow and steady, and rest lots.

    My peri said the best things I can do for these babies are eat right (well sort of! :lol:), and rest lots. If you aren't sleeping enough at night, take a nap or rest during the day. My back won't let me sleep very long at night, so I take a nap every afternoon. Even with 2 kids, it CAN be done, and it's necessary. If I don't I am literally a waste of space for the rest of the night!
  8. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    I have no qualms about pointing out that a twin pregnancy is much harder on the body than a singleton (it's my first pregnancy, too, but that seems like common sense). Most people I talk to seem to understand that though. Please don't feel guilty about not being able to do as much as you did before; a multiple gestation is a big, demanding job in and of itself!
  9. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Dominique for putting things into perspective. (and every one else too) I guess I keep thinking that I am a healthy person, so I should be OK, but as you said, that can change really quick.
  10. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed reading all these responses-Dominique, I could come throuh the computer screen and hug you! :D. I'm 32w 3d, and am in the same exact situation as you azucena...except add a severe sinus infection and headcold. (Which as you know, we can't really take anything for, can we? Pah.)

    I am just pooped. I barely slept last night, and so since my other son is 8 and was at school all day, I've just spent the entire day in bed (it's 2:20pm here and I've just managed to shower and drag my a** downstairs) and I feel SOoooooo guilty. Especially since my DH (God bless him) got up to make Owen's lunch, load the dishwasher and put in the laundry this morning before he left for work, without me even asking. I feel like an absolute lump.

    Ah, well, we'll just keep telling ourselvels how worth it it will be when the babies get here! Hang in there, my sista! We'll muddle through this last bit!
  11. twinsmama2be

    twinsmama2be Member

    I know just how you feel. I was working and doing everything as I normally would up (including fighting through the exhaustion I felt on a regular basis) until 27 weeks when I found myself in the hospital after a normal day of working, going to dinner with my husband, cleaning, dog walking, etc. The contractions started and I spent the weekend in the hospital under observation. Luckily the doctors were able to stop my contractions and gave the babies a round of steroid shots to be safe but I went home on modified bed rest and was told to quit working. In one day everything changed.

    Since this is my first pregnancy I thought "I'm only 27 weeks, I should be able to do all of this right?" But as others have pointed out - twin pregnancies are different. When I get the nesting instinct to clean, do laundry, etc. my husband always asks me "Is it going to be worth it when you go into labor or your water breaks?" The answer of course is always no and I head right back to the sofa...we only get one chance to be pregnant with our babies and everything else can wait. I bet you have spent your whole life taking care of others and helping when you can, let someone else take care of you for a while - you don't have much longer to go. Take it easy and hang in there!
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