Nearing the end of naps?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsWright, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm hoping it's a phase but any advice from those BTDT would be helpful:)

    The issue is not napping itself. They usually go down good between 1230-1 and nap until 2-2:30. They go to bed at 7. And the issue...wake time! JT is usually up at 6...or whenever there is a crack of light in the room! He even tells me when I ask him why he woke up so early "It was a little bit light outside". Grrr! So then he naps fine bc he was up at 1/2 past a monkeys crack and then at bedtime will sometimes take until 8-830 to fall asleep! I'm really thinking he's done. I would rather pull the nap and preserve the early bedtime for my sanity!
    Is this how naps end usually?

    Also did anyone have 1 twin ready and 1 not ready? Jack will usually wake up with JT and lay on the couch and say he's not ready to get up. He naps fine and zonks out at bedtime. He obviously needs more sleep than JT. Or is this all a phase? I'm hesitant to do anything with the time change so close bc I'm hoping maybe with more darkness they might shift back to their old schedule....but this has been going on for a couple months now!
  2. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    that's pretty much what happened to us, except they started to balk a bit at going down for the nap, and then bedtime got really late too. UGH!

    maybe they or he can have a quiet time instead of a nap.

    as for the wake time time... that happened to us too! big UGH!

    one friend told kids that they couldn't wake until the sun came up... I didn't like that idea b/c of time changes and the sun rises early or late etc. I keep telling them "it's not 7 o'clock yet"!! I took out the digital clock from their room, but used to tell them that the first number needed to be a "7".

    good luck!
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Eh, with daylight savings time so close, I'd give it a little time to see if it really is a light issue. Or, tape cardboard over his window & block that light! :lol:
  4. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Mine started doing this around 3yrs old, and I pushed through it (took about a month) but they went back to napping 2hrs/day for another 6months or so. Then at around 3.5yrs old is when they would wake up at 445am! At that time I knew we were done with naps, but its taken us about 2months to get them back to "sleeping in" until 6am - gosh, that now is heaven compared to 445am wake-up calls!

    I might try and stick with naps a little longer (few weeks maybe) and c if they go back to napping. Mine seemed to go through a stage of resisting naps every 6months or so (and the stage would last anywhere between 2-4wks).

    Good luck!
  5. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    It's how it happened with us... my kids never napped for a short time, so they wouldn't go to bed until after 8.30pm, sometimes even later... We just got tired of it!
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