naptime waking

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by thejamiesonfamily, Nov 2, 2009.

    So I was just hoping to hear from a few of you mom's of twins about how you handle napping. My girls are 14 months and have been napping fairly well since they were a few months old. They are still taking 2 naps a day which they seem to still need. My problem is this - they wake each other prematurely from napping. They only take about 1hr to 1hr 15min naps... which seems fine, except that they wake up cranky, unhappy and difficult to deal with. I've tried getting them back to sleep, but they just keep each other up. I have also thought of seperating them, but have found in the past that this leads to issues when you put them back in the same room, so I am leaning away from that. They are going to be sharing rooms for a long time and enjoy being together so they need to get use to it. Any suggestions? What have you tried and found success with?
  1. I found this happening around that age too, and we just had to wait it out. Within a few weeks they started sleeping longer again. Hang in there!
  2. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    If its just one of them I will quickly go in there and snatch them out and let the other one sleep a bit longer. Somedays though it doesnt happen and they both get up. Its hard, I try and get out of the house which seems to help with the crankiness.
  3. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    When mine were taking two [1 hr] naps a day I'd wake one if the other woke up first. However, I didn't have to deal with moody wake-ups very often so that wasn't a problem for us.

    We've been on one nap a day for a couple months now and if one wakes and the other is still sleeping, I'll let that one sleep a bit longer, but they almost always wake each other up. But since they are on one nap a day now, if they [or even one] wakes and/or makes sounds in their room and they've been down for about an hr, I wait a little while to see if they'll fall back asleep.
  4. anicakes

    anicakes Well-Known Member

    Mine have been in the same bedroom since day 1, and although there are times when they wake each other up, I just leave them in there until I think it's been a good amount of time for a nap. There are times when they get up early, but it eventually gets back to normal.
  5. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    DS is the king of shorter, power naps, while DD takes forever to go to sleep, but once she's asleep, she can sleep forever. Problem is that DS wakes up early & first thing he does is poke his sister till she wakes up. And then she's cranky & irritated, while he's happy as can be. He does the same thing over night!
  6. thanks all for the words of experience:) It's great to not feel so alone in my frustration! lol! We are all much better now. My girls have started to go back to sleep after waking, or being woken, early from naps. Who knows if it will last, but I am grateful that they've finally figured out that that is an option! lol.

    Thanks again!
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