Naptime Dirty Diaper

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lranson, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. lranson

    lranson Member

    Okay, admittedly, I don't have the longest nappers in the world so I cherish every second I can get my 6 month old girls to nap! Over the past couple of weeks we've started to have the must frustrating problem. About 30-45 minutes into the afternoon nap, my younger twin keeps waking up. After a couple of days of trying to "help" her self soothe back to sleep, I realized that she was consistently in a dirty diaper. If I don't change her, I can't get her back to sleep. If I get her up and change her, I am successful about half the time getting her back to sleep. She is still so tired...eyes rolling around, eyelids fluttering, but I can't always get her to settle back down. Dirty and/or wet diapers never seemed to phase either of my girls. We have recently started solids and I began supplementing with a little formula in the evening (they have been exclusively breastfeed up until now). So, her dirty diapers are a little more "substantial" these days (sorry, TMI)...not solid by any means but not the liquid breastmilk diapers either. Maybe this is contributing to her not sleeping through a bm anymore?

    Anyway, I keep trying to think up a solution to this problem...any advice out there? I can't exactly get my babies to poop on demand - though that would be convenient! Thanks in advance!
  2. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Hmm....what about giving her solids at a different time of day to help time things better? Or maybe using a bigger diaper at naptime to help absorb more to help her sleep through it? Or just getting that dirty diper off her quickly and popping a fresh one on, and then doing a full cleaning when she does wake up?
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    What about changing her and then putting her in a swing to see if that helps get her back to sleep? I hated the naptime poops!! :gah:
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I always hated when that happened!! I never had one that consistently pooped at naptime, though. Hmmm, I agree that if you changed when she was being fed by just a bit, maybe it would change up her system enough that she would poop at a different time. Either that, or can you change naptime by half an hour in the hopes that she will poop before she goes down for her nap?
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