
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Amber N., Apr 9, 2007.

  1. Amber N.

    Amber N. Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone! I have a question. I see that most people are asking about going to 1 nap a day at about 1 yr. Well my boys are 14 months and about 2 hours after they get up they are crawling into my lap and falling asleep! How in the world do I make them only take one nap? They seem like they need both or they are extremely cranky. Am I the only mom that still does 2 maps at 14 months?
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nope, mine still take 2 naps. They are the same as yours ready to go down about 2 hours after they get up. I am *hoping* they are down to one nap by the beginning of July so that we can get out some in the summer. My oldest won't like staying home all the time and it would be nice to get out some.
  3. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    Oh no, I am holding onto 2 naps as long as I can. Charlie only sleeps about 45 min in the morning and 1 1/2 hrs in the afternoon. Kate sleeps a lot longer in the morning. Oldest took 2 naps until 19 months or so. I know you can do more when they only have 1 nap, but once they give it up, you can never get it back (usually)! That morning nap is my time to work out and get ready for the day....I am not ready to give that up anytime soon!
  4. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    My kids are 12 months and still take two naps so I'm not that far yet, but I think a lot of women on here still give their kids 2 naps at that age.....
  5. CandRMom

    CandRMom Active Member

    I'm another one that did not "make" mine go to one nap, I have let them lead the way when it comes to sleep. They both dropped their morning nap around the same time (Ryan about a week before Colin) and they were about 17 months old when that happened. I have been a believer in the HSHHC method of sleep, and have just paid attention to their sleepy signs.
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    At 14 months we were still on two naps. We switched to 1 around 16 months. I say hold on to those naps as long as you can!
  7. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    My kids took 2 naps until they were 15-16 months old. Then one of them graduated to one nap and the other one followed about a month later. It was rough on the kids and on me until they settled down to a new routine. So enjoy your two naps as long as you can!
  8. marieta

    marieta Well-Known Member

    We're at 2 naps too. They're too cranky otherwise :D
  9. Amber N.

    Amber N. Well-Known Member

    Thank goodness I am not crazy! I love the morning nap. The boys have always made their own schedule. I have never altered it or anything. The only thing I did was if one was going to eat I would make the other so that those schedules didn't change. I really didn't want to impose anymore change on them now anyway. We are military and went home for a 2 month visit then moved to Japan. They have had enough for now! Thanks for making me feel better!
  10. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    mine are on the verge of leaving their second nap behind, they have one nap in the morning about 2 hours after they wake and then they have another after lunch. i want to cut the lunch nap out.
  11. tarajh

    tarajh Well-Known Member

    J&H took 2 naps until around 2 years. They slept for about an hour mid morning and then 2-3 in the afternoon. They have always slept 8-8 and the naps never interfered - I actually think it helped them be the great sleepers they have always been :)
  12. mom_stacyX2

    mom_stacyX2 Well-Known Member

    MIne are taking 2 naps (at home) but only one during the week (at daycare). They are always ready to go down around 10ish (get up around 6:30) and I know I couldn't hold them off any later than 11, so I just let them go. At home they will take a second nap around 2:30/3ish, but at daycare they skip this one often. : :rolleyes:
  13. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine had to switch to one nap at daycare at 12m, which I thought was way too early. I have no idea how they kept them up all morning. They took 2 naps at home on weekends, all winter. Just in the past few weeks (i.e. since about 16 months) we have been experimenting with keeping them up, and it works pretty well as long as we're out of the house and staying busy. If we're at home, though, they get so cranky that we wind up putting them to bed at 9 a.m. :rolleyes:
  14. party*of*five

    party*of*five Well-Known Member

    mine still take 2 naps..they get up around 7 breakfast at 9 nap at 10 then lunch at 12:30 nap again at 1..sometimes we just do the morning nap and they are cranky bots at dinner... :rolleyes:
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