Naps & sleep Poll (how many, how long,how much) and 12-16 month olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by KCMichigan, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I am trying to transition from 1 nap to is soo messy! Somedays they need 2 - somedays 1 needs 2 and not the other. Others it is 1....that makes for a wild schedule.

    Plus one is getting up at 5 am!!!

    I want to be much more consistant in getting our routine back! It was sooooooo nice!

    Also one of my kiddos is soooo otired but is not getting more than 12 hrs a DAY! That does not seem enough to me....

    If you want, post your schedule. It would be nice to see what time naps vs wake up time is in this age group!


  2. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I am trying to transition from 1 nap to is soo messy! Somedays they need 2 - somedays 1 needs 2 and not the other. Others it is 1....that makes for a wild schedule.

    Plus one is getting up at 5 am!!!

    I want to be much more consistant in getting our routine back! It was sooooooo nice!

    Also one of my kiddos is soooo otired but is not getting more than 12 hrs a DAY! That does not seem enough to me....

    If you want, post your schedule. It would be nice to see what time naps vs wake up time is in this age group!


  3. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    can you change the choices on your poll.... we were/are one nappers and so we have to put zero min for the 2 nap section. the poll won't let me answer otherwise.

    schedule changed at about 13.5 months. i couldnt take the hectic 1nap 2 nap alternating.
    Here's the 12 month sched
    630 wake
    10 nap. i would wake them up after 45 min
    12 lunch
    2pm nap - 1.5-2 hr. I would wake them by 4
    Bed was hmmm 730 or 8.

    New 13.5 month schedule and it's still working
    7 am wake, sometimes 730
    11 lunch
    1230 nap (sometimes 12, sometimes 1) nap lasts 2-2.5 hrs
    3 pm snack
    5 or 530 dinner
    730 bed. if they wake early from the nap, then bed time is 7pm.

  4. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    My boys are good nappers. I hope you can get back on track. I just put them down for a nap at 3pm and they talked and played for about 15 minutes, they werent yawning or rubbing their eyes but it was nap time, it's 3:30 now and they're asleep.

    Our schedule is a little wacky but works for us.

    Dh wakes them up at 6 am for a bottle and they go back to bed until 7:30 or 8am.
    10 or 10:30 nap for 2 hours
    2:30 or 3 nap for 2 hours
    I try to get them up by 4 .. 4:30 at the latest so it's easier to put them to bed. We go to bed at 7.

    They tend to nap less on the weekends because we're out running around shopping and other things.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I voted according to our weekday schedule (daycare) -- one nap from about 12-1:30. They sleep from about 7pm to 6:30am, so that's a total of 12.5-13 hrs.

    Granted, on weekends they seem to catch up on their sleep -- they usually nap about 45 min in the morning (9-9:45) and 2.5 hours in the afternoon (12:30-3:00), plus the same night sleep, for a total of 14.75. I can't keep them awake all morning the way they do at daycare (at least not without making us all miserable), plus they seem to want the sleep!
  6. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    we have two different schedules. They only nap once during the week at daycare. I do wish they would put them down for an afternoon nap, but there's no way. We nap twice on the weekends.

    My weekend schedule is

    7:00-8:00 am- wake up
    8:30- breakfast
    11:00-1:00 nap
    1:00 lunch
    3:30-5:00 nap
    6:00 dinner
    8:00 bedtime

    They sleep quite a bit, but it works for us and I like it. The schedule is about the same for weekdays, except the afternoon nap is eliminated and after 7:00pm they are almost unbearable.
  7. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We didn't switch to one nap until they were about 15/16 months (can't recall exactly). We have nap time from 1-3, but usually they only sleep for about 1.5 hours. Right now I have one awake and one asleep, but I won't go in there until they are both up.

    ETA: We go to bed at 8 and they sleep until around 9 a.m. (sometimes 9:30)
  8. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    It wouldn't let me vote either b/c I didn't have an answer for one of them. But, mine just switched to 1 nap a day around 12:30/12:45. It lasts usually 1.5 hrs, today it was 2!!!! They sleep really well at night though and go about 12.5 hrs. straight through. So, their total is probably about 14 hrs.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I couldn't answer either.
    Anyway, we are at one nap here, the switch was around 13 months. It was a little rough and we also did the one nap one day, two another thing. I've also had to tinker with the nap time a bit.
    Right now, they sleep 7:00pm-7:00am, occasionally waking at 6:00, and I've been putting them to bed early those days which seems to help straighten them out. Ainsley does not nap as long as Bea, usually 1.5 hrs, Bea can go 2.5 hrs. HTH!
  10. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    from 12 - 14 months, ds only needed one nap but dd needed two so we did two and dealt with ds sometimes skipping naps (first nap 9:30 - 10:30, second nap at 2). then at 14 months we went to one nap and are SO MUCH happier! now we nap from 12 - 2:30 or 3. bedtime is between 7 and 7:30 and they wake up anytime from 6:30 to 7.

  11. WEME

    WEME Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by FirstTimeMom814:
    We didn't switch to one nap until they were about 15/16 months (can't recall exactly). We have nap time from 1-3

    Same here for the above. My girls sleep for 2 hrs for their naps now. They are consistently then and now going to bed at 7pm and waking anywhere from 7:15-8 am. What time do you put them to bed? I think this does make a difference and should be earlier oppossed to later, if possible (IMO) Good luck! I hope thinks get back on track for you.
  12. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    This was hard to answer, so I estimated.

    Michael always takes 2 naps. Mikayla usually only 1. Michael needs more sleep and will sleep for 2-3 hours! Mikayla doesn't like to sleep, so she will sleep a mere 45 min.

    Michael goes to bed at 8:30 every night. Mikayla goes to bed at 9:00 PM.

    Michael wakes up at 3:30 AM and 5:00 AM to nurse. Mikayla sleeps through the night and will wake up at 6:30 AM for a bottle right before I leave for work. Both babies go back to sleep until 8 AM.

    So, my babies are very different from each other. I don't know if that helped or not.

    Bridget [​IMG]
  13. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Mine started refusing their morning nap and it was chaotic for a while but then they went back to their old routine and are MUCH happier little boys. I think teething may have been to blame rather than no longer needing the sleep (they're sporting some fancy new molars these days).

    Anyway, here's how it goes now:
    6:30AM wakeup
    7 AM breakfast
    9:30AM 1.5 hour nap
    12 noon lunch
    2:30PM 1.5-2 hour nap
    5PM dinner
    7PM bedtime
  14. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I didn't vote, since I couldn't as others have noted, but...

    We switched to one nap at around 11 months. They were ready. They've pretty much kept the same schedule since -- except now they go to bed later and sleep a little less at night, and skip more naps during the week.

    At 12-16 months, it was down for bed by 7, up at 7:30, with a nap starting at 12:30 and usually lasting about 2-3 hours.

    At 28 months, they go to bed at 8-ish PM, up at 7:30-8, with a nap starting at 12:30 (hey request it, but they rarely fall asleep right away) which is still usually 2-3 hours.
  15. Marian

    Marian Well-Known Member

    Same here with the voting, although I tried.

    6:30/7a--up for the day
    9:30-:10:30 or 11a--first nap
    1:30-2:30p--second nap
    6/6:30p--bed (as early as 5:30p if they only have one nap that day, depending on how long of a nap they've had and how crabby they are)

    So, two naps on most days. Sometimes only one, and that nap is only an hour long at most. I think they are gradually transitioning to one nap, but I'm not going to force the issue and just going to go with the flow with them as far as sleeping (to some degree). I don't follow the same exact schedule every day with my sleeping (sometimes I need more, sometimes less), so I'm assuming that little ones are like this to some degree too.
  16. momoftwins+one

    momoftwins+one Well-Known Member

    well mine nap usually twice a day. Once in the morning around 10 am and usually sleep till after one. the next one is from around 4pm till about 6 pm. then they are in bed at 8 and down (usually) till around 6 or 7 am. Sounds like a lot of sleep and I don't know why they are sleeping so much as they were just on one nap a day and sleeping from like 5 to 5. Oh well, at least most days they do sleep.
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