naps over at 2.5?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 1girltwinboyz, Aug 24, 2007.

  1. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    say it isnt so??? :angry: The boys are up around 530-6am and will NOT nap in cribs anymore. josh will nap well in his carseat if we run an errand anytime after 9am. But Zach will not fall asleep in carseat ever. And Z wont nap alone in his crib. He wants J there too. So Lately i have been running errands around noontime and 3pm and both boys end up with a 30 minute nap. But I get no breaks from kids. I hate to sound selfish but I get NOTHING done anymore. They will play well together for about 5-10 minutes then start fighting unless I am in there with them playing too.

    SO What do you all do with two 2 yr olds that are up 14 hours a day with no real naps?????? I think I posted this already once so sorry if its a dup! Oh and the waking up early (mostly J) i thought was a phase but its been 5 weeks now. that is too long for a phase I think? I try to leave him in his crib but then he rattles Z's crib or throws toys in to it to try to wake Z up. Not fair to Z. So I reluctantly go get him :huh:

    Sound right for twins at 2ish???
  2. rycade3kids

    rycade3kids Member

    So sorry, but in my case very true...My twins haved stopped napping now for about 1 month. It was awful in the beginning, but I am more used to it now. If I am desperate in the afternoon for a bit of piece and quiet I grab an iced tea and take a drive, usually they will nod off and it is enough to reenergize me for the late afternoon and evening. My problem is finding a safe place for them to be when I need to get a few things done-like make dinner....
  3. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    Mine have been trying to give up naps since about 20 months old. Mine were doing the same thing, falling asleep in the car while running errands. So CLEARLY they are still tired and want to sleep. You are exhausted and need a break and so do they. You are lucky because they are still and cribs. Mine got out of their cribs about 5 weeks ago and that's when things got really bad. They were up till about 11pm playing and wouldn't go to sleep no matter what time we put them to bed. We took everything out of their room except for the two crib mattresses which they moved all over the room. They would still wake up around 7am, so only 8 hours of sleep a night. I knew they were exhausted. They were cranky, fighting all the time, and I was about to lose it. Finally we gave in and seperated them. It meant giving up their playroom, and having one upstairs and one downstairs. But it saved our sleep, their sleep, their sanity, and our sanity. It was clear that I was stressed beyond my ability to cope and they were becoming very stressed too. They did NOT know how to calm down in each other's presence. Since we seperated them, they are now back to a normal bedtime of about 8:30 or 9pm. And they both go down for quite time every day for at least an hour. While they don't nap every day, I do get down time. I would say they probably nap about every other day or every 3rd day. But they get a break from each other and me. I would HIGHLY suggest seperating them into different rooms if it's possible, or at least for naptime. Maybe with school starting Caden can nap in Ryan's room while he is at school? Or maybe they could share a room instead of the twins sharing a room?? My cousin has 4 girls and #1 & #3 share a room and #2 & #4 share a room, it eliminates a lot of sibling issues. Just a though. Because evenutally you will have to do the bed transition. But maybe you are lucky and have another bedroom so you can seperate the twins. Good luck! I know it's hard . . . it was a big decision for me, but I"m so glad I made the right one for my guys. I hated to seperate them too after being together for so long. They cried a lot the first night because they wanted to be together, but they were fine after that, and they have all day to be together and drive each other crazy!
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Mine still take their 2 o'clock nap everyday... I'm sure it won't last much longer though!
  5. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    Are mine the only ones over 3 yrs that still nap a good 2hrs- 2.5 hrs a day? I don't know what I'd do without that nap. We have pretty active morning around here and go to the park and play by noon they are pretty tired ( so am I :) They rarely take a shorter nap than 2 hrs. Anyone else??
  6. LnK52101

    LnK52101 New Member

    Mine aren't even 2.5 yet, they're barely 2 years and 3 months and they've decided they hate naps. It's killing me! and to hear that you all don't get breaks either, I think i'm going to die now. UGH! Their naps are my sanity. :shok:
  7. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Dd napped a good 2-3 hours until almost 4!!! I was so spoiled! But yeah, i am getting used to it slowly. The errands at noon to get J to nap and around 3pm to get Z to nap help out a little. When that happens, I only have one 2 yr old for 45 mins or so and I can get some stuff done or relax. I do not think separating them will help and we have no other rooms to do so. But it might work for some! We do try to run them ragged too with outside play, park, etc. they are truly tired but do not want to nap :mellow:
  8. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    mine were around 2 1/2 sorry!!! I do have friends who have 4 year olds who still nap though..

  9. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    Yes, DD has been fighting napping for some time now. In my case I think nap time at least for DD is over. Thank goodness DS still likes to take a nap. I finally gave up trying to make DD nap about a month ago and instead we are trying to have quiet time. Unfortunately, quiet time isn't working so great yet :(! For quiet time DD is supposed to stay in her room. She can take whatever toys, books, etc. she wants but has to play quietly. I was hoping for an hour of quiet time but we're not there yet. DD wants me to stay with her in her room a lot of the time but that defeats the purpose. Our latest try is to set a timer so she knows when it is OK to come out. I think she is starting to catch on to how that works although she usually comes downstairs at least once before her timer goes off. I take her back up and tell her she has to wait until the timer goes off. I really miss those nap breaks!
  10. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(valentinetwins @ Aug 25 2007, 03:48 AM) [snapback]379372[/snapback]
    Are mine the only ones over 3 yrs that still nap a good 2hrs- 2.5 hrs a day? I don't know what I'd do without that nap. We have pretty active morning around here and go to the park and play by noon they are pretty tired ( so am I :) They rarely take a shorter nap than 2 hrs. Anyone else??

    My boys are a couple months older than yours and still nap. Even after switching to the freedom of twin beds when turning 3yrs. However, there have been changes just over the last month and a half. So look out! Mainly, they now are taking a full nap (2.5hrs) ...every other day. Luke is more consistent. He generally naps just about daily(a couple days a week he skips) but Ben is definitely every other if not every third day. We too have very active mornings between swim class, playgroups, riding bikes, playing outside,etc.

    The only thing I can say is to keep trying to set the mood for naptime. Read a few books, darken the room (we have total block out room darkening shades). Our boys also have always had their own rooms. I would think that has helped them continue their naps this long. My boys are odd. They NEVER fall asleep in the car...only their beds. Weird huh? They also don't take their nap until late...2:30pmish (so they don't wake up until after 5pm). Yet, they still go to sleep around 9pm and wake up around 7:45am.
  11. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    My older kids all stopped taking naps around 2. It was either that, or they were up until 10pm! I would rather skip the nap! Maybe you could just put them in their room for "quiet" quiet as it gets with 2 anyway!
  12. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    :hug99: If they wont nap or play well together, put them in seperate rooms for rest/quiet play time and then you can get some stuff done!
  13. Thumper

    Thumper Well-Known Member

    We lost naps (mostly) at around 2. It's a rough transition. For a while I would take them up to their room for "quiet time" to play on the floor while *I* napped on the futon! :lol:

    One potential benefit is that at least with our guys they did go to bed earlier at night - so you might get something done then. Tho' I was pretty tired by that time so I wasn't getting much done either. ;)

    Good luck, and hang in there!

    --> Andy
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