Naps:Both on Schedule

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by noahandjacobsmom, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    My guys are pretty good about napping at the same time even if it is only for 30 minutes. DH is now home to help but, things get a little out of wack (you know what I mean). This morning they went down for their 10:00 a.m. nap. Noah woke up crying; I went to him gave him milk to get him back down but in the meantime Jacob woke up. DH took Jacob into the bedroom to try and get back down.

    Noah went to sleep. I fell asleep after lying him in his crib. DH let us sleep. Jacob never went back down. Noah and I got up around lunch (months of lack of sleep I guess caught up to me). Jacob slept 30 minutes; Noah 2 hours combined. Now, Jacob and Noah have had lunch and Jacob has gone down for a nap at 1:30 p.m. Noah is playing.

    I am so schedule oriented and my mom had them always within 10-15 minutes of each other. I feel like now they are home with us for the summer and we are "messing" them up. I know we have to find our pattern.

    So, should I worry if they nap at different times? Do you ladies keep your little ones on schedule all the time? Should I cio for naps?
  2. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    A nap is a nap even if they are doing it at different times... but I am like you, I like for mine to sleep at the same time, and they usually always do. Zack is usually the first to go down, and then Jack will about 30 minutes later.
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Melony, I would just forget about today, since, most likely, the rest of the day is going to be completely out of whack, and get them back on schedule tomorrow.

    I would do CIO if they have only been in there for 30 minutes and are waking up. I don't think they have really had the chance to get into a deep sleep by then.

    Mine are ALWAYS on the same schedule, for my sanity...I couldn't imagine having a baby awake at all times!! :icon_eek:
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I also keep mine on the same schedule. I couldn't possibly deal with one baby the entire day with no breaks, I would personally lose my mind. When I hear one wake up, I don't go in until the other one wakes. Sometimes that causes frustration for the one having to wait and sometimes it causes frustration for the one who has to wake up, but it honestly doesn't happen too much. My personal opinion, definitely keep them on your mom's schedule. A bonus to that is that you and hubby can catch some time together (or perhaps a nap yourself!).
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, I had to do a little CIO for naps, but it didn't take long since we had already done it with bedtime.

    But yes, mine always nap at the same time. Like Becky said, for my sanity as well. I could not imagine not having them on the same nap schedule!
  6. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    I am so schedule oriented it's insane. If they get off schedule (visits to grandparents where they only nap like 20 minutes, etc.) they get super cranky and so does Mama. I would talk with DH about how important it is to keep them on their schedule and basically to follow your lead and your mom's lead. When mine is home, things tend to get screwed up, or when he's alone with them, they don't nap well or go down easy ... and it's pretty crucial to keeping your sanity! I'd definitely try to keep them on a schedule or within 20 minutes or so of each other and enlist DHs cooperation in it as well.
  7. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Melony, I would just forget about today, since, most likely, the rest of the day is going to be completely out of whack, and get them back on schedule tomorrow.

    I would do CIO if they have only been in there for 30 minutes and are waking up. I don't think they have really had the chance to get into a deep sleep by then.

    Mine are ALWAYS on the same schedule, for my sanity...I couldn't imagine having a baby awake at all times!!

    Ditto- It has happened a couple times when they are on a totally different nap schedule and it kills me!!!!!!!!!
  8. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    Well, they kicked our tushies today. But, they are now in bed, hopefully for the night without any issue. I noticed they are teething on top of being off schedule so I gave a little Tylenol to soothe any pain. Tomorrow is a new day and DH and I have now talked and understand each other on the importance of the wee ones getting their naps. :D
  9. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mine are on the same schedule as well - yesterday they were off each other by about 45 minutes but it worked out because DD was up first and DS slept an hour later, so I got some quality time with DD and then when she went down for a nap DS was up for another 45 min or so and we got some quality worked out because they both woke up together (although DD slept for 2.5 hours and DS for only 1.5)
  10. k_walters

    k_walters Active Member

    I'm so glad you posted this...I was about to start a thread on the same topic! :) My guys only nap for an hour at each nap & if it takes one a little longer to fall asleep we sometimes end up with their naps overlapping by only 15-30 minutes. Also, Cole seems to need more daytime sleep than Jacob. It's hard trying to balance his need for more sleep with my need for them to be on similar schedules. A lot of times I end up waking Cole after 1.5 hours just so they will go down for the next nap at the same time. That always seems counterproductive b/c ultimately I would like them to take longer naps since now they take 3-4 1-hour naps a day. I wish we could get them on fixed nap times, but for now they tend to go down after about 2 hours of wakefulness.
  11. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    it may be that they are bring disrupted by their own developmental milestones and not by you at all. OUr naps and sleep got all out of whack in the last month adn I went back to basics to get it back on track (no more than 2 hours awake, etc.) we also started sleeping the boys on their bellies, which keeps them down and one has a lovey that he uses to comfort himself in bed.

    Cheers it will get better

    Teri D
  12. lkh314

    lkh314 Member

    Mine nap together in the morning for about two hours, but in the afternoon Megan sleeps only 1 hour and then takes a 3rd nap around 4pm or so. Melissa takes a longer afternoon nap, anywhere from 2-3 hours but doesn't do the 3rd nap. They go to bed at 6:30 together. I don't really mind the differences, it gives me some one on one time with them that I wouldn't otherwise have. It's funny how one baby seems like a break when you've got two :)
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