Naps -- argggg

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by TwinsInOkinawa, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    Or so it seems. I'm just venting - getting two babies to nap is something else, isn't it? We are doing HSHHC naps (or trying at least), and have only been consistent for a little over a week, so I know it's going to take more time. Some days both girls' seem to get it, other days one does, and then some days are like today when I've got two crying babies. I mean, I'd love it if I could take a nap two to three times a day -- why don't they! :p

    (My Mom said Kindergarten did wonders for my sleep - so I guess I've got a ways to go with these two!)

    Anyway, just needed to type to those who understand.

  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member


    I feel your pain! We used to have great naps here, but now they're all over the place. My girls are currently asleep for their third nap of the day; naps one and two lasted 40 minutes and 30 minutes. If this one is the same as the others, they'll wake up at 3:15 and then who knows what to do? It will be three hours until bedtime... so I never know whether to try for another nap or put them to bed an hour early. Sigh.

    Good luck to you...
  3. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to say we are having loads of trouble with naps too - 0-40 minute naps are our norm. Everyday i wake up and think, TODAY it will be better. And one of these days, when i say it, it'll be true : )
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Yes, it will take some time. I followed the same book, had the same problems, felt the same frustration and then when it fell into place...AAAHHHHH. It is worth it in the end, trust me. :D
  5. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I just started cracking down on consistent napping (and ordered HSHHC... it's in the mail), and I'm likewise totally overwhelmed by getting TWO totally different people to nap at the same time. I feel like I just can NOT get it right. But on the days they are in sync, oh, it's just heavenly!!!
  6. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    I'm feeling you, I'm feeling you (as they say in Virginia, have you noticed that?). Yes, it IS challenging trying to get two totally different people to nap! And when it works, it works. I also started following HSHHC for naps at least: some days it's great and they're down at the same time, some days not.

    Just know that we get it, so at least you're not alone! (that makes me feel better when i think of all those babies sleeping 12 hour stretches at night and napping two or three times for an hour an a half or two!
  7. andreap

    andreap Well-Known Member

    sleep training is ROUGH! we just started nap training at our house a week or so ago. ds naps like a champ...dd fights them like a champ!

    but with a little CIO the last week they have started consistently sleeping 12 hours at night and i have seen improvment in naps too. the book says that is normally the case..once their nights get settled in that they will start to work out naps. but then again, just when i think we are figuring something out, it changes.

    i have been doing CIO for dd naps....leaving her to cry for the hour. it is SOOOOO MISERABLE, for her and for me. but yesterday she slept over 2 hours in the morning and over an hour in the afternoon, without ANY protest crying. and she is still asleep right now ... going on 1 hour and 15 minutes for her morning nap.

    this is huge for her....just a week ago she refused to sleep at all...sometimes only 10 or 20 minutes. she would SCREAM hysterically. i started a nap routine...sleep sac, paci, lovie blanket and am hoping she is figuring out that it means it's time to sleep. and dare i say that all the screaming and crying might be helping her to learn to nap ?????

    hoping it starts to work itself out for you too...i keep reading 6-7 months is the magic age & that naps start becoming more routine. with twins it seems like our full time mission is to get them to the same time!

    glad we have this site and one another as fellow strugglers!
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