napping troubles.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by someone, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    Let me start by saying in general I have been following the guidelines of Healthy sleep habits, Happy child. My twins are almost 13 months. For the past few days they have been fighting that first nap.. and haven't slept during it. Today they didn't sleep at all during their 9 am nap, and now i put them down at 1 (they ushually go down at 2) and one woke up after about 35 minutes! This can't be enough for her. WHat would you do? Just get her and call it a bad nap day (even though it's been like this for the past couple of days) or let her cry and for how long? When she cries, she is so loud, she wakes up her twin. Any advise is welcome.
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Do you think she may be teething or getting sick? :hug: I'm sorry, I don't have any advice, just hope that it passes quickly and that she gets to napping soon.
  3. rabresch72

    rabresch72 Well-Known Member

    I've heard that some kids drop one of their naps after a year old...that could be it.
  4. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    mine have both done this at different periods of time....first, I sep them for naptime.....and both have loud fans on so they can't hear each other through the walls....maybe one twin can sleep in a pack n play in your room? mine go through phases like this....I get them up if they are screaming....if they are just moaning or crying....I go in quickly turn on their music and give them a pacy and shut the door, in and out quick as I can....they do it for about a week then they get back to how they were.....good luck!
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    most of the time, mine go down for a nap at 9am... but they don't even start sleeping until 9:30a or so... they are not screaming in the meantime, just making little babbling noises etc. they are in cribs across the room from each other, so we do not separate. I will say if they are still making noises 20 min. later I usually go in and check diapers... usually one or both are dirty and they needed to be changed. if they are still fussy by 5 min. or so later, I will give them a snack... ours are lower weight and it might be a bad habit... but I give them a snack cup with Multigrain Cheerios in it, or mix in cut fruit and let them snack themselves to sleep... seems that during breakfast they are "done" with eating, but 30+ min. later they will accept the snack... anyway, most of the time for us when they are fighting naps its because they need a diaper change, or they are thirsty or hungry.

    I'm hoping to keep two naps a day for a long time to come... don't give up on it too soon. Ours nap 2hrs in the morning and afternoon. and still for the main part sleep 11+ hrs at night...

    to answer your questions, I don't let ours cry for too long... 5 to 10 min... especially if its a hard cry. its hard b/c you don't want the other twin to wake. if yours are teething, our twins respond to the Hylands Teething Tablets (can be found at grocery store etc), pop a few in and they calm down. There are days when I have to call it a day and just get them up from a bad nap try... hopefully they get back into your routine.

    We also do rain/white noise still and a fan and paci's.

    good luck.
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about your nap troubles! :hug:

    What time are they going to bed?
    How much are they sleeping at night?
    What time do they get up in the morning?
    What do you do with them in-between wake up time and 1st nap of the day?
    Has anything changed at your house? Anything new or anyone?

    We've gone through lots of sleep challenges but with some minor detective work (hence the 20 questions above :blush: ) we've always been able to figure out the problem and come up with a solution.
    Id love to help you brainstorm, my 2 also share a room. I'm looking forward to your answers so you can all get some rest!
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    We went to one nap at a year because of what you described. The first thing I did was move back the morning nap by 30 minutes, you could try that first. I then kept moving back the morning nap and once I hit 11:00, they went to one nap a day. For awhile it made for some very long afternoons, but they now go down at 1:00 and sleep a good 3 hours.
  8. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    :hug: No advice for ya here. Just wanted to say that we're going through the same type of thing [except for the duration of the nap, mine will go about an hr]. They'll boycott their first nap at 1000 until about [1200], then sleep till 1300ish, then take a short [15 min/attitude nap] around 1800, then bedtime at 2030.

    They are going through a teething phase, but I am also wondering if they're showing the signs of wanting to conform to a one nap a day instead of two.
  9. chrystalvaughn

    chrystalvaughn Well-Known Member

    Mine both went to 1 nap a day at 11 months. They started just skipping there morning nap so it was time already. Then we just tried pushing nap time up in the afternoon so now they nap from 12-2 maybe 3 sometimes.
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