napping too long?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2monkeez, May 20, 2008.

  1. 2monkeez

    2monkeez Well-Known Member

    So, I never had this problem with the 22 1/2 month old is up at 6 am and exaughsted by 1pm...she has been taking a two- three hour nap...and was going to bed by 7-7:30 at the latest ...yesterday (and a few days last week) she napped for 3 1/2 hours, and then was up until 9pm. My kids have always gone to bed at 6:30 to a SAHM, I am so done by then! This morning she is a miserable mess, crying and clinging for no (?) reason. My DH thinks I should wake her up from her nap after 2 hours...I have always been against waking a sleeping baby, but I have no idea what to do!!! Could it be molars??? HELP!!!!!!! :blink: !
  2. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    I have to wake my twins after 2 1/2 hours or they have trouble going to bed at 8Pm. Mine often go down at 1pm and I definitely don't let them sleep past 4pm. Sometimes they are grumps because I wake them; however, I don't want them to be up all evening long. Like you said, I look forward to their bedtime because I'm TIRED.
  3. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    We have a very similar problem here. My guys will take at least a 3 hour nap everyday. I hate waking them as well. I let mine sleep however long they need to and usually will let them stay up at night a little, which is usually until 8:30. I'm a SAHM too, but my newborn doesn't go to bed until then anyways. Could you put your daughter to nap a little earlier? THat might be a good solution, maybe 12:15, 12:30?
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We used to let mine nap for as long as they would sleep, but they were having a bad streak of refusing to go down and/or waking up several times a night. I noticed they didn't do that when we limited their nap to two hours. So now we wake them up after 2 hours. The only time we let them go longer is if they are sick.

    They wake up at 7:00am, nap 12:30-2:30, and go to bed at 7:30pm.
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    If letting her sleep isn't working then go ahead and try limitting naps and see if that helps. For us it makes no difference, whether they sleep for 2hrs or 3 1/2 they always go down for the night easily at 7pm. (wake 7:30am, nap 1-3pm, bed 7pm), but if it did I would definitly limit naps!!
  6. 2monkeez

    2monkeez Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies!! Yesterday, she went down at 1:50 and I woke her up at 4. She was pretty cranky for a while, but she did go to bed at 8. I had to put her down and let her cry, but she only cried for about 10 minutes, if that. So we are headed to the Cape today so all bets are off for schedules for the next few days, but when we get back I am going to try getting her down by 1 and waking her at 3...then hopefully, she wil be nice and tired by 7!!!

    Thanks for all the ideas!!
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