Napping at Grandma's & on travel

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by DblStuffOreo, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    My parents have been taking care of the twins (1.5 years today) for about one year now. At first the girls were napping in their Joovy Room2 play yards. Then, my mom decided that the play yard didn't have enough padding. Eventually, the girls ended out napping on my parents bed. My mom would sit nearby during their naps to make sure the girls didn't roll off. After offering many times to buy something else for naps, my mom has finally decided to accept. So, I am hoping some of you might have recommendations on nap cots, travel beds, etc. for nap time

    My girls are spoiled and they like to sleep on soft surfaces. EX: They have a double layer of 1" thick memory foam on top of their crib mattresses, so ideally we'd like something soft and cushy.

    I have seen the Regalo travel cots, but it seems like that would be a pretty hard surface. Can anyone who has used these tell me more about them?

    I have also seen the Shrunks toddler bed. Air mattresses seem to offer padding than a cot, but I worry about the amount of movement a toddler might feel. My girls move around a lot. I'd love to hear from anyone who has actual experience with one.

    Babies R Us has things called flip over sofas w "slumber," which seem to be fold out padding. These seem like the closest to the padded sleeping arrangements my girls seem to prefer; but, again, I'd love to hear someone's experience with them.

    I have also seen the PeaPod travel beds, but worry that the air mattress is not thick enough and that my girls will freak out being contained in the pod. (Although if these are good, it might pay us to get the girls used to them since DH really wants to take the girls camping.

    Lastly, I have seen something called a Small Fry travel n' trundle. It seems to be a foam pad, but it doesn't seem very thick and the bed size looks a bit on the small side.

    So, basically I am hoping someone out there has experience with any of the above, or something else, that they could recommend.

    Thanks for your thoughts.
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If they're already comfy sleeping in your mom's bed & the only concern is them rolling off, could you get bed rails? That seems the simplest thing.
  3. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    What about buying a used crib and just buying a new mattress you think they'll like? I bet you could get something for a decent price from Craigslist or a yard sale.
  4. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    How about just two crib mattresses on the floor? They don't have far to fall if they roll off.
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was going to suggest bedrails as well! My kids sleep at my inlaws-and she has a bedrail for each side. I think it was $30 tops. Beats a whole new pnp, mattress, etc!
  6. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    we have the One Step Ahead toddler air mattresses for when we travel and our girls love them. They seem soft and you can vary the inflation to make it softer I guess. They have a little lip on each side (goes about 3/4th of the way down) to keep them from rolling over the sides. They are easy to inflate but on the down side, you need to buy the one step ahead fitted sheet for them since it is an odd size. Otherwise we use our regular bedding. They are cheaper than a toddler bed.
  7. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Bed rails were my first thought too. If the only problem is your mom has to sit and watch them to keep them from rolling off that should solve it.
  8. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    I don't know why, but we hadn't even considered bedrails. Does anyone have rails that they really like?

    Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone.
  9. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    I haven't used them but One Step Ahead has bed rails that fold away (beneath the mattress) when not in use. This could be good if the girls are going to keep sleeping in your parents' bed.
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