Nap/sleeping question #12, 457!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by littletwinmom, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    So Owen has been getting up earlier and earlier in the morning, and also taking shorter naps (like 45 minutes)...EXCEPT on those rare days when he'll take two 1.5 hour naps (like yesterday). It doesn't matter if we keep him up later, put him down earlier, he wakes at 6:10ish every morning. I'm sure it could be worse, but it's really taking a beating on us...

    I'd be so happy if we could just get him to sleep until 6:45..or later :)

    I guess what I'm saying is that we are very patterned people, but their sleep is all over the place these days, but not because we're not home. Is it the age? Can I get him to sleep a little later or is that just his internal clock which I cannot change? What are signs that they need to go to one nap? They've still be going down for their first nap between 9:00 and 9:30 because they get up so early. They go to bed around 6:45 because they're so tired...we have kept Owen up until 7:15 but he still waks at 6:15. Fortunately Lilly is easy so I can just kind of put her down when I put him down, although we put her to bed a little earlier than Owen because she needs the extra sleep and he wakes her every morning.

    Any insight would be appreciated. I have a feeling that nothing I can do will change his new wake up time, but I had to ask!


  2. stanley

    stanley Well-Known Member

    Hello! We are going through the same problem, our girls are 13 months old. I think that maybe they are going to start weening themselves of one of the naps and need only one long (let's hope so) nap. As far as the morning early waking, our girls do that to, but 99% of the time (knock on wood) they get themselves to fall back asleep.

    Hope that helps, I am curious too though,
  3. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    We have dealt with early wakenings too (more like 5 am). However, honestly, after 6 am there is very little you can do. Some kids just wake around that time, it's not uncommon and very normal for children. Mine go to bed at 6.30/6.45 pm as well, take 2 good naps (45 min - 1 hour in the morning at 9.15 am and a 1 1/2 - 2 hour one at 1 pm), but wake between 6 and 7 am but I won't get them until 6.45 am at the earliest. It has gotten better over time, and they're kind of entertaining themselves better and better now that they're getting older.

    My friend has 3 kids, her oldest 3 1/2 always wakes at 6 am whether you put her down at 6 pm or midnight. Her second will easily sleep until 9 am if nobody wakes her ...
  4. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    Around that age we dealt with the early mornings but I honestly faked sleeping so he's lay there and entertain himself or fall back asleep! (We co-sleep) If you don't acknowledge him, what happens? That was also the age where we went to one nap a day. If they get two naps they are up until 10 p.m.

    Good luck!

    ETA My oldest is up at 7 am, everyday no matter how late he goes to bed. DD on the other hand, needs to be woken up in the morning no matter if we wake up at 7 or 9!
  5. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies,

    Well he woke up at 5:45 this morning, so it's NOT getting better, but we igored him until 6:30. I'm wondering if he's playing with us, as in if he knows we'll get up to play, he's just going to wake earlier and earlier?

    I don't know....but I know "I don't do" 5:45!

    I may start working towards one nap, as I feel that may be part of it...
  6. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    My kids get up during the week at 6:00 a.m. to go to daycare. On the weekends they sleep until 7 or 7:30. My DS (also named Owen) used to get up at 6 on the weekends and start crying. I would go in to check on him and tell him it wasn't time to get up yet and put him back down. He always went back to sleep and we would have to wake him at 7:30 when DD would get up. I think 1/2 the time DD is up at 6 a.m. also, but she is content in her crib, so we let her go. My kids also went to one nap shortly after their 1st birthday and are doing really good on it. I have had less bedtime and early waking issues since then too.

    Good luck. I hope you get to "sleep in" soon. Isn't it sad that we consider 6:30 or 7 a.m. sleeping in now? I remember sleeping in until 10 a.m.
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