Nap schedules and getting out of the house!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 3under2!, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    So, we stick to the 9 am and 1 pm naptimes around here. My kiddos are up around 7 or a bit earlier, and by the time I drag myself out of bed, feed them and me some food, clean them up, drink some coffee, etc etc, it's 9 am and naptime. Assuming everyone goes down easily, they don't wake up till at least 1030, then we have to nurse, eat food, get dressed (I never bother getting them dressed till after our 'lunch'), and pack up to leave. By that time it's at least 1130, if not later, so if I want to go out anywhere it screws with their 1 pm nap time. In the afternoon they wake up around 230 or so, so we don't get out till 3, and need to be back at home by 430 or so, so I have enough time to get dinner going and have them in bed by 7. I hate going out that late in the day anyway, I feel like they just get wound up and don't have a chance to get all their energy out.
    When/how do you get out of the house?? Also, do you ever go on more than one errand? I feel like that's all my kids can handle, after one carseat-store-carseat transfer they are DONE lol. Give me some tips!! We have to go to Home Depot tomorrow morning and I'm dreading it!
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would get them dressed before you put them down for a nap. Eat/shower/get yourself dressed while they are sleeping. As soon as they wake up, nurse them, change their butts and go.
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I echo Danielle, also, bring a picnic-type lunch with you to eat at a park or right after an errand. That way you aren't rushing home for a meal but can go home and put them right to bed.

    Also use the 1st nap time to pack diaper bags, drinks, purses, get socks, shoes, coats laid out so you can go faster. I often try to have my boys who don't take a morning nap completely ready to go once the baby wakes from her nap so that we don't have to mess around with their shoes which can add 10+ minutes on when they want to 'do it all by myself'.
  4. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I'm with them. I'm ready at 6 am! Then every chance I have I'm OUT OF THE HOUSE and always have been!! Literally. And I never even fed them at HOME!! LOL.
    I hated being home and still do! Ha ha! They were/are soo much easier to handle when we were out and about and didn't get bored as easily.

    I agree with above posters. Get all set to roll and captialize on it! Once you get used to it, you'll enjoy it! GL!
  5. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    I with you Miriam. Getting out of the house it tough. It takes a lot of effort and then the entire time you are out you are RUNNING to make it home before the DEADLINE!

    Yesterday I had what should have been an easy errand. I forgot to pay our car insurance, so i was going to drop it off. I am friends with the girl in the office and she was going to come out to the car so i didn't even have to get the kids out. Simple, right? Not so much.

    They slept til 11:00 (which was great since they have been sick and behind on sleep), so 11:30 out of the house. 20 minutes drive, 10 minutes chatting (shame on me), 20 minutes drive home. Nicholas falls asleep in the car seat.. so here i am driving down the road with my hand over the back of the seat, shaking his car seat to keep him awake... nope!!!!!

    Well, there goes the day! that 10 minutes destroyed his second nap and the rest of the day...

    wish i had some great words of wisdom. All the prep in the world doesn't make it go smoothly or make it relaxing while you are out. I am so looking forward to ONE nap!

    We go, but i know i will pay my dues for those few minutes of 'freedom?'.
    And you have one more then me!

    -can you do a slow-cooker meal on the days you go out? It would give you a few minutes extra at the end of the day.
    -my LOs don't get noisy toys.. (i turn them off or remove batteries) except when i really need them to entertain themselves.. like when we are out.
    -I have done the pouch food in parking lots.. they aren't very good at it yet so it is messy but i am hoping it will get better.

    GL - at least know you are not alone.
  6. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    It is definitely tough with the two naps. Once my kids switched to one nap, it was SO much easier to get out of the house!!

    The key for me was always planning ahead. Lay out your clothes and theirs, have the diaper bag packed, get yourself ready and dressed before they get up or while they nap, etc. And yes, at that age, one errand was about all we could manage unless another adult was with us (which meant I could jump out and run into the post office or something else quick while the kids and other person stayed in the car). Even now I don't plan too many errands in one day if the kids are with me because getting them into and out of the car each time gets tiring after a few stops.
  7. j-squared

    j-squared Well-Known Member

    It was like this with my first. I was a slave to his nap schedule. This time we have not made ourselves slaves to the nap schedule (although we do stick to our 3-year-old's afternoon nap schedule as much as we can which is 1-3). We do try to stick to a nap starting between 8-9 and another starting between 1-2 p.m. for the babies, but it doesn't always work out so we wing it if need be (e.g., sometimes naps don't start until 2:30 and are shorter than needed). Fortunately, none of my kids seem to have issues at bedtime even if they have a late nap--it only seems to matter that they get a nap of some sort, even if it's 30 minutes.

    Morning naps are usually short and we try to get out of the house between 10-11 and stay out until 12:30-1--obviously, we don't go far and lately we have taken to pushing DS1's nap a bit later to make activities and outings work for the family better; at 3 he can handle his nap being a bit later or shorter. Fortunately, my 3 are pretty easy going and the babies do well being out and about even if they haven't napped well. I will breastfeed them while out if needed or we take bottles (they are also formula fed). Usually, if they've eaten right before a nap and the nap is an hour or less, we'll just pop them in the car as soon as they wake up and then feed them when we get to our destination.

    We are also starting to realize that they need to be dressed BEFORE morning nap as this can hold up the process of getting out of the house after nap. I also do what eagleswings216 suggested and get the diaper bag and the 3-year-old completely ready to go while the babies are sleeping.
  8. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    I actually hate being the parent who is a slave to naps, but if I mess around with their naps then their night sleeping gets bad, which destroys up MY relaxation and sleep time, which screws up naps the next's just not worth it to me at this point to deal with all that. My older daughter was nothing like this, but these two give me a run for my money sleep-wise.

    I guess there isn't really an easy solution to this, but I was hoping maybe someone on here had come up with one ;). I do BLW with them for food, so they get super messy when they eat. It's easier for me to just have them eat naked (in diapers) and rinse them down afterwards than get them dressed before eating.

    One day soon it gets easier, right? :)
  9. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Miriam, have you tried the bibs from ikea that go from the neck all the way down to the wrist? They are keeping A pretty darn clean. 'Course it looks like she's wearing a trash bag, but whatever. ;)
  10. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah! this looks like exactly what i have been looking for.
  11. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    My boys were totally like this! They don't nap anymore, but we did NOT mess with nap time around here when they did nap. We worked around it - that sometimes meant going late to events or leaving early, but it was what we needed to do to keep ourselves sane. Getting out and about was much easier when they dropped to one nap, which for us was around 14 months. And quite honestly, even though I miss naps sometimes, it is SO much easier now that they don't need them and we can do things whenever. So yes, things get easier eventually.
    2 people like this.
  12. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Miriam, I've been doing the same sort of routine as you for the past 9 or so months. I've always changed the girls as soon as they had their morning milk and before breakfast so around 6.45am. In the beginning it used to take me up to 30 mins to change them sometimes (they are incredibly wriggly!) but as they've got older, it's about 10mins. I bought 8 of those long sleeve bibs (this gives me two days of meal bibs) and supersaves their clothes! I would have my shower and get dressed while they napped 9-10.30. Unless we had to be out straight after their nap, in which case I would have a shower and get dressed before I gave them their morning milk (6.15-6.30am) - I'm not a natural early riser so this did not sit well with me at all! Same as everyone else, I rushed around like crazy getting their stuff ready while they napped. And when my 45-min cat napper woke up, she just had to wait till everything was ready, even in the car if possible. The I would quickly change their diaper and out we would go. Yes we didn't get out much, still don't really but on the days we do, I have easy no mess snacks, crackers, baby biscuits and sandwiches, fruit in packet as such. I always pack two wet cloths in a freezer bag so that I can wipe them down if they're messy.

    My girls are like yours, short naps play havoc on their night sleeps and we get into a ridiculous time of crankiness from everyone including me! And I am so really pleased to see that working around their naps is working better for your girls night sleeps - nothing beats 'sleep begets sleep' for cranky babies!'

    I just wanted to add that around 2 months ago, I started setting my alarm clock for 6.22am (I read somewhere that putting this time or 6.18 or an hour forward helps with waking up easier). I now for the first time in life, get up before 7am willingly!, have a shower, make a cuppa before the girls are up or are just waking up - sometimes they will make a lot of noise when they hear me going down the stairs. I think also my body clock has also just got used to getting up early for the past 15 months and on Sundays when DH is home and can do breakfast, I have great difficulty in sleeping past 7.30 but oh boy I make myself go back to sleep lol!

    If I have to make an appointment, then I would make it for 11am or 3pm (and wake them no earlier than an hour, from their nap) - it's very rare that I would do two appointments in one day although when the bags are all packed from the morning, it's easier to do the second errand. But I also have a 12 year old to help me after school so I have it pretty good, in that respect. :)
  13. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Oh I completely forgot to add something! Sometimes, not often, but sometimes I take them with me on a full day shopping. As before I have everything ready to go straight after their morning nap. Have lunch at the mall (I usually take savoury muffins for them), sitting in highchairs then put them back in the stroller, seats lying back and cover them with blankets so they can't see out, and wouldn't you believe it, they are out like a light, within 5-10mins. DH always says to me, they're not going to sleep like that! And I always prove him wrong! I did this with my older DD and the trick is to never stop pushing the stroller - it works like a charm. One downside, they will only sleep first sleep cycle of 45mins.
  14. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Miriam, I just remembered something else! When I cook a big meal (casseroles, bolognese, even roasts) I always freeze some for them in ready sized portions, either in a small container or in a zip lock bag (saves room) and that way, on the days we have afternoon appointments, instead of rushing to cook them a meal when we get home, I just pull out a serving from the freezer and defrost in the microwave. I always a stash of ready cooked and even par cooked meals in their serving size in the freezer.
  15. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for all those tips, Tas! I am seriously not brave or motivated enough to take all three kiddos to the mall for a long trip-you are one brave woman!!

    I really feel like part of the key to getting my life under control at them moment is to start meal planning. I don't know why I'm so intimidated by it!!

    Also, can you explain a bit more about the 6:22 thing?
  16. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't meal plan for a LONG time. Now DH and I do it together on the weekends, then go to the grocery store and pick up everything we need for the week. Now that I've done it enough we have routines for meals we all like and I plug them in every week. Every week I do a breakfast for dinner night, but the content varies depending on what we feel like eating. Every week I also do pasta and marinara sauce, salad and garlic bread. It's easy to make and we all like it- plus I can make the salad and bread ahead of time during naps so that dinner time isn't so nuts.
  17. j-squared

    j-squared Well-Known Member

    I understand the slave to naps thing, I had to be a slave to my first's naps because he didn't sleep well at night no matter what so he needed his naps and I needed his naps! :)

    I must have the only babies in the world who sleep better when they have shorter naps. My first was never affected by short versus long naps--it didn't matter how much sleep he got during the day, he woke up frequently at night--sleep never begot sleep for him. He was on a very consistent napping schedule by 6 months and napping 3 hours/day. His night sleep was horrible until he was almost 2 (for a variety of reasons that are clearer in hindsight, like chronic illness). But it's the same for the twins. Ever since they were newborns, crappy naps days actually are more likely to lead to STTN or fewer night wakings than the days they take 2 good naps. It's weird. Sleep does not seem to beget sleep in our household (not night sleep anyway). They are always pretty happy even when they nap poorly though so I guess that's why we can roll with it now.

    Meal planning is very helpful! I suck at it but when I'm able to do it, the weeks goes so much more smoothly.
  18. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    We love meal planning - no guessing what we are making - saves alot of time!!
  19. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    Meal planning.. only in my dreams!

    I did sit down and write notes on my recipe cards about additional things need for each meal so shopping would be organized.. like french bread for lasanga. But heck if i can get it all together.

    I admire anyone who can be so organized.
  20. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    I wish I was so brave, Miriam! I've only taken them when either DH or DD is with me Lol!Not quite brave enough to do it in my own yet.

    My DH does not cook unless you count putting sausages on the BBQ! and I don't really mind, because I like cooking but it would be nice to just sit down after they go to bed instead of heading to the kitchen for another hour!

    I probably have 10-12 meals which I rotate in a month, for which I have staples in the cupboard, rice, pasta, noodles, tortillas etc. I almost always a buy the meat first, in bulk enough for the week, then I mentally make a meal with the meat and buy the vegies to go with the meal. I freeze the meat and take it out either the night before or the morning of. I do end up doing two grocery runs a week sometimes because I generally go at night after dinner when DH is home. None of our nearby supermarkets have twin toddler trolleys. We also always have a roast dinner on the Sunday (one less meal to think about plus enough for everyone's lunch the next day).

    it took me about 6-8 months after the girls were born for me to get back into the groove of cooking. Some of the things I find easy and quick to cook are: stir fry with rice or noodles, bolognese, tortellini pasta, steak w/salad, casseroles:- sausages or chicken (lovely legs are a hit), slow cooked beef, schnitzel, homemade burgers, cottage pie all with salad or 2-3 steamed vegies (corn on cob in microwave only takes 3mins!)

    Anyway, you asked about the 6.18/6.22 thing? Well ages ago I read an article about how for people who find it hard to wake up in the morning, to set their alarm clock at either 18mins or 22mins past the hour. Actually I think they suggested the best time to wake up was 7.22 so I tried it and well it worked! So now I do it for 6.18 and it's still working. I'll see if I can find it later.

    :) as with anything, it's all just practice and I am a habitual person so doing things over and over sits well with me :)
  21. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    And here I was bowing to your bravery lol :woman:

    I will have to try this alarm clock thing, I have the WORST time waking up in the morning, and lately I've been dragging a blanket to the living room with me and I 'sleep' on the rug while the girls play for as long as I can get away with it.

    I'm gonna get a handle on this meal thing. I have to. Tomorrow ;) No really, I will but it's 1 am here and I'm going to set my alarm and go to bed :) DH is going to be out tomorrow night so I will use that time to meal plan and come back here and show it off :D
  22. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    I can easily stay up late too but for me to be able to fully function the next day, I need to be in bed by 10.30/11pm the latest. I sometimes lie there for a while wishing myself asleep [​IMG] , so if you really want to wake up refreshed, I suggest into bed before midnight, miss! Are your girls still night feeding? Your body needs a minimum of 6 hours to recharge so I'm not sure how well my alarm clock thingy will work with a 1am bedtime [​IMG]?

    I'd love to see your meal plan :)
  23. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Going to bed early is my kryptonite. I find it impossible. It's the other part of my life I need to get a handle on ;)

    Ok, meal plan for this week!

    Breakfasts: Oatmeal, maybe pancakes if I feel ambitious one day

    Lunch: Tuna, eggs, something, something. ;)

    Dinner: Homeade pizza, pakistani kima (random yummy recipe I found online), something with chicken breasts, friday night we have a full Shabbat dinner, that gets it's own menu lol.

    Going to bed now!
  24. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    I like it, I sent you a PM :)
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