Nap Resistance/Separating

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lillysmom, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    My twins are 2 1/2. One of them has started resisting naptime when I know he still needs it. His brother goes right to sleep. The problem is they share a room, the one who doesn't want to nap jumps up and down in his crib, screams, etc... He ends up waking his brother if I leave him in there too long. I have no issue with separating but I can't use a pack and play- he will climb out and the only thing I can think of is to move his crib out. Any ideas or thoughts on what to do? Naptime never use to be an issue, but I knew this was coming! He is very strong-willed!
    If you moved the crib out, where did you put it?
  2. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Would his brother (the one going right to sleep) stay in a pack and play? Maybe move him out and leave the more difficult one in their room in the proper crib.
  3. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    I have this same problem at naptime and bedtime. Both of our guys have a sleep routine. They both get hugs and kisses, made sure they are tugged in nice snug and they I'll say "night night, love you, sleep tight". Alex, the good sleeper, will say "night night love you too" and go to sleep, now River...oh River, when I finish the hug and kisses I try and tuck him in and he just starts in with his refusals saying "no, no, no way!" when I ask if he'll let me tuck him in. If he refuses I walk away with the door closed almost completely leaving just a sliver that I can peer in and see what he's doing. Usually after telling River "okay I won't tuck you in. Night Night, I love you", and turn my back to him and head towards the door he starts to pout so I'll walk towards him and ask again "will you let me tuck you in now?" and if he still says "no" I again tell him I love him, night night and leave the room. After about 5 minutes of pouting and rocking back and forth I go back in and he finally lets me tuck him in and he goes right to sleep. Other times a second or third hug and kiss is what he needs to lay down. Maybe try that?? It doesn't always work but when it does it's bliss. :)

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