nap issue

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ronee75, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. ronee75

    ronee75 Well-Known Member

    i'm having an issue with my one dd...for the last week she's been having some issues at nap time...she just keeps talking, playing, throwing all the stuff out of her crib, and then eventually crying...for instance, i put them to sleep at 1pm today and the one went right to sleep (she's my good sleeper) and the other one was up until about 2:20pm when i finally went in and pat her literally took 2min to have her fall asleep so she was clearly tired so i don't know what the deal is! she is cutting her last 4 teeth (canines) right now and has been having some night time sleep issues, too, but this is driving me nuts! i went in to scold her several times and lay her back down, but it didn't work...they're only 19mos so i can't imagine she doesn't need to nap anymore (although she is the reason we switched from 2 to 1 a day a few months back)...should i keep going in or do you think this is hindering the sleeping?? i've tried both ways and am getting a bit annoyed at her...because now her sister will be getting up and she just went to sleep...will throw off the night time sleeping routine now too! ughh! any advice?? :headbang:
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Is she learning anything new? We just went through this with JT going on and on and on at night just rambling different words. Well wouldn't ya know it he can now tell us what color everything is! He just couldn't turn his brain off at night! I'm sure teething or any other sickness is not helping her either. Give it some time and hopefully its just a phase that is going to pass quickly! (((HUGS)))
  3. ronee75

    ronee75 Well-Known Member

    thanks mrswright! she's definitely still teething so i know that's one issue...seems like every few months we go through a phase of waking up in the middle of the night for no reason but usually nap is ok...i just don't want to go back to patting her all the time, even though it's only for a minute or two...she needs to go to sleep by herself...oh well, hopefully it's a very short lived phase!!

    on a side note, i noticed you have a 3mo old besides the twins...i was thinking about possibly having one more...any advice? how has it been so far? my main concern is with sleeping (ie different nap schedules, being up every few hrs again) and the logistics of taking them all out with me alone...
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Teething and learning something new could definitely disrupt sleep. If you can, I would not go in there. If you have to, I would pat her quickly and say "shhh" and leave. If she is having days with little or no naps, I would also put her to bed earlier (maybe a half hour or so) to try to make up for the lost nap time. Good luck!
  5. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No advice as I'm still learning LOL but it hasn't been too bad so far! I had days in the beginning when I was super sleep deprived that I would cry after the boys went to bed bc I felt guilty that I was "snapping" at them all day but now that Hannah is STTN it is so much nicer. As for different schedules I've noticed Hannah is sort of just slipping into her own routine around the boys. They go to bed back to back (boys at 6/630 and H at 7/730) and she is actually napping most days in the afternoon with them!! Woohoo! As for taking them all out alone...I only go if I have to and push the boys in a stroller/cart and wear Hannah or I make sure there is *someone* else going with me, even if they have their owns kids who can possibly help maintain somewhat of sanity! LOL! I say go for it! Its hard now but there are alot of moms on here in the same situation that have offered tons of support:)
    I will say the hardest part is all the tantruming but from reading up its not bc I have a 3rd baby that is causing this to annoy would happen regardless;)
  6. ronee75

    ronee75 Well-Known Member

    thanks nancy! i actually did do just that today...she started with the yapping again so i went in and pat her for like 20-30sec, knowing full well it wasn't enough to put her to sleep, and then i left...she said one or two other things but then that was it...yes, success!! i was so happy, especially since i planned on taking a nap with them...she had woken up at 6:30am this morning and never really went back to sleep (although we didn't get up until 7:30) so i was tired too! and thankfully she slept 1.5hrs like her sister...because i've noticed the longer she stays awake, the shorter her naps are...ughh! so hopefully we're back on track!!

    mrswright...thanks for the support! sounds like you definitely have your hands full right now! i certainly don't envy you for that, but on the other hand it sounds like you're figuring it all out and are on your way to a good schedule for them all...good luck!
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