Nap Boycott and Early Waking

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TLorentz, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. TLorentz

    TLorentz Active Member

    I haven't posted in a very long time, so bear with me...
    Brief history, we didn't STTN until 6 1/2 months, but since then have been pretty much champion sleepers with a few hiccups ~ until recently. Up until a few months ago, the boys were going to bed around 7:30pm and waking at 7ish. They were taking 1 1/2 hour to sometimes 2 hour naps. Then all of a sudden without warning, it was like we were starting all over again! Middle of the night wake-up calls, early rising, nap boycotts, you name it! I purchased the My Tot Clock and within 4 weeks it was all better. Then came this past week...week 5. They boycotted every single nap and as of Thursday started waking up earlier and earlier. This morning it was 5 am. We had moved up their bedtime because of the skipped naps and for a few days it seemed to work, but the last two mornings and days have been horrific. Thankfully, and I say this with fingers crossed, bedtime has not been an issue. Not sure what to do at this point. HSHHC doesn't offer much advice for this age group. I've relied heavily on that book for the past 2 years or so and so I'm pretty much at a loss. What happened to my good sleepers? I keep telling myself this is just a phase, but it's getting harder and harder as the days pass by...I know they still need a nap, but I also realize I can't force them to take one. I know this is a power struggle and if they were okay and getting enough sleep at night, I wouldn't make naps such an issue. My belief that them being overtired from not napping is reinforced by them waking up earlier and earlier. They will be three years old in early April. I've read on this forum what a terrible time this age is and I am beginning to see what a struggle I am in please send any advice from those in the throes of what we are going through or those who have BTDT of tricks that have helped that might help save our sanity! Thanks for reading all of this, I know it's a long post:)
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice as I'm in the same boat. It's been an entire week without a nap and quiet time isn't really working. Morning are getting early again too. When they turned 2 they did the same thing. Not sure what is going on. Right now, I'm blaming the full moon! :laughing:
  3. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    We went through this when the kids were about 3. Instead of skipping the naps and moving bed time up, we moved their entire schedule back. We used to put them down for a nap around 12:30, but now they don't go down until 2:00. They used to go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00, now bedtime is 9:00. It didn't do too much for us as far as what time they wake up, but it did get rid of evening crankiness.

    I knew mine still needed a nap because they were unbearable by 5:00 without one. But, now they are getting a nap in everyday and bedtime isn't a huge battle.
  4. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We went through this right around age two. I'm not sure exactly how old your kids are... but when I asked about it, it seemed that a lot of people had gone through the same thing and they recommended staying consistent and keeping up the routine. We struggled with it for awhile, and ended up staying consistent but also making bedtime later. As a bonus, they used to sleep 7-7 with a 45 minute (average) nap... now they sleep 8p-8:30a plus a 1.5-2 hour nap (which is really long for my guys!).

    Good luck. Hope they get back on track soon!!
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