Nanny Pay Question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rocky1010, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. rocky1010

    rocky1010 Member

    I am going back to work on Monday from maternity leave, we plan to use our nanny 3 times a week for 12 hour days. We have used her since mid october 1 day a week for about 6 hours or so. Her birthday is coming up and we have Christmas around the corner, what do you suggest for gifts? I think the going rate for Christmas presents is a weeks salary but since she has not been with us long do you think that is what I should do? I am thinking maybe half that? Also, out of curiousity what is the going rate for a nanny in your area for twin infants (mine are 3 months on the 30th?)

  2. rocky1010

    rocky1010 Member

    I am going back to work on Monday from maternity leave, we plan to use our nanny 3 times a week for 12 hour days. We have used her since mid october 1 day a week for about 6 hours or so. Her birthday is coming up and we have Christmas around the corner, what do you suggest for gifts? I think the going rate for Christmas presents is a weeks salary but since she has not been with us long do you think that is what I should do? I am thinking maybe half that? Also, out of curiousity what is the going rate for a nanny in your area for twin infants (mine are 3 months on the 30th?)

  3. Time2Sow

    Time2Sow Well-Known Member

    a week's pay?! wow. i think that's more money than i spend on most family members, seriously.

    that said, the part time wonderful nanny lady that comes 2x 3 hours a week only charges TEN DOLLARS an HOUR! [​IMG]
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I pay my nanny $400 a week, she works 8-5 M-F. I plan on giving her a nice framed composite/collage photo of the girls and a weeks' pay for Christmas. She's been with us FT since July though.

    I'd give her $100 as a gift since she's not been with you long.
  5. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    I work outside the home 4 days and at home on Fridays. We have a nanny for 2 of those days (family for the other 2). She started with us when I went back to work in July of 2005. We started out paying her 9/hr and now pay 10/hr. Last Christmas we gave her 2 weeks pay as sort of a christmas present/bonus. We really like her and she's great with the girls. I don't see anything wrong with giving her the 2 weeks pay, she does a great job and I look at it as a bonus of sorts. I'm sorry to say that I don't know when her birthday is, but if I did I would probably get her a card and something small.

    Since yours is just starting, I'd give her the 1/2 weeks pay.
  6. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I would not give a weeks pay although I just read that is what you should do. Personally, I think that is so much and like said before, my family members will not even get gifts worth that amount and they have helped us tremendously. We pay 11 an hour and she is part time. I will be giving probably candy and hand lotions or maybe a gift certificate for a massage.
  7. LisaJB

    LisaJB Well-Known Member

    The going rate around here seems to be $650/week (for 40 hour weeks), not including taxes of course...or health insurance (a benefit which more are demanding, and getting). It truly IS a wash, financially: I can go back to work and fork over my entire salary, or, I can stay home.

  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    WOW!!! I'm CHEAP! [​IMG]

    I am watching my nephew (granted, single baby!) for 4 days a week for $45 a day. (Family discount [​IMG] )
  9. lana123

    lana123 Well-Known Member

    We pay $8.00 an hour for pt .. ...I know that is a deal

    I will probably give her $100 for Christmas she has only worked 3 wks

    Mom to Joshua and Rachel
    14 mo
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