naming the Bits

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by li li, Jul 20, 2007.

  1. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    maia has become fascinated by her naked mummy and stares/points every time i go to the toilet - yes, they follow me everywhere. so far, tal is more interested in the toilet paper. we're bringing up the girls bilingual (as my husband is israeli and we live in israel). i have child-friendly names in hebrew for 'front bottom'/'back bottom', but i have no idea what to call them in english :FIFblush: . i don't like the terms front/back bottom very much, but can't think of anything else. when i asked my mum what we used as a child she just said everything was bottom in our family.

    any ideas? what do you use in your family?
  2. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    For back bottom we are using Tooshie. For front bottom DH and I decided on Va jay jay. We heard if on a US show called Greys Anatomy and thought it sounded nice and was close enough to the real name.
  3. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    bottom and ******
    bottom and penis

    I think it is important to use the correct names for body part otherwise it can cause a child to feel ashamed or embarrased of the correct term/name.

    I've never heard "front bottom" before!!
  4. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    We use ****** and bum

    hey I thought they had fixed the word Vaginaaaaa

  5. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I refer to the front as the crotch and the back as the butt.

    The reason I use crotch is because penis or vaginaa is only a small part of the whole area.
  6. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I refer to the front as the "privates" and the back as Bottom
  7. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    For the boys, the front is pee-pee and for Joy the front is her private. The bottom is bum, though they have all learned "butt" by now... :)
  8. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    We use the terms bottom, tushie, goolie, bum and buns for their "back bottom" . We use ****** and penis for the appropriate boy/girl parts. I think that they shoud know what they are called and not be embarassed to hear those words, as most adults are uncomfortable hearing them. They call them girls "gina" and for boys they think it's called a peanut! For a while they thought the body parts were called a giant and a peanut!!!! I got a good laugh out of that! :laughing:
  9. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I use "crotch" for the front. Anatomically correct, not too cutesy, and I personally view the ****** as an internal thing -- when they look at you they are not looking at your "******." Then it's usually butt or bottom for the back, and "tooshie" for the whole thing.

    ETA: of course the edited words were va-gina
  10. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    We use hoochie for the front and booty for the back. The name hoochie comes from my mom and her mom and her mom.
  11. SweetPeaTwinsx2

    SweetPeaTwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    We've named them Pee-Pee & Bum-Bum or just plain Bum. Like a PP said when the girls ask about down that way they are generaly speaking about where their pee comes from, I think. So I dont feel a need to teach them about the whole Va-jay-jay area at this time!!
  12. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    We do penis (the boys say nina) and fanny. They know butt though to. When they see me, I call it what it is *******. Drives my MIL nuts :)

  13. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    My girls call their front area "girl parts" & their back "butt". I learned the hard way about teaching anatomically, scientifically correct language with my oldest dd. The first time I allowed her to wear big girl panties to church she was crawling under the pews while we were singing the opening hymn. I picked her up on my hip & kept singing. She was trying to tell me something & I was shushing her. As the music trailed off & everyone was singing Aaaammmeeeennn my little one was getting quite irritated. As the sanctuary went silent she yelled at the top of her lungs "I SAID YOU'RE HURTING MY VA-GINA!!!!!" - she was not used to sitting on my hip without a diaper. I slunk out of the church to loud guffaws & snickers - 24 years later people still remind me of that day. Months later I was shopping for a new Volvo - & thinking about how cute the salesman was - when my dd said to the salesman "Volvo - I like that, it sounds like my vulva" - dd's dad went running out of the showroom, leaving me to answer the salesman's question "what is a vulva?" To top off the trifecta of embarrassment my mom had a few people over for dinner & was talking about the new "angus beef" that she was serving. My dd was about 4 1/2 & starting laughing & saying "I am not eating anus beef, that is where poop comes out!"

    That is why I use the term girl parts & butt!
  14. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    We refer to the butt as the butt. It is usually called STINKY Butt because of the poopies! I guess I'm on the cutesy side. I call Michael's front his pee pee and Mikayla's her wee wee.

    Bridget :rotflmbo:
  15. tif_anne

    tif_anne Active Member

    Ohhhh No.. I opened this post and my boyfriend and I were having a laugh over some of the stories. He says we will just call it "snapper" and "arse". I laughed and said no way. but HE IS SERIOUS. That is what his Mom called it.. Can you imagine having your small child refer to their va gina as their snapper in public.. I would die.
  16. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    For the boys, we call the back the tush. Front, penis or weewee.
  17. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Usually I call the girls front their "girlie part" and their rear their "tushie" or "butt". I agree with Jenny and Marie that the Va gina is only the internal part and not the entire area. So while it's an anatomically correct term it doesn't really mean what you or the girls are talking about.

    For my son, we'll probably call his penis a pee-pee. Although, my very mature friends and I usually call them "winkies". :rolleyes:
  18. Millie&twins

    Millie&twins Well-Known Member

    We call their butts bottoms (or bums) and their penises willy or penis. Personally I think the anatomically correct way is the way to go but my mom loves the word willy and taught the boys. The girl part (as it is more difficult to find the correct anatomical term) we called va-gina when it first came up and I said it like this: "That is mommy's va-gina!" and both my boys understood "my gina" so from then on it was mommy's gina.
    They now call Ella's also Ella's gina. Ollie (Alex is still in denial and 2 weeks into life with baby Ella he has still not adressed her neither directly nor mentioned her to us in any ways) loves to look when I change Ella and we have the exact same conversation 18 times a day:
    "Mommy, mommy, mommy, Ella's willy fell off!!!"
    "Oh Ollie, don't be silly!"
    Giggles and more giggles "Silly me!!! She doesn't have a willy, she has her GINA!!!!!"

    So yeah... in my house we used to call it the willy and the cheechee... but that just really sounds silly to me!
  19. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I typically say "boy parts" for the front in general since that covers the penis and testicles (and "girl parts") but I also use specific terms on an as-needed basis (as in "let go of your brother's penis"). DH uses "weiner" and "balls" even though I've begged him to use the correct terms. For the back, I use "bum" and DH uses "butt". I just know our kids are going to be the ones the other parents complain about for teaching their kids off-color language...
  20. Tasha

    Tasha Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(BellaRissa @ Jul 21 2007, 09:42 AM) [snapback]339876[/snapback]
    My girls call their front area "girl parts" & their back "butt". I learned the hard way about teaching anatomically, scientifically correct language with my oldest dd. The first time I allowed her to wear big girl panties to church she was crawling under the pews while we were singing the opening hymn. I picked her up on my hip & kept singing. She was trying to tell me something & I was shushing her. As the music trailed off & everyone was singing Aaaammmeeeennn my little one was getting quite irritated. As the sanctuary went silent she yelled at the top of her lungs "I SAID YOU'RE HURTING MY VA-GINA!!!!!" - she was not used to sitting on my hip without a diaper. I slunk out of the church to loud guffaws & snickers - 24 years later people still remind me of that day. Months later I was shopping for a new Volvo - & thinking about how cute the salesman was - when my dd said to the salesman "Volvo - I like that, it sounds like my vulva" - dd's dad went running out of the showroom, leaving me to answer the salesman's question "what is a vulva?" To top off the trifecta of embarrassment my mom had a few people over for dinner & was talking about the new "angus beef" that she was serving. My dd was about 4 1/2 & starting laughing & saying "I am not eating anus beef, that is where poop comes out!"

    That is why I use the term girl parts & butt!

    That is SOOOO hilarious! I have been looking for a reason to use my own terms. :) :)
  21. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twoplustwo @ Jul 20 2007, 03:16 PM) [snapback]339305[/snapback]
    bottom and ******
    bottom and penis

    I think it is important to use the correct names for body part otherwise it can cause a child to feel ashamed or embarrased of the correct term/name.

    I've never heard "front bottom" before!!

    Same here. I also heard that if a child knows the correct terms for their body parts that preditors are less likely to assult them.
  22. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Tasha @ Jul 21 2007, 06:51 PM) [snapback]340005[/snapback]
    That is SOOOO hilarious! I have been looking for a reason to use my own terms. :) :)

    Me too. That story about the church girl was very funny. I like 'snapper' and 'arse' too.
    My husband is from the Virgin Islands, so they have their own slang for things too. We use their slang for the girls parts. "Nush" is the bottom front and "Banna------phoenetically pronounced Bhan-nah". "Coocoo banna" is poopy drawers. So they know that means a diaper change. I'm not sure what they call a penis. I think once they get older I'll tell them correct terms. Not that I'm embarrassed, but I too don't want my girls hollering about thier 'va-ginas' in public. My two year old neice knows anatomically corrert terms and I've heard stories of her saying things about her 'gina' in public.

    Hey Li li,looks like our girls were born on the same day, May 1st. My two are doing the same thing.
  23. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    we call the ****** a "V V" (vee vee)I don't know where the heck it came from. I guess v for ****** and to make it sound cute we call it a v v

    The bottom we call a tooshy (hmmm i never actually wrote that word so i'm not sure about the spelling)

    I'm not avoiding the appropriate terms for any particular reason. I just like calling them that. When they are a little bit older and start to ask questions about it then I will use the proper terms. For now, they are babies and it has just become part of my motherese.
  24. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    for the back I use butt or buns - for Ian's penis I call it a winky - just sorta stuck because not that my mom's a prude but 'penis' is just tooo - correct...
    for Abby we call it a hoo-hoo
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